This Day in 1901 Archives: September 1901

All stories from the Buffalo Evening News, unless otherwise noted

September  1:  (Advice to Shriners Arriving August 31)

September 2:  Since the theft of an automobile from the East Amherst entrance of the Exposition was exclusively related in the NEWS, owners of those vehicles are naturally dubious about the fate of their machines during automobile week.

If one can be stolen without detection, what is to prevent others being stolen, is the question that naturally arises in the minds of owners of automobiles. In view of the fact that each machine represents an investment of from $700 to $2000, it is not be wondered at that they might feel reluctant to leave them outside the gates to become the spoil of the nervy crooks that are drawn here by the Exposition.

When a NEWS reporter asked Director-General Buchanan what means the Exposition intended to adopt to protect automobiles from thieves, he said, “We have not taken that up yet. We did not realize that any special protection was necessary until we read the account of the stealing of one the other day in the NEWS. We will see to it, however, that there is a large enough guard of patrolmen to protect the automobiles that may be here during automobile week.”
Will there be any shelter to protect the machines in case of rain?
“We have not made any arrangements for that end yet."

September 3:   Story 1 “President McKinley will arrive tomorrow afternoon at 5:30 o'clock,” said Mr. E.R.Rice, chairman of the Presidential Day reception committee this afternoon, “and will be driven over to Porter avenue, to North street, to Delaware avenue, to the home of Mr. Milburn.

It was not known at first whether Mrs. McKinley would be strong enough to come on with the President, but it is now expected she will be here...”

Only one change has been made in the programme for Thursday, and that is this - the President, after reviewing the troops in the Stadium, will inspect the Canadian exhibit and, one after another, will look at the exhibits which the various Pan-American countries have...After the inspection he will take luncheon at the New York State building as the guest of the New York State Board of managers.

A committee consisting of Messrs. John G. Milburn, John N. Scatcherd, Mayor Conrad Diehl, Maj. Thomas Symons and E.R. Rice will meet the President's train at Dunkirk.

The grandstand from which President McKinley will review the troops on President's Day is being erected on the Esplanade. It extends from the eastern end of the pergola from the Mines building to the northwestern pylon of the Triumphal Bridge. The place upon the platform will be covered with a canopy. The western end will be occupied by the Marine Band. The structure will be decorated with the national colors.

The stand will be connected with the western end of the Triumphal Bridge by a covered way. The carriages containing the President and his party will be driven to the bridge on President's Day. The party will disembark there and gain the reviewing stand by the covered way, while the carriages will remain upon the bridge in waiting until the close of the exercises.

Story 2 In addition to being District of Columbia Day, today at the Pan-American is known as Orphans' Day. All the inmates of the various orphan asylums are visiting the Exposition today in a body. They are admitted free as the guests of the Exposition company.  The little ones are, of course, in the charge of regular attendants and are taken on regular tours through the various buildings. Several of the Midway concessions will give one or two performances during the day and evening when the orphans will be admitted free. The members of St. Vincents' Orphan asylum, 146 children and 5 attendants, were the first on the grounds. They were taken to the East Amherst gate in special cars loaned by the Buffalo Railway company and entered the grounds at 9 o'clock.

Other orphan asylums that were represented on the grounds this morning by their inmates were the Buffalo Orphan Asylum with 98 members, Father Baker's institution with 300 members, and Our Lady of Victory Band, and St. John's Orphan Home with 83 members. The little girls in the latter band, all holding hands and wearing blue dresses with white stripes, attracted a great deal of attention. The children from each asylum were admitted by the wagon gate and did not pass through the stiles. Therefore their number will not be added to the total of today's attendance.

Each child carried a little box containing lunch. The children all visited the Manufactures building and the Government building. They admired especially the fisheries exhibit.

September 4: Story 1  (Canton)The Presidential Party left Canton for Buffalo at 10 o'clock this morning and will reach the Pan-American Exposition about six o'clock this evening. The trip will be made with reference to safety more than to speed, as the President looks after the comfort of both Mrs. McKinley and himself in traveling.

The party which left here this morning was composed of President and Mrs. McKinley, Secretary Cortelyou, Dr. Rixey, Misses Ida and Mary Barber, nieces of Mr. and Mrs. McKinley, two executive stenographers, a nurse and a maid for McKinley and the usual secret service detail. At Cleveland Miss Sarah Duncan, another niece of the McKinleys, will join the party.

The trip from here was made in a special train composed of two sleepers and a day coach and baggage car...

The President will not allow his official business to accumulate while he is in Buffalo. He and Secretary Cortelyou have taken with them sufficient executive machinery and help to do all the business necessary to be done en route to Buffalo.

President and Mrs. McKinley are both in excellent health, both have looked forward with special anticipation to their visit to Buffalo and the Exposition. The President has expressed a strong desire to visit the city and repeatedly has said he hoped nothing would interfere to cause a postponement of the trip. The President expects to visit Niagara Falls Friday, but to return to Buffalo in time to attend a reception on that day.

The party will leave Buffalo for Cleveland Saturday and be guests of Col. and Mrs. Herrick and Senator and Mrs. Hanna. They will return to Canton Saturday, Sept. 14. They will, it is generally understood, leave several days later for Washington.

Story 2  Letter to the Editor   "...I have been to the Pan four times, on four different days, about three weeks apart on an average, and can frankly say I have yet to receive the first uncivil word, or to be subjected to the first slight of any kind whatever. I have not been looking for trouble, but have gone to get the most of a good thing, and have got it. I have been attached to parties of different size at different times - men, women and little children - and all has gone well. We have passed in and out of the Midway, kept together and separated as was desirable, have been here, there and everywhere, and have received no hurt, but live in happy expectation of four more visits. I am making it a point that each of my children shall see this great Exposition, lest such never come so near again. It is too grand an educational advantage to miss.

In reading all the growls and complaints one is almost forced to the conclusion that plenty of people travel who ought never to leave home. Prudishness can always find something to be shocked at, and ought to be kept out of print. Those who travel and find nothing but the impure in suggestion can only be likened to the fable of the two angels, one of whom soared over the earth and saw naught but a dead horse, so became a vulture, while the other returned with reports of beauty and sweetness, and became a hummingbird. Wasn't it something like that?

I shall take my wife to see Cleopatra, but not my little girls. I shall want my little girls to enjoy the sprites and fairies on the floats, ride on the miniature railways, see the animals, watch the fishery exhibits, and romp where they enjoy it most, while altogether we drink in the beauty and the grandeur of the illuminations, the buildings, and go home at night feeling that it will take weeks to digest what we saw in a day."

September  5:  Story 1   President's Day was idealistic. It was reflected in the golden glow of a perfect autumn day.  A hundred thousand people with happiness written on their faces were a throbbing, speakable testimonial to the statesmanship of the honored guest of the day. Not even the smallest casualty occurred to leave its imprint of sadness on the events of the day, while a dozen happened to illustrate the whole-souled Americanism of the President and the feeling of kinship which the people have for their President.

Hundreds and thousands, men, women and children, waited eagerly and expectantly for the President to reappear from the New York State building where the luncheon, tendered by the State commissioners, was in progress. He emerged at 3:45 (2:45?), escorted by Mr. Milburn and Mr. Cortelyou, his secretary, and the crowd cheered themselves hoarse. It was merely a repetition of the scene of which the President was the central figure everywhere that he was recognized.

It was scheduled in the programme that the reception by the members of the government board would take place in the Government Building immediately following the luncheon and thither the President's party was driven, escorted and guarded in the same detail that had been arranged for the events of the day. The route was east to the Forecourt, thence to the Esplanade, thence east to the Government Building.

In the south drive, through which the carriages passed, were drawn up long files of government troops, standing at “present arms!” and the Marine Band playing, “Hail to the Chief”.  As the President alighted at the main entrance the full government stepped forward to greet him. Escorted by Chairman Brigham the President then made a survey of the government exhibit, beginning with the Fisheries Building. It was necessarily a limited inspection, but the President scrutinized everything in a searching way, as if to gather the most sweeping idea of the work that had been a general comprehensive idea of the success of the display. From the Fisheries Building he returned he returned to the main building and inspected it from south to north. He went out of the north entrance and saw the big guns of the artillery, then crossed to the agricultural division, where he noted particularly the Philippine exhibit. At 3:45 he returned to the main building where the foreign visitors and invited guests had gathered. The Marine Band gave a delightful concert while the President was looking at the government display.

President McKinley received the guests with Chairman Brigham and Mr. Milburn. He was notably cordial to the army and navy officers present, and had a pleasant word for each as he shook their hands...

At 4:45 the party were at Mr. Milburn's home and the fatiguing events of the day were over. Mr. McKinley was assured that Mrs. McKinley was comfortable and suffered no ill-effects from the day's excitement.

