Buffalo Evening News
July 9, 1901

The Biggest Cheese

The largest cheese in the world was today placed on exhibition in the Dairy building at the Pan-American Exposition. The Dairy building is located on the Mall, just east of the Agricultural building and near the East Amherst gate. Supt. W.W. Hall is today installing the butter and cheese exhibit, and getting it ready for the judging which takes place tomorrow and Thursday.

The big cheese occupies a proud position in the center of a magnificent collection of cheese that comes from all parts of New York State and Canada, Wisconsin, Ohio and Michigan. This "big cheese" weighs 1100 pounds. It is three feet in diameter and 26 inches in height. A better idea of its size can be gained when it is said that it is almost as big around as the boiler on the average switch engine.

The cheese was made under what is known as the English Cheddar process, and while the texture is silky, yet it is as firm as a tub of butter. It is the product of 11,000 pounds, or 5500 quarts of milk. When it is understood that the ordinary cow gives an average yield of 5000 pounds of milk a year, it will be seen that it would take the yield of one cow for two years and a half to make a counterpart of the cheese now on exhibition. The cheese has been placed at the Exposition by W.C. Dunham & Co. of Cuba, N.Y. It was made at Otto, Cattaraugus county, N.Y. and will remain at the Fair during the entire season.

The cheese is large enough to give every man, woman and child employed at the Pan-American Exposition a piece weighing an ounce and a half. Supt. Hall is spending this evening figuring out how many cheese sandwiches it would make.