[Letter addressed to "Miss Elizabeth A Mairs, 765 Fourth Avenue, Lansingburgh, New York"] Sunday Afternoon [June 2, 1901] Dear Liz, Maybe I haven't a right to feel tired and take a good rest today. In the last two days I have put in over twenty hours of solid work, not just on duty but actually working, my wages amounting to over three dollars for the two days. Friday I put in the largest days work I have done so far, eleven and a half hours actual work, had one party for eight hours. Then yesterday morning the same party telephoned to headquarters saying that they wanted me again. so I me ther and had her for seven hours and when she left the grounds she said she might want me again Monday. Guess your brother must make himself kind of agreeable to people, eh? Her sister who was with her asked me to lunch with them at the American Inn Friday noon but I didn't have the nerve to do it so I lost a good hot meal. Do you not think I was foolish? Can't help it, my old bashfulness sometimes gets the better of me.
Isn't it fierce, I didn't get to bed until this morning. Didn't get off from work until after eleven. There was a cute little fellow on the car I came in on last night. The car was packed and although there were ladies standing I kept my seat because I was so tired. A man a woman got on the car with two little boys. The woman stood right in front of me but instead of giving up my seat I picked up the smaller boy and sat him on my knee and chatted with him about the Expo. To all my questioning he always answered, "Yes, thank you." He was a perfect little gentleman and when I got off his father turned and thanked me, so I found out where the little chap got it from. There were going to be fireworks Thursday evening to celebrate Decoration Day but it rained so they were postponed till last evening and say, they were all right. I did not happen to be working just then so all I had to do was to sit in my chair and watch them and enjoy life. What a fortunate little girl you are to have a cousin who will send you such loads of nice things. Lots of money saved by it and they say "a penny saved is a penny earned" so just think of how much you are earning. My, but won't you have an elegant time when you visit Ted. Her being so popular is just paving the way for you to have just the best kind of time when you get there. You must send Ted my congratulations on her success, when you write her. What a good hearted "little Sis" you are not to give the kid who pulled up your lillies a deuce of a scolding and march him home. You say that the picture you retain of the Driftwoodites is far worse than the one you sent me. I saw nothing bad about that. It's a rightly cute picture. If you won't sent [sic] the other so I can see for myself what it is, I think I'll have to write Carol telling her the pictures I have and ask what the other one is. I'm sure I can't imagine because she showed me all she had and I saw none, as you say, far worse than this last one you sent. But talking of sending, I'll send something in this same mail which I think you will like and will also try to get the "Maid" off to you this week so keep your eyes peeled and treat the maid well and she'll stay with you quite a while. You certainly are fortunate if G.T.M. can get you the pass you spoke of because you can save just that much towards another trip if you should happen to want to take one this fall. No, this fourth of July won't be spent in N. watching intercollegiate games or poseing [sic] as a German teacher either. Poor Harte, if he only knew all he missed. But speaking of Harte, have you heard from Nell P. lately? Yes, I agree with you in thinking that that wait until August was a great waste of time. But it was all Ty's fault. He wouldn't help matters along for the "little minister." Won't you have an elegant time getting up at six to get Tyler's breakfast. I [sic] must nearly break your heart to think of it. Never mind you can go to bed at a reasonable hour which is more than I can do, so you still have the hedge on me. No, Sis, by "do not judge the entire summer by the first two weeks" I did not mean I was going to have as hot a time as I possibly could. I meant that I would not be going out every night for pleasure. No, I have not paid G. C. his fourteen cents, I'll enclose them in stamps in this letter so you may pay him for me. I'm sure you'll be glad to do so. Now that you spoke of sending me that frame of my pretty girl, my witty girl and with photos of you in it I won't be happy till I get it. It is just what I have been wishing for ever since we happened to speak of the frame belonging to Tyler way back last September, so please be real good and send it on complete. Just tell your mother that she was mistaken when she said I had menagerie enough of you here, because I never will have, so yes, I'll say Pretty Please send it on. Mother will also be very much pleased because from what I've told her she thinks you are all right, strictly "up to the limit" as it were. Well I have run out of space so with best regards to your Mother I am Your brother, James A. J. Hall. |
To the September 15, 1901 James Hall Letter