Dinner was served about 5:45 o'clock, to give the party ample time to refresh themselves before returning to the grounds for the illumination. At 6:45 the carriages and the escort were at the door and the President, Mrs. Milburn, Mr. Milburn and Secretary Cortelyou entered the first carriage and the party were whirled away to the grounds in the same carefully planned way of the earlier visit.

A remarkable crush of humanity had collected in the Forecourt and it was and it was only by persistence and patience that the escort of the President forced a passage for his carriage. The crowd had gathered to see the President and Mrs. McKinley as well as the illumination, for they cheered the party heartily. A space had been cleared for the carriages on the Triumphal Bridge.

While waiting for the crowning spectacle of the Exposition the party conversed in low tones, Mrs. McKinley leaning on the President's arm. Presently every light went out and immediately it was followed by a rosy tinge suggestive of dawn. As the lights brightened almost imperceptibly, the President and Mrs. McKinley looked with rapt attention, and when it finally burst forth in all its glory something almost resembling a sigh escaped Mrs. McKinley. The President was silent.

After looking upon the brilliant scene for several minutes the party drove to the Art Gallery landing. Boats were at the dock waiting to convey the President and other guests to the Life Boat station where they were to view the fireworks. After the fireworks they were returned to the carriages by the way they had come and were driven rapidly to Mr. Milburn's home. This ended the day's program.

Story 2 Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, president of the National American Suffrage Association, arrives in Buffalo tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock for the National Suffrage Congress, to be held here on next Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Catt, with her officers, will stay at the Kenilworth, and will receive as early as 10 o'clock on Friday all those who wish to put themselves in accord with the suffrage meeting.

September 6:  Story 1  The President's Programme today:

8:15 a.m. - The President and party accompanied by mounted escort, will drive from the Milburn home, out Delaware Avenue to the Lincoln Parkway entrance to the Exposition, through the Exposition to the Railroad gate.
9 a.m. - Special train of parlor cars will leave Railroad gate with the President and party and a few invited guests and the escort, numbering about 100 in all. The train will go over the New York Central to Lewiston.
9:50 a.m. - The President will arrive at Lewiston and transfer to private cars of Gorge route.
10:50 a.m. - The President will leave Lewiston via the Gorge route.
11:15 a.m. - The President will arrive at Niagara Falls, where carriages will take the party for a drive to Prospect Park and Goat Island.
12:05 p.m. - The President will arrive at the International Hotel for luncheon, at 12:30 p.m. in the hotel ballroom.
1:45 p.m. - The entire party will leave the International Hotel, driving through the Main street to the River Road and thence to the power house.
2:00 p.m.- Arrive at the Power House.
2:45 p.m. - The party will drive to the Fifteenth street crossing, where the special train will be waiting on the Central.
2:55 p.m. - The President will leave Niagara Falls on the special train.
3:30 p.m. - The President will arrive at the Railroad entrance to the Exposition.
4:00 p.m. - The President will arrive at the Temple of Music, where a public reception will be held.
The programme for the remainder of the day will be informal. One of the events will be a luncheon to be tendered the President and his wife this evening at the handsome home of Mr. George L. Williams.

(The President was shot at 4:07 p.m. as he stood in the receiving line in the Temple of Music)

Story 2 The proudest programme boy on the Exposition grounds is named Kloenhammer. He is stationed at the Lincoln Parkway gate and has a voice like a fog horn. He rose to the occasion this morning, however, and now is a hero among his fellows.

It was when the President's carriage drove into the grounds, at an early hour, before the crowds were there, that Kloenhammer distinguished himself. The prancing horses were pulled up for an instant to allow the President to admire the beautiful scene that bursts into view just before the Lion bridge is reached.

“Here's a programme for you, Mr. President,” said the boy, eluding the police escort and stepping close to the carriage. He handed McKinley three.

The President took them, smiled, reached into his pocket and handed the boy a dollar.

Kloenhammer put his hand behind him and took a backward step. “No, sir, that's a present,” he said determinedly.

The President smiled again, returned the coin to his pocket, nodded a thanks and was whisked away. Kloehammer stood in the middle of the roadway and watched the carriage until it was out of sight.

September 7:  Story 1  President McKinley maintains a good measure of his strength and those who watch at his bedside feel more hopeful of his ultimate recovery. The shock from the shooting appears to have been less than was anticipated, and the President's robust condition is his best resource.

It is admitted that the crisis in his condition has not yet come, and that there is the grave danger until it has been safely passed. Several bulletins came from the chamber of the wounded President during the day. They all indicated a spirit of hopefulness. The President rested well, there were no alarming conditions of temperature or pulse and the spirits of the sufferer were excellent...

Story 2  When darkness fell last night several hundred people gathered on the Triumphal Bridge to see the illumination of the grounds. At the usual hour the Electric Tower and the rest of the buildings remained in gloom. The minutes became hours and still no light appeared.

At 9 o'clock a man passed through the Esplanade telling everyone he met – “The operating surgeons have signed a statement saying they think the President will recover.” A group gathered about him at the Triumphal Bridge and he was rehearsing the glad tidings when, as if in sympathy with the rejoicing over the news a tender flush broke forth on the Electric Tower and the stately structure glowed gradually into its accustomed radiance. At the same moment the electric searchlight was seen to glimmer and then its wide bar of light was seen to sweep through the sky. As the spectators watched it they beheld it make a sudden swoop, and settle upon the 100-foot Flag of the U.S. above their heads.

Every star gleamed out from its azure field and every stripe gleamed radiantly forth from the surrounding darkness. The glorious emblem waved slowly backward and forward between the Pylons of the bridge, heaved by a gentle breeze.

Involuntarily, every man in the crowd removed his hat in awe, and then a murmured cheer was heard. The appearance of the national colors from the surrounding gloom taken in connection with the announcement just heard was accepted as an omen that the powers of hell and murder were baffled and that the country and the President were safe.

Story 3  Superintendent of Concessions Townsend this morning issued the following statement –

“The Midway will be open today. Everything will run full blast. The President is still alive, his condition is hopeful and it seems to be the general opinion of those in authority that the sooner events at the Pan-American and about the country in general are allowed to resume their normal condition, the better it will be for all.

“The concessionaires closed their attractions and stopped their bands last evening, voluntarily, as soon as they learned that the President's condition was serious. Of course we would have asked them to close had they not done so, but this was not necessary.”

The Bazaar building, usually a busy mart of trade as long as there are a dozen people on the grounds, was closed tighter than a drum at 9 o'clock last night. It was noticeable that the Japanese booth was the first to close, followed closely by that one where the Indian goods are disposed of.

The shooting had a marvelous effect on prizes. The demand for souvenirs with a picture of the Temple of Music or the President was tremendous. Pictures of President McKinley that usually brought 5 cents were selling for 25 cents at six o'clock and by 7 o'clock they were 50 cents and at 8 o'clock they couldn't be purchased for love or money. Little trays with pictures of the Temple of Music on them went like hot cakes. From three for a quarter they rose to 25 cents in an instant.

The crowds were this morning were not large. The inspectors at all the gates reported unusually light crowds for a Saturday. Those who did come came not as picnickers. but more like attendants at a funeral. They spoke in low tones and gazed silently from afar at the closed Temple of Music, the scene of the attempted murder.

One old man and his wife came in at the railway gate. Country was written all over them. In his hand he held a morning paper, and again and again he read the bulletin saying that at 1 o'clock the President had been resting well. Away down in the Esplanade he spied an American flag flying at the very top of a tall flag pole.

“Thank God, it's there yet,” he said, tears streaming down his face. “I hope it will never fly at half-mast.”  And hundreds who heard him echoed the sincere, simple words.

Story 4  Every door of the Temple of Music was closed to visitors today. Tomorrow, however, it will be opened once more. But the morbidly curious who go there to see blood stains on the floor that mark the place where assassination struck down the President will be disappointed. By nightfall every trace will be erased and the location be obliterated by chairs. This will be done to prevent crowds from infesting the spot.

This morning everything was in the same condition as when yesterday's tragedy was enacted there. A row of chairs stretched in an arc from the southeastern to the southwestern door. The other chairs formed a similar hedge on the other side of the six-foot aisle.

The chairs were draped with purple. About one-third of the length of the aisle from the southwestern door, which was used for the entrance at yesterday's ill-fated reception was a throne-shaped screen of flags about seven feet high. This was flanked with palms, ferns and two bay trees in tubs. It was directly before this that the President stood when the miscreant messenger of anarchy shot him down.

About six feet  to the right of this, and almost in the center of the aisle, was a dark splotch of blood. This flowed from the nose of the would-be assassin when he was knocked down by the blow of the fist of the negro, James H. Parker.

