Bees Doing Good Work
Buffalo Evening News June 28, 1901

Supt. Hershiser, in charge of the New York State aparian exhibit, in his weekly report, issued this morning, quotes some interesting figures. Since June 1 the seven colonies of bees that have been working in the seven hives have made 160 pounds of comb honey and 450 pounds of extracted honey, a total of 610 pounds. One hive alone has turned out 64 pounds and is now working on another section. Mr. Hershiser expects that by the middle of this week the colony will have produced 96 pounds of honey. Another hive has 32 pounds to its credit, and the others varying amounts.

The exhibit is in the gallery of the Agriculture building, and one section of the glass portion of the building has been removed. Through this opening the bees make their way to the fields of rich clover that are to be found in all parts of the Exposition grounds. The bees are particularly fond of Supt. Scott's open-air flower shows. The honey they are producing is of a particularly clear and high-class quality. This, Mr. Hershiser says, is due to the abundance of rich clover and flowers that they are able to find.


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