Assistant District Attorney Haller was busy in the Temple of Music all the morning taking photographs of the place for use in the coming trial of the Anarchist Czolgosz. He was assisted by Chief Engineer Field, Charles J. Glose, Superintendent of Building, and Robert Cherry, Superintendent of Transportation at the Exposition.

September 8:   Story 1  “Big Jim” Parker, the colossal negro who claims to have captured Anarchist Czolgosz after the latter fired shots at President McKinley, was the tawny lion of the Exposition yesterday.

He has sold all the buttons off his coat for $24 to crazy souvenir hunters, and has received one offer to go into a Midway show. Another applicant has appeared for the privilege of photographing him and selling his pictures.

“Big Jim” is appropriately nicknamed. He is 6 feet 6 inches in height. He was born in Atlanta about 30 years ago, but lived in New York lately until last Saturday when he came to Buffalo and secured work as a waiter in the Plaza restaurant. His right name is James Benjamin Parker.

“If it wan't fo' me that mu'derer would of fired the rest of them three shots fum his pistol and the President would of bin killed,” is the substance of his claim to heroism.

Stripped of his Georgian negro accent, “Big Jim's” story of how he saved President McKinley's life is as follows:

“I was in the line waiting to shake hands with the President. This fellow (Czolgosz) when I felt the door crowded in front of me. I was next to a little girl, 12 years old, and wanted to keep there, but he kept along beside me and crowded in. I tried to keep him out, but at last I said, ‘You ---------, go on then.’

“The President shook hands with the little girl and then reached out his hand to this fellow. Bang! Bang! went a revolver which the fellow had in his right hand near his waist. he had his hat in his left hand.

When I heard the shots I grabbed him so –“  throwing his forearm around the neck of the NEWS reporter from behind by way of illustration, and causing the subject of his illustration to experience strangulation.  “You son --------! You've shot the President! I shouted.

“The hold I had on his throat caused him to throw up the hand with the revolver. If it hadn't been for that action he would have fired the other three shots. As soon as his hand went up, Foster grabbed the revolver. An artilleryman grabbed the weapon out of Secret Service Officer Foster's hand and drew a big knife on him. He must have thought Foster looked like an Anarchist. He did look more like one than the other one did, because he had glasses and a three days' growth of beard.

“Just then a big, fleshy officer struck the man that fired the shot a heavy blow in the face. It knocked us both down. The murderer tried to get up, but I held him down by that elbow clasp of his throat. If he had a got up he would have escaped, because the struggle was all about Foster, who kept crying, ‘It ain't me that shot the President. There he is, there!’ In spite of that he got pummeled up by the artillerymen and the guards.

“Then a couple of guards struck my prisoner twice with their clubs. The only time he spoke was when he said, I did my duty.

“Afterwards I helped put the prisoner in the carriage.”

Story 2  The shadow of the President's bed of pain and fever lay across the Pan-American Exposition yesterday. Considering the size of the crowd in the grounds the place was painfully quiet. Many of the Midway shows had pictures of the President over the entrances. Even the outside lecturers extolled their respective shows with the soft pedal on their voice.

The majority of the visitors exhibited a morbid curiosity concerning the Temple of Music. Throughout the morning they peered through the windows after vainly trying the doors. Everyone wanted to see the spot where the President was shot. At the concerts in the afternoon the Temple and its approaches were packed almost to the point of suffocation. Those that gained entrance spent more time in trying to locate the place where the President stood than in listening to the music. The chairs were so arranged, however, that no one could locate the exact place.

‘What is the latest?’ is the query used so constantly with reference to the President's condition, that it has become the watchword at the Pan-American Exposition. Every visitor at the grounds yesterday made it his or her first business to inquire concerning President McKinley's condition. When it was not the query quoted above the question was “Will he recover?” or “Do you think he is in danger?”  Patrolmen, attendants at he booths and pavilions, even the spielers on the Midway were plied with these inquiries hour after hour, from sunrise to sunset.

Mercy was a stranger to the throng in the ground yesterday. The murderous attack on the President was the one topic discussed everywhere and everybody was hungry for revenge.

“They never ought to have let that anarchist get out of the grounds alive!</i> was the expression heard most frequently. The fiercest in his denunciations of the attempted assassination was George D. Linden, the Commissioner in charge of the Peru and French Colonial exhibits.

“It's the most shameful thing I ever heard, the way your President was shot down,” he exclaimed to a NEWS reporter, “and it is more shameful still that the miscreant is alive who did the dastardly deed. In other countries he would not have been allowed to live 24 hours after such a crime.

Civilized punishment is too feeble to fit such a case. Barbarism that would drag him by the heels of wild horses over the road the President went yesterday would be a more appropriate finish for him.

September 9:  Story 1 (excerpt from article on President McKinley's condition)...”It has been stated in one of the papers, Mr. Cortelyou, that the President suffers considerably. is that true?”

“It is not true. The President suffers no pain. He is resting comfortably. It was natural that he should be nervous toward night. He does not move very much and, of course, gets very tired. He is very thirsty and can't be given any water to speak of. Coupled together, these things naturally occasion some uneasiness and restlessness. The President continues to be very cheerful and this morning inquired, ‘What is the news?’

“Of course, we discourage his talking at all times. During the morning the President slept naturally and quietly and awoke much refreshed.

“All telegrams and news,” continued Mr. Cortelyou, “are kept from the President. They are coming in by the thousands and we have not attempted to give them out except the two or three from crowned heads.

“The President knows that Mrs. McKinley is bearing up magnificently and it cheers him. That is about all the information he has been allowed to know.”

Mr. Cortelyou said that the President was able to turn himself a little without help, although he always informed the nurses of it before trying to move himself.

Vice-President Roosevelt left the Milburn house at 11:42. “I am confident, very confident, that the President will recover,” was the Vice President's cheerful statement to the waiting newspapermen.

Mrs. McKinley started for a drive at 2:30. She was accompanied by Mrs. Lafayette McWilliams. The absence of the President's wife from the house gave assurance that the conditions were not such as to excite any alarm.

Story 2  For the first time since the assassination of the President, the Temple of Music was open to the public yesterday. Curious people walked in and out all day. The majority tried to get as near as possible to the place where the President was standing when the murderous shot was fired, though this had been covered by the readjustment of the seats and all traces of the tragedy had been obliterated.

A detail of Exposition police were on hand to restrain souvenir hunters, but their presence was not needed more than once or twice. The crowds seemed to be awed with such respect for the place that they would not chip off pieces of furniture for keepsakes or do any other act of petty vandalism.

Lund's Pan-American Orchestra occupied the Temple from 1 o'clock till 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. Everett E. Truette of Boston, assisted by Miss Annie May, violinist, gave an organ recital from 4 o'clock till 6 o'clock.

September 10:  Story 1  “President McKinley is well on the road to recovery,” said Dr. Herman Mynter when seen at his home, 566 Delaware avenue, by a NEWS reporter this afternoon. Dr. Mynter was one of the surgeons who operated on the President at the Emergency Hospital immediately after the tragedy enacted in the Temple of Music on Friday afternoon.  Dr. Matthew D. Mann was the other. To their promptness and skill more than to any other agency is the recovery of the President attributable.

“There is no reason to expect retrogression in his case,” continued Dr. Mynter, “and if he continues to improve as he has in the last 24 hours we will have him out of doors inside of three weeks. His chances for being in Washington a month from today are most excellent.”

“What kind of patient does he make?” was asked.

“An ideal one,” said Dr. Mynter. “This morning when I approached his bedside I told him how glad I was to see him convalescing and said I did not know whether to attribute his recovery to his excellent constitution, to the splendid care he has had or to the constant earnest prayers of the American people.

He looked up and said with a smile, “Well, doctor, I'm sure the prayers of the good people have had a great deal to do with it.” When Drs. Mynter and Mann were leaving the President's bedroom, the distinguished patient remarked to one of the nurses, “These doctors have been pretty good to me. I'll have to take them to Washington, I guess, and give them a high old time.”

Story 2 In point of attendance, the National American Suffrage Woman Association which opened its two days' congress in City Convention Hall yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, exceeds most of the other conventions held here this year. One thing is in its favor and pays a compliment to the Pan-American board which invited the Suffragists and that is the leaders of the movements of the National Suffrage women are here, among them Susan B. Anthony, the President, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, the Rev. Anna B. Shaw, Miss Kate M. Gordan, the national secretary, Mrs. Fanny Humphreys Gaffney, president of the National Council of Women, Miss Mary Anthony of Rochester, the Rev. Phoebe A. Hanaford, Miss Harriet May Mills of Syracuse, State organizer,and also the veteran suffragist, Mr. Henry B. Blackwell, the husband of Lucy Stone.

Mrs. Catt presided at the meeting and after devotional service introduced Mayor Diehl, who made a brief speech of greeting on behalf of the Pan-American Board of which he is a member and for himself as Mayor of the city of Buffalo.

Mayor Diehl's welcome was supplemented by a delightful speech by Mrs. Elizabeth B. McGowen on the part of the clubs and organizations committee of the Women's Pan-American Board, Mrs. McGowan expressing in admirable manner the cordiality of the board and its spirit of hospitality toward the National American Woman Suffrage Association.

Mrs. Catt responded to the greetings setting forth the world-side influence of the conferences in the World's Congress in Chicago, and referring to the light attendance at the Buffalo congresses this year not altogether with discouragement, saying that Socrates once had for an audience only one man, but that one was Plato, and hence as good as all Athens.

Mrs. Catt hoped and believed that even a few hearers would serve to spread abroad the messages the various societies have to give.

Mrs. Catt is a strong, forceful speaker, a trained thinker and is strong in logic and argument, all of which showed later on when she closed with a five-minute speech, a symposium of essays and discourses on the various reasons why women require the ballot. Mrs. Catt possesses also a sympathetic, convincing voice and an earnestness which invests whatever she has to say with great weight.

The Rev. Anna B. Shaw occupied the last period of the afternoon and if there was any weak point in the cause set forth on any unwise statements, her sound logic and forceful conclusions in summing up the situation went far to mend and restore.

Susan B. Anthony gave interested attention to most of the programme, her intelligent strong face lighting up when any particular point was made in favor of her lifelong desire, the enfranchisement of women. Last evening Miss Anthony gave “The Outlook” for the suffragists and Dr. Emily Brainard Ryder of Bombay, India, spoke of the education of women in politics in the East.

The music was in charge of Mrs. Clarence M. Fenton both afternoon and evening, Miss Mabel McConnell singing last evening, and in the afternoon Miss Harriet Cohn sang “Haymaking.”

The remaining programme for the congress is
Afternoon – Music
introduction, Fanny Humphreys Gaffney, president National Council of Women, and fraternal delegates
“Counterparts,”  Laura Clay, Kentucky
“The Need of the Hour,” Ida Husted Harper, Indiana
“A Retrospect,” Harriet Taylor Upton, Ohio
“Question Box,”  Rev. Anna H. Shaw.
Evening - solo, “Spring Song,” (Oscar Well), Miss Harriet Cohn
“Some Present Illusions,” Harriet May Mills, New York
“When Knighthood Shall Flower Again,” Evelyn H. Belden, Iowa
“Progressive Ideals of American Women,” Rev. Anna H. Shaw.

September 11:    Story 1 Irritation became noticeable in President McKinley'a exterior wound yesterday afternoon. This wound includes the hole made by the bullet from Czolgosz's revolver, and the slit resulting from the surgeon's knife. The attention of the surgeons was directed to this irritation by the President, who complained of soreness in the region of the wound.

At last night's consultation this soreness was the chief topic of discussion, the general opinion of the surgeons being that it resulted from the fact that when the President was shot the bullet carried with it into his abdomen a small fragment of his waistcoat. This bit of cloth was removed at the time of the operation, but it left some irritation behind. The surgeons took out two or three stitches of the wound late in the evening and found the seat of irritation just beneath the skin. They dressed the part with antiseptic solutions and sewed up the wound. No anesthetic was used during the operation...

From Dr. Matthew Mann's morning statement)...”Will (last night's cleaning of the wound entrance) occasion any setback in the President's recovery?”

“No, it will cause no setback. It was only the exterior wound that was affected. The interior ones are doing well.”

Story 2 No meeting of the executive committee of the Exposition Company was held yesterday, owing to the absence from the city of some of the members. There were a number of important matters awaiting attention, greatest of which was the naming of a day for the National Jubilee over the escape of President McKinley from death. Director-General Buchanan has recommended Saturday, September 21, as the day and this will doubtless receive executive approval.

Provisional arrangements for the day are now in progress under the direction of the Director-General and the director of amusements. It will be a gala day in which the entire nation will participate. Music and rejoicing will be in order in every dignified form. The Stadium will be the scene of one set of events and the Temple of Music with the Esplanade in front another. The school children of Buffalo will be assembled in the Stadium for some kind of demonstration and there will be another assembly of choristers from all the churches of Buffalo in another place. If the weather is favorable it will be on the Esplanade; if not, in the Temple of Music.

A pageant will be another feature  and there will be a fireworks display to surpass anything ever before attempted. Then there will be an opportunity for fun on the Midway. As soon as action by the executive committee is taken on the date the programs will be arranged definitely.

September 12 : Story 1  President McKinley deplores the fact that he is not shaved. With that sole exception, touching his well-being, the convalescence of the most distinguished patient in the world, is without a discomforting circumstance.

President McKinley was ever a punctilious man. Without in any sense being a dandy, the President is noted for his exacting regard for personal appearances in himself and others. Accordingly the Presidential patience has stood every test until his uncouth beard came into question.

Officially the incident was disposed of in the bulletin of Dr. Mynter at 11:25 p.m. last evening, which said, “We washed the President and changed his bed, but would not consent to have him shaved, which he greatly desired. This may be done in a day or two, however.”

History is made up of little things.

At the beginning of the sixth day of his prostration the President is OUT OF DANGER. This statement is published upon the authority and exact language of Dr. McBurney, the world-renowned New York surgeon. Other members of this medical staff bear out the fact in general terms. It is not assumed that dangerous symptoms are an impossibility, but they are declared to be an improbability.

Story 2 (From the Brooklyn Eagle) The people of Buffalo have shown themselves patriotic, hospitable, kind-hearted and indomitable. The greatest undertaking any city of the size of Buffalo ever attempted for civilization was on the summit of success when a blow was struck at the life of the President, at the peace of the nation, at the balances of the world and at the prosperity of the Exposition.

At once all of Buffalo became a heart-pulsating with sympathy. The house of the President of the Exposition was made a hospital for the stricken Chief Magistrate. The house of another citizen became the headquarters for Cabinet and executive business. Homes without number were thrown open to visiting statesmen and chieftains. The authorities of the city became the servants of the Governments and peoples of the world. Everything that could be done to safeguard the President and to meet the hopes of mankind for his restoration to health was done. And all has been exquisitely well done. And success has followed from what has been so exquisitely well done. Buffalo has gained merited honor in history.

The Exposition should be no sufferer because of the blow at its prosperity which resulted from the dastardly attack on the President. Attendance on the fair should be redoubled to attest the admiration of Americans for the splendid demeanor of the city in so dire am emergency. Congress intended in the name of the nation to extend the Pan-American Exposition the aid extended to other great expositions. Congress only failed to do so, by the hour of adjournment by law being reached, before its purpose could be effected. The faith of the projectors of the Exposition in Congress should be shown not to have been misplaced. The argument of justice was complete before. The argument of love and admiration has been added to it. One of the first acts of the coming Congress should be to keep the promise inherited by it from the predecessor.

Story 3 At a meeting of the board of directors of the Pan-American Exposition, which was held in Ellicott Square yesterday afternoon, President Milburn presiding, it was voted to pay all the first mortgage bondholders  50 percent, and the contractors 30 percent of their claims.

Treasurer Williams took immediate steps to carry out the instructions of the board. These called for $1,250,000 to be paid to the bondholders, being one-half of $2,500,000, the total of the first mortgage bond issue.

This action will cut down the interest to be paid from now on, just one-half. The total of the claims of the contractors for construction work is $540,000, of which $180,000 is to be paid at once. The whole amount to be paid out is, thus, $1,430,000. There is in the treasury $1,500,000, leaving a balance of $70,000 when the directors' recommendations are carried out.

September 13 :  Story 1 President McKinley's life hangs in the balance. In the Milburn home this morning where no later than yesterday afternoon everybody in the household was joyful in the assurance that the President was out of danger, there is a feeling of nerve-splitting anxiety.

There is no effort to conceal the gravity of the President's relapse. Mr. Milburn expressed the concern that is felt in two sentences at 8:45 o'clock. “The outlook is very dark. We hope there is a fighting chance.”

The crisis hangs upon the collapse of the President's heart, which was noticed at 2:30 o'clock this morning. So quick was the sinking that followed that swift messengers were sent for the entire medical staff. When they arrived, powerful stimulants were administered, but the rally that followed was nothing more than a rally. The President was kept alive during the night by the ministrations of the doctors.

The complications first manifested were outside of the surgical case. The reactionary symptoms were noticed at the conference at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The President appeared very fatigued and complained of it. He was also restless.

His doctors were not altogether unprepared for these developments. The giving of solid nourishment through the mouth is not said to have been a forced resort and premature, rather than chosen. It appears it was either that or starvation. Injection was the advised method in such a case. On account of the presence of small ulcers in the stomach which, it is said, the doctors were aware, it was imperative in fact...

Story 2  For the sake of making complete the chain of evidence in the shooting of the President, the police and District Attorney have been looking for the man who was first in line the day when President McKinley was shot.

A letter received by H.F. Henshaw, Superintendent of Music at the Exposition, not only gives this much sought information, but also offers a timely suggestion for the preservation for all the time the Temple of Music, now one of the most historic modern buildings in the country.

The man who was first in line was Clinton Colegrove, a doctor whose home is at Holland, Erie county. Mr. Henshaw said this morning that he would submit the letter, as the writer requested, to the Director-General.

The Temple of Music is left open to the public now, and a guard is constantly stationed there. It has been found necessary, except when meetings are actually in progress, to erect a barrier to keep people from the stage. The visitors imagine that the President stood on the platform, and everyone who passes into the building watches his or her chance to cut or tear off a piece. A carpenter has been at work repairing two or three spots damaged by the relic hunter.

Story 3 Notwithstanding the startling news from the President's bedside, the busy managers of Railroad Day have not suspended efforts for the great event on which so much thought has been expended, and they are sustained by the faith that somehow the railroad men of the country and their friends will be permitted to have a day of rejoicing yet, instead of a day of mourning.

“This may be Friday and the 13th of this month,” said one of the committee this morning, “but we have a hope still that the President's strength will hold out and health be given o him again. There is a destiny which shapes our ends, and it seems that it cannot demand the death of such an earnest servant of God and his country as William McKinley. We are going ahead with our plans and will pray for the result.”

Therefore all the papers of Buffalo to day announce in full page detail the glories of the coming day's splendid events, and unless the most dreaded consequences of Czolgosz's attack should come about, no deviation in the Railroad Day celebration will be made.

As is told in another column, Senator Chauncey M. Depew arrived according to schedule today and while he was deeply affected by the sad news of the President's changed condition, he will not allow himself to lose hope, and says if the President's life is spared after this setback he will be more than ever ready to join in the Railroad Men's Day of rejoicing, even though that rejoicing is tempered with regret that the splendid progress of the past week had been checked. Except in the event of the President's death Senator Depew will speak as advertised. It will take place in the Temple of Music at 2 p.m.

The advent of the golden cage in which the lion weddings are to be celebrated was a matter of great interest to thousands on the streets of Buffalo yesterday. The much-talked of event took on a sudden reality to those who looked at the gilded bars behind which the daring brides and grooms will promise, in the presence of the wildest and most terrible kings of the forest, to become husband and wife and the actuality of the act will attract thousands with an awed fascination.

It has always been customary to have a wedding cake at even most ordinary bridals, and therefore it has been determined not only should this exceptional six-couple wedding have a cake, but also that it should be a cake worthy of the occasion. Therefore a cake has been prepared and baked by the Collins Bakery Company which is certainly the largest of its kind ever offered on the altar of Hymen. Its weight is 500 pounds and its diameter is more than five feet. It will be cut up into small pieces and will be given away after the ceremony.

There is an old legend that if a maiden puts a piece of wedding cake under her pillow she will see in her dreams that night the man who will sooner or later be her husband. Whether the rule holds true for the less romantic sex is not specified, but every girl in Buffalo ought to get a piece of this wonderful cake and see if the extraordinary features surrounding the wedding celebration will not give an extraordinary effectiveness to the cake as a true dream producer.

The following clergymen will officiate at the weddings - Rev. H. Scrimshaw, 203 Triangle, South Park Baptist, Rev. C.H. Jones, Central Presbyterian, 368 West Avenue, and Rev. Caroline Amelia Basett, West Falls, New York. The happy couples to be married are Lavergne P. Allen and Miss Edith Winifred Pierce of 305 Koons avenue, Herman G. Bates and Miss Olivia M. Ayer, 30 Munford street, William McAlpin and Miss Caro Clancy, 797 Grant street, Oliver Goyette and Miss Minnie Carmichael, 871 Main Street, Harry Russell and Lady Isola Marie Douglas-Norton Hamilton of London.

After the ceremony is over the mammoth cake that is now on exhibition at Hengerer's  will be divided and it will be treasured  as a souvenir of the most wonderful weddings that have ever taken place. The reception at Bostock's will follow immediately.

Day by day reports reach the Committee of Advertising that every piece of rolling stock available on all trunk lines leading into Buffalo are being called into requisition in order to afford proper transportation for the immense crowds already listed for passage. Some of the lines have been forced to lease or temporarily borrow from other lines not entering Buffalo the necessary parlor and chair cars, and some of the trains will unquestionably have to be run in many sections.

Fireworks by day and by night, elephant races, Oriental sports, Stevens' tremendous exploit in the human bomb, Marsh's daring bicycle dive, the transportation parade and a score of other features make the day one to live forever in the memory of its participants. It will be worth coming miles to see and everybody in Buffalo should see every feature of it without chance of failure.
September 14:   Story 1 William McKinley's career as the 25th President of the United States ended this morning, and he has passed into history as the third martyred President. The end came peacefully in the Milburn house in Delaware Avenue at 2:15 o'clock.

On the opening of the seventh day after he was borne from the Temple of Music, the victim of assassin Leon Czolgosz, anarchy's hellish crime was consummated and the Christian gentleman, the loving husband, the wise statesman, the beloved ruler, departed to his reward.

The end befitted his high character. Among the heroes in the halls of fame there are none whose death was nobler.

As these earthly scenes receded he murmured the words of the sacred hymn, “Nearer My God to Thee,” and as the “nearer waters rolled” his last articulate words were, “It is God's way. His will, not ours, be done.”

The hundreds who watched the course of the struggle between death and life last night until the end came will never forget this prolonged and awful period of uncertainty.

At the beside of the dying President were Dr. E.G. Janeway, the New York specialist, and Dr. Rixey, using the uttermost resources of medical science to stay the ebbing life...

Story 2 The city of Buffalo is now in mourning in the draping of its public buildings as well as in the hearts of its citizens. To be sure, the flag still flies - and why shouldn't it? - but wherever possible it is at half mast, and the gentle air from off the lakes barely unfolds the starry emblems. It seems as it every banner drooped in grief.

Black and white, the somber colors of affliction, are everywhere entwining the bright Red, White and Blue of the Nation, and from the cornices and windows of the big business blocks, festooned in elaborate mournings, to the less pretentious displays all over the city, the people give public evidence of their sorrow.

The enormous crowds on the streets move slowly, the whistling and shouting street fakirs of yesterday are hushed, and nothing but the news of the last hours of the President and the details of the ceremonies to come seem to interest the throngs of visitors.

From a gala appearance in honor of the Pan-American Exposition and the distinguished guests, now dead, the city has been transformed into a huge monument of mourning.

The following announcement, made this afternoon by Director-General Buchanan of the Pan-American Exposition, is succinct and conveys briefly but strongly the action taken by the Pan-American directors in closing the gates of the great fair for two days:
“The board of directors of the Exposition at a special meeting decided unanimously and at once that as a tribute of respect to the President who had been here as a guest of the Exposition of Buffalo that the gates of the Exposition should be closed today (Saturday, 14th) and tomorrow (Sunday, 15th). It is believed this action, so unusual in a great enterprise such as the Exposition, will be appreciated by those who may be inconvenienced today and tomorrow and will be generally approved and in accord with the feelings of the entire people of the United States. The Exposition will be open as usual on Monday, the 16th.”

Story 3 An enormous crowd of visitors came to the city today, drawn largely by the attractions advertised for Railroad Day. They throng all the principal streets and furnish an immense business for the street cars. Their disappointment over the closing of the Exposition for the day is deep and bitter, intensified, as a large proportion explain, because they were not informed by the roads that the programme of the day had been postponed. No attention is paid to the jail where Czolgosz is confined, but the multitude gives itself to wandering about while waiting for return trains.

September 15:  Story 1 There is no limit to the revelation of genuine sorry that is felt in Buffalo over this untoward calamity. The humblest places of business and the smallest homes rank with the largest and most pretentious in testifying to their grief. Throughout the city from end to end appears the silent evidences of a people's sorrow. It will go a step further today when hundreds and thousands - men, women, children - as many, in fact, as time will permit, will file silently by the President's bier in the City Hall, and look upon the heroic features of him who had a Christian's charity for every human being.

The people of Buffalo will feel grateful to the committee of citizens who voluntarily took it upon themselves to solicit a change in the official funeral arrangements in order that the people might find vent for the feeling that has possessed everyone since the head of the nation was shot down at the city's very threshold.

There was a deal of detail involved in the arrangements for the funeral, which practically involves three distinct ceremonies here, in Washington and in Canton. It falls upon the cabinet, the family being agreeable, to make all the funeral arrangements. Mrs. McKinley, overwhelmed as she is, was glad to be relieved of any consideration of the burden, and defer entirely to the plans of the dead President's personal and political friends...

It was maintained by the committee that no only Buffalo people, but the large number of Exposition visitors, especially veterans who had stopped off here, should be given an opportunity to pay a last tribute of respect to the dead President and comrade. Accordingly the hour for the services has been fixed for 11 o'clock this morning. On account of the size of the house they will be strictly private in character and limited almost exclusively to the late President's relatives, friends personal and political, Exposition officials and a few prominent officials and citizens. It was insisted by the committee in charge of the plans that not to exceed 250 cards would be issued. It is understood that the number is nearer 500...

Story 2 The Exposition grounds remained in absolute quiet during the entire day yesterday until 6 o'clock. Visitors were excluded from all the gates unless provided with passes, and no one was admitted to a building unless his pass was marked for that building. The Mall and Esplanade and Plaza were deserted except for an occasional pedestrian. Once or more the Government automobile moved silently across the Esplanade on some errand to the Milburn House.

As the usual lighting hour the darkness continued, a strong reminder of the general sorrow in which the entire country was enshrouded. One event only broke the long silence. At 6 o'clock Col. Byrne, commandant of the Exposition police, left the service building in the police patrol automobile and went to the Esplanade in front of the Temple of Music to review the guards who were out for guard mount as usual. The clang of the automobile on its journey to and from the review attracted some attention but there was no one on the Esplanade to see the review.

September 16:  Story 1 How shall Buffalo do special honor to the memory of President McKinley, her guest of honor and love, stricken down by the bullet of the assassin while within her gates?

This is the question which was heard yesterday, and has been a thousand times in varying formula today. It is almost universal sentiment that this city should mark in some special manner the memory of the third martyred President, slain while a visitor here, and already a dozen tentative plans have been suggested.

The first suggestion of dignity which has found favor with thousands was that the Electric Tower, already framed in lasting steel, should be preserved and re-covered with a permanent exterior alike a monument to President McKinley and to the Exposition which his martyrdom has made historical. Standing as it does, the city could easily secure title to the land on which it is located and a broad parkway made to connect it with Delaware Park. It is also held by those who advocate the Tower as a monument that the site of the Temple of Music, where President McKinley was shot, should be converted into a public park, with a cross to mark the spot where the President stood.

Another plan which has very strong support if that of making the Temple of Music a permanent structure, reproducing its outlines, though possibly not the decorations, as a memorial building, forever to mark the spot where our third martyred President was shot. The building could also be easily connected with Delaware Park and be surrounded with enough land to be made attractive.

The third plan, and the most concrete one, is ...for a monument to be erected in some public square of the city...”and that the cost of the same should be raised by popular subscriptions of $1, that the most may participate therein. I here enclose the amount of the suggested subscription as a nucleus.”(Albert A. Adams, originator of the idea)

Story 2 Yesterday was a quiet and gloomy day at the Pan-American. There were few people on the grounds. Some of the exhibitors were at work in their booths preparing for the re-opening today. The police were hovering about, keeping in out of the wet and counting the hours till they were relieved. The state buildings were closed and along the Midway there was absolute quiet except when the hum of a hammer told that a draped portrait of the dead President was being put up.

This morning the gates were opened at 8 o'clock and the great Exposition will go on just as it did previous to the death of the man who gave his life in honoring it with his presence and his sanction and his personal encouragement. The programme will be carried out as arranged and events will follow each other through the usual course until Thursday.

On Thursday, the day President McKinley will be buried in Canton, the Exposition will be closed and will re-open Friday morning. This decision was reached at a meeting of the board of directors held downtown yesterday afternoon, it being the unanimous opinion that to show proper respect to the dead President the Exposition must be closed for this day.

Friday will again see the Pan-American open to the people and with renewed effort on the part of the officials and all concerned to make it a success despite the unfortunate and lamentable gloom cast over the people by the calamity of a week ago.

Story 3 Deep depression prevailed at the Milburn house throughout the early morning. Dawn broke with lowering skies and winds that moaned through the trees at which the President had longed to look on the morning of his last day on earth. Everyone, even the small messenger boys, was gloomy and the silent soldiers pacing their short, but weary beats seemed mere automatons. In the hope that they might see something, a few curious people passed constantly on the sidewalk opposite the Milburn house and were surprised that there were no policemen to stop them or guard to challenge.

When the day was several hours old the traffic at Delaware avenue and Ferry street was once more normal, but the soldiers were still on guard and the police were on hand to prevent the formation of crowds.

There was still something to be done in the house where the final scenes of the great tragedy were enacted. Mrs. McKinley, who had been seen only by her relatives and most intimate friends since the day of the shooting, was still there, and would take a carriage to the train that was soon to carry away all that was dearest to her. It was to get a glimpse of her that many came to the place. Only the carriages that drove constantly to the house, bringing sorrow-stricken friends, relieved the monotony. But nothing could dissipate the gloom.

The telegraph instruments' ceaseless clicking was silenced, the newspapermen, except a mere handful, were speeding to Washington, and the running of the messengers with telegrams to and from the house was over. Storm clouds gathered in the West and borne by upper gales swept with lightning speed and seemingly threatened destruction to the north over the fairgrounds where the cowardly act was committed.

At 7:30 o'clock, the carriages, about 30 in all, had arrived and were line along the west curb of Delaware avenue. Then everyone became expectant and eyes were fixed on the front door of the Milburn home.

At 7:35 o'clock an attendant appeared, walked hurriedly to the first carriage and stood beside the opened door. An instant later several people appeared in the doorway and the watchers at once recognized Mr. Abner McKinley, but immediately turned their gaze to the person with him. She was Mrs. McKinley.

Her head was bowed and she walked with slow and feeble steps. Mr. McKinley supported her gently during the short walk. She was garbed in somber black and her sweet face was concealed by a heavy veil. The scene was far different from Thursday morning of last week when she came forth in the bright sunlight leaning on the arm of her beloved husband.

Those who thought, uncovered their heads and tears dimmed their eyes. Slowly the little party went down the walk, Mrs. Lafayette McWilliams, Mrs. McKinley's dearest friend, and Dr. Rixey, her faithful physician, together with Mr. St. Clair, keeping close to the grief-stricken woman as if to shield her not only from the wind, but the glances of the onlookers. Mrs. McKinley was assisted into the carriage and Abner McKinley sat beside her. The others followed in the second carriage and both vehicles were hurried down the avenue.

Then the friends and relatives who had been waiting in the house came out. Mrs. Barber, Miss McKinley and Mrs. Duncan, followed by Lieut. McKinley, appeared first and the others succeeded them closely. By threes and fours they entered the carriages until eight in all were occupied and then all drove down the avenue, the remaining empty carriages following.

As soon as the last carriage was lost where the overhanging trees come together at the brow of the hill on Utica street, the soldiers removed the ropes and all vehicles were permitted to pass in front of the Milburn house.

At 10:45 o'clock the guards who had paced ceaselessly around the Milburn house since the day the President was shot received orders to depart and a few minutes later only the local police were on duty in the vicinity to prevent the crowds from collecting.

The men from the wagon came out a few minutes later carrying the electric fans which had cooled the room where the President had lain. As one of the fans was being carried out to the wagon, one of the linesmen who was disconnecting the newspaper telegraph wires, stepped up and snipped a bit of the insulated wire from the fan.

“Well, I've got a souvenir, anyway,” as he put the bit of wire in his pocket.

When the big blue cylinders that had contained the oxygen which was furnished to the President in his dying moments to sustain life a little longer were brought forth there was an attempt to get a closer view of them on the part of the spectators, but the police stopped it. The cylinders bore the inscription of a New York oxygen manufacturing establishment and were numbered 1128 and 384.

“There goes the White House tent,” someone said as a lineman began removing the wires over which so many saddening messages have been sent direct to the home of the late President in Washington. This tent came down at 10:05 o'clock.

That was the time when the last newspaper message was sent from the historic corner. It was sent to a Philadelphia paper and when the reporter filed it, he said, <i>Rush it.</i> The directions had a familiar ring to the operators and that message went through quicker, perhaps, than any sent from the place except the announcement of the death, simply because there was nothing else to send and the direct wires were open. The operators departed when this was done.

At 11:45 o'clock the soldiers had policed the lot on which their tents had been placed. They not only picked up two barrels of copy paper left by the newspapermen, but they also gathered up all the bottles and twigs and then raked and swept the grass. When they departed the placed was just as when they pre-empted it except for the worn places were tireless feet had tramped so long.

“I guess that's about all, and I'm going home to snooze,” said the last messenger boy as he climbed wearily on his bicycle and went away.

Then the place was left to the curious ones and to the police.

September 17: Story 1 One of the (McKinley memorial) subscriptions which it gives the NEWS special pleasure to record is that of Mrs. Edward Davis of Niagara Falls, Ont. Mrs. Davis called at the office this morning and asked that her subscription for the memorial fund be accepted.

“I am from the other side of the river, you know,” said Mrs. Davis, “but Canadians feel this tragedy almost as deeply as do you who live under the Stars and Stripes. Our flags are at half mast and many business places draped in mourning. If the NEWS follows up this subscription plan I think many Canadian people will feel themselves honored by the opportunity to join of a memorial to so great and so good a man.”

Story 2 In accordance with an announcement by Charles A. Orr, commander of the New York State Department of the G.A.R. Day, held in the Temple of Music this afternoon, were changed from the programme as printed in the papers, and partook of the character of a memorial service instead of a campfire meeting as was first proposed.

Several drills are scheduled for late in the afternoon, weather permitting, among them the Tampa Light Infantry from Florida at 5 o'clock and the 71st Regiment of Virginia Volunteers, 300 strong, under the command of Col. A. M. Higgins.

Story 3 The lumberman's headquarters in the New York State Building at the Pan-American Exposition presented a lively appearance this morning, the opening day of Lumbermen's Week.

A committee appointed by the Lumbermen's Exchange was in charge and badges were given out to all visiting lumberman. For tonight there has been prepared a special Lumbermen's display of fireworks. If it rains it will be postponed until tomorrow evening. One of the pieces will be a picture, in fire, of Hon. Russell A. Alger, who is probably the most prominent lumberman in the United States and a member of the late President's first Cabinet.

September 18:  Story 1 From all sides and in a common tone of approval and sympathy comes endorsements of the plan for Buffalo to erect a fitting memorial to President McKinley, the beloved chief of the nation shot down by an alien hand within our gates. Every mail brings letters with money, subscriptions and suggestions of plans, all expressing the liveliest and the deepest gratification that the movement has been inaugurated. The prompt response shows that the heart of Buffalo's people is very warm and very tender toward the memory of their martyred President, and the feeling is just as intense in the humble homes of the laboring ranks as in the mansions of the well-to-do.

Late yesterday afternoon the NEWS received a subscription of $100 from Hens & Kelly & Co., too late for anything but acknowledgement in the subscription list. The letter which accompanied the subscription was as follows –

“McKinley Memorial Fund, NEWS –
We heartily endorse your movement regarding monument to our late President McKinley and respectfully subscribe one hundred dollars ($100) for that purpose. Trusting the movement will receive prompt support it merits, we remain, truly yours,

Story 2  It was with not a little difficulty that the guards assigned to duty in the vicinity of the Temple of Music yesterday afternoon succeeded in keeping the crowds of sightseers on the move. From noon until almost time for closing up, the Temple of Music was thronged with people who were anxious to see the spot where the President was assassinated. In the afternoon it was necessary to delegate three extra policemen for duty at the Temple.

Story 3  At the regular meeting of the Agricultural Exhibitors' Club, held in the Agricultural Building, Commissioner Dye of New Jersey presented a 60-pound watermelon, which was sampled and duly passed upon. The members of the club declared it worthy of the first premium and will recommend it for the gold medal. The melon was large enough to allow each of the 130 members of the club half a pound. Only 40, however, were present at the meeting, and Commissioner Cushing of North Dakota, it is whispered, at roll call responded for the absentees, thereby gaining their portion of the watermelon. His action will be taken up at the next regular meeting of the club.

September 19:  (No paper was published on this day in observance the funeral of President William McKinley. Here is a story from the next day's issue regarding the McKinley memorial movement)

With every day the interest in the plan for a Buffalo memorial to President McKinley grows among the people of this city as well as outside its gates and the letters containing cash, checks and pledges pour in on the NEWS in an increasing stream. It has already passed far beyond the limits of newspaper possibility to print all the letters of approval of the general plan and specific suggestions as to the details preferred. And in the matter of subscriptions the policy has been adopted of acknowledging only the cash contributions or bona fide subscriptions made without conditions.

It is a significant fact that the consensus of expressed opinions is heavily in favor of the preservation of the Electric Tower or the erection of a monument on the site of the Temple of Music preserved as a park and connected with Delaware Park. One or two favor a downtown site for a monument, the most artistic suggestion being a place in the center of Niagara Square, the figure of the President to face north toward the Exposition grounds and the place of his demise. One suggestion is made for a heroic figure to stand at the Front, but without any suggestion as to the special significance thereof. One Buffalo woman writes as follows –

“Instead of preserving the Temple of Music in outline as a building I would suggest its interior plan be preserved in a small part created on the site of the present building. The aisles could be represented by graveled paths, the seat spaces by flower beds and the stage by a terrace with perhaps a fountain. Instead of a cross to mark the place where our martryed President stood, I should suggest that on this spot be placed his lifesize monument, standing as he stood when the cowardly assassin struck him down with his hand extended in a greeting of good fellowship to all the world.

“If the Electric Tower can be kept also, as I hope it may, a park system could be arranged to connect between these two monuments of patriotism and progress and with Delaware Park near the New York State Building.”

September 20:   Story 1 E.P. Norris of Sodus, N.Y., who in addition to being president of the New York State Grange, is also chairman of the Executive committee of the National Grange, is in Buffalo with Secretary Giles of the State Grange, arranging for National Grange Day which, as has been reported, will be held at the Pan-American Exposition on Oct. 10. Owing to the inability to get the members of the National Grange together before that date, the meeting in the Temple of Music that day will be made the occasion for the passage of resolutions recording the feelings of the grangers of the United States on the death of the President.

The Grange, with 500,000 strong in the United States, and Mr. Norris said this morning that he had received information which leads him to believe that an excursion train will come to the Pan-American from every State in the Union loaded with Grangers. From states like Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, where the order is strong, there will be two and three trains, and in some instances five and six.

New Hampshire, a state with only two granges within its borders, has notified him that it already has made arrangements to send to Buffalo one grange excursion train and is now at work arranging for a second train. It is likely that more than half the membership from New Hampshire will come. It the proportion is preserved in other states, Grange Day will be as big, if not larger, than New York State Day is expected to be.

New York State grangers will be here in large numbers. Many did not attend the New York Grange Day ceremonies at the Temple of Music, preferring to wait for the exercises of the National body. This summer 10 new granges have been organized in New York State alone.

Story 2 As the blood of the martyrs has ever been the seed of the church, so to a certain extent the assassination of President McKinley has proved a prolific cause of attendance at the Exposition.

Today, the first since the funeral, has proved no exception to the days that followed his being struck down. In spite of dreary skies and a temperature that makes overcoats and wraps a necessity there is a large attendance. The Welshmen, the people of St. Catherines with their 19th Regiment Band, and the prize cattle are supposed to share the honors between them, but in reality they are only side issues. The first question asked by visitors when they pass the gate is, “Where is the Temple of Music?” Others locate it on the map of the grounds, and then with their finger on the spot, proceed without hesitation to the place indicated.

Here they congregate for hours, looking upon it with something akin to veneration. With everyone it is associated with that tragic scene so short a time ago, when the notoriety-seeking fool, Czolgosz, shot President McKinley and the latter, with Christian-like magnanimity, said, “Don't let them hurt him.” The Temple of Music is consecrated in every heart by that scene, a fact that is manifested in the looks and behavior of the crowd that tiptoes around it as if it feared to disturb the dead.

September 21:  Story 1  Without ceasing the people of Buffalo continue to send to the NEWS a flood of expressions of approval of the plan for a Memorial to President McKinley. The only difference of opinion exists as to the details of the plan and location of the memorial. Nearly all seem to wish the site of the President's assassination to be preserved and marked, though a few hold the place where he was struck down by such a foul blow is a thing to obliterate rather than preserve. The permanent rebuilding of the Temple of Music is favored by comparatively few because of its costly uselessness. It is not particularly adapted in its form to anything except a gathering place for large bodies of people and this, in the view of the associations connected with it would not be desirable or fitting.

The following letter, enclosing a $1 subscription, was received from a patriotic little girl of North Tonawanda –

“Editor, Evening News
“I am a little 8-year old girl. I gladly enclose a dollar toward the monument for our dearly beloved President, as I think all little children that can should do, to show their love for the dear President that loved them so much. “

The preservation of the Electric Tower finds many supporters as does the erection of a heroic-sized statue of President McKinley. The location for such a statue have developed five situation, apart from the Temple of Music site, all but one being attractive and admirable.

By far the largest number of advocates of a site for a statue select the center of Niagara Square. Next in popularity comes the Circle, and an artistic plan for a beautiful statue at Soldier's Place between the place where the President was shot down and the place where he died finds strong support. This would be a location where a very large number of those who ride or drive to our main city park would get the best view of the work of art...

Story 2  “Yet 40 days and Nineveh shall be overthrown,” is the text of a pamphlet which Director of Works Carlton has prepared for publication. It deals with the approaching annihilation of the Pan-American Exposition.

According to the contract entered into between the Board of Directors of the Pan-American Company and D.P. and B.C. Rumsey and other owners of the grounds upon which the Exposition has been reared, the company is under obligation to remove every vestige of the Exposition from the grounds within a year after the close of the Pan-American, Nov. 1. Every building is to be razed, and the piles upon which the larger ones were erected are to be pulled from the ground. The canals, mirror lakes and lagoons are to be filled in. The bridges over Amherst street and the platform that constitutes the grand court and basin before the Electric Tower must be removed, restoring Amherst street, which is now almost entirely covered up.

After the destroyers have finished their work there will not be left a vestige of the Exposition as it exists, except the Women's Building and its environment. The building, formerly the quarters of the Country Club, will have a To Let sign in the windows, as the Country Club has made arrangements for its permanent quarters out Main street near the city line. The grounds which constitute the rose gardens will retain their present grade. As they stand they would make a beautiful addition to Delaware Park.

Preparatory for the work of destruction, Director of Works Carlton has published a pamphlet containing an inventory of the various structures upon the grounds. It contains in exact figures every foot of metal roofing, every foot of plumbing, every foot of lumber and a description of its nature, to be found in the various buildings. The object of the work is to afford wrecking companies a basis for bids for removing the structure.

Story 3 Yesterday was St. Catherines Day and Welsh Day at the Pan-American. Our neighbors, the citizens of St. Catherines and its neighborhood, like all our other visitors, were welcome. In fact, one point in connection with the St. Catherines was that the people had enjoyed much pleasure in hearing the band from St. Catherines play during the week. The 19th Regiment Band from St. Catherines, during its engagement here, has won well-deserved praise. This band has not been in existence long, but the work accomplished during its time has been ample and very admirable. There is a crispness and correctness about all the work that win recognition... The concerts of the band were listened to by large numbers, even on the coldest and dampest evenings...

Besides the band selections for the St. Catherines Day exercises, Mr. Gomph played organ solos, Mr. John Abbs (piano accompaniment by Miss Vanerbrugh) sang a solo, Director-General Buchanan gave an address of welcome, and Maj. McIntyre of St. Catherines responded, City Clerk J.S. McClelland of St. Catherines read a poem, and the whole audience joined in singing Canada's national anthem, “The Maple Leaf.”

The Eisteddfod, the great musical festival of the Welsh, was held and celebrated yesterday at the Pan-American. The morning exercises were not for the public. Those for the public began about 2 p.m. in the Temple of Music. Addresses by W.E. Powell (Gwilym Eryrl) of Chicago, Director-General Buchanan, Richard Humphrey and Rev. D. Roslyn Davis of Alleghany City, were made, and the whole audience joined in the singing of “Land of Our Fathers,” sung in Welsh. Each of the Welsh speakers added remarks in the Welsh language, which were understood and enjoyed by a large majority of the audience.

September 22:  Story 1 Although an order was issued by the Board of Directors about two weeks ago for the payment of 50 percent of the indebtedness of the Pan-American Exposition Company to the bondholders, not a dollar of it has yet been received by any of them. The contractors, also, who were to be paid 30 percent of the money due them for the construction of the various buildings, are still looking for the money. A number of the contractors from out of town who heard the tidings afar came to Buffalo to receive their money.

“I don't know whether the Exposition is playing horse with us or not,“  said one of the contractors to a NEWS reporter yesterday, “but it looks like it.”

 At the treasurer's office it is given out that the treasurer is in ignorance of any reason why the money has not been paid out as ordered by the directors. It is stated there that the necessary vouchers have been issued and sent ot the trustee of the Exposition funds, George B. Forman, president of the Fidelity Trust and Guaranty Company. At the latter's office it is stated that Mr. Forman went to Muskoka Lakes several days ago and will be gone a fortnight.

Story 2 Thomas O'Rourke, ticket seller at the Pan-American Exposition, was visited by a whole carload of bulls in his ticket booth at the East Amherst Gate last night. If one bull in a china shop signifies destruction, a carload trying to ride right into a ticket booth should typify annihilation. The ticket office was wrecked, but O'Rourke escaped with his life. All the injury he received was a gash on his right wrist from a broken window glass.

At 9:50 o'clock, O'Rourke was busy counting money in one of the three ticket booths. A trainload of cattle was backing into the gage south of the turnstiles to pick up some belated cars of cattle that constituted the cattle show at the Exposition for the last two weeks. The rear car was loaded with prize bulls. Just before reaching the booth in which O'Rourke was counting money, the car left the track.

Bystanders shouted warning but by the time that the amazed ticket seller saw the danger, the rear end of the car struck the booth and shoved it along the platform. The locomotive was reversed as soon as possible and the car wheels breaking through the board platform helped to bring the train to a stop before it shoved the booth and O'Rourke into the fence. As it was the booth was wrecked and O'Rourke received a bad cut on his wrist while trying to force his way out of the ticket window, the door being next to the car.

His wound was dressed at the Pan-American Hospital, after which he was able to go home. All the money in the office was spilled over the platform, but it was recovered after the accident without the loss of a cent.

September 23: Story 1 Leon Czolgosz has spoken one word in public and that word is “guilty.” It fell from his lips as if projected from his conscience and not as the conclusion of his mind. It seemed to force itself out of the personality standing before Justice White in spite of the passive creature from which it escaped. The scene was dramatic in the extreme. Judge White took his seat on the bench at the usual hour for opening court. The crier performed his duty and the court asked District Attorney Penney if he had any business to bring to the court's attention.

The trial of Leon Czolgosz was moved in due form. He stood while the indictment was read to him. He had come into the courtroom with gleaming eyes and then as the reading progressed the light went out of them and he seemed as if unconscious of his surroundings.

With the simplicity of a New York court of justices, and yet with that stern majesty of the law which characterizes American criminal trials, the President's assassin was placed on trial in Criminal Term of the Supreme Court promptly at 10 o'clock this morning. Justice Truman C. White, on of the oldest and most experienced justices of the Supreme Court, was on the bench. The work of getting jurors progressed rapidly. Technicalities were not raised by counsel for the accused as is customary in many murder cases. There was every indication that justice, swift and sure, will be speedily dealt out to the cowardly wretch who stands charged with the foulest crime of the century.

“They can't beat this in New Jersey, remarked a New York newspaper man who is reporting the trial when court adjourned at noon and eight jurors had been secured. “I don't know anything about Erie county's records for getting murder juries, but this certainly beats anything I have ever seen in various parts of this stat and I do not doubt that a record has been established for New York State in this connection.”

The quickness with which the eight jurors were secured was a revelation to the local lawyers. They had anticipated quickness, but to get eight men to serve on a murder jury without exhausting a single panel is something new in Erie County's legal history. All credit should be accorded to District Attorney Penney and Judges Titus and Lewis.

Not a needless question is asked, not a word, scarcely, is spoken that is unnecessary. Everything goes with startling rapidity for a murder case and so fast that some of the most expert reporters who were writing a running report of the case were distanced several times.

Story 2 Hundreds of people, curious to see the place where President McKinley died, passed the Milburn house on Delaware avenue yesterday. The weather was fine enough to bring people out for walking and it seemed as though every visitor in town made it a point to go past the Milburn residence. Some did so three or four times during the day.

Many wanted souvenirs and the shrubbery in front of the house was attacked time and time again. Nobody took more than a small twig but if the relic hunting keeps up Mr. Milburn will have to purchase a new lot of brush to enclose his lawn. One man had a chisel and wanted to chip a brick out of the house. He felt hurt when a policeman stopped him. Two policemen were on guard at the house all day to prevent it being carried away.

September 24:  Story 1 (Trial testimony by James L. Quackenbush, member of the Pan-American committee on ceremonies, who stood almost directly opposite the President when he was shot, about the interrogation of Czolgosz after he was arrested) “...When we entered the room, Mr. Penney proceeded to talk to the defendant about what he had done. I do not know anything of what took place before I went there. Then the defendant, in reply to questions from the District Attorney, stated he had killed the President because he believed it was his duty. He stated he understood the consequences and was willing to take his chances. He described in detail in the conversations, covering a period of two hours, his movements on the day of the shooting. He told how he had concealed the revolver in his hand under the handkerchief and how he fired the shot, how he went to Niagara Falls with the intention of shooting the President there, but that he could not get near enough to him and, therefore, did not do it. The he said he took a street car to Buffalo and got a transfer and went to the Exposition grounds and to the Temple of Music for the purpose of shooting the President.

“He said he waited in line, that he had placed the revolver in his right hand and had covered it with a handkerchief, and that he put the hand and revolver in his right-hand pocket and kept it there until he came to the place in the Temple of Music where the crowds were sifted into single file. Then he took the revolver, concealed under the handkerchief, from his pocket and held his hand across his stomach and, when he was opposite the President, he fired the shots. He said much more - that he had though about killing the President for three or four days before the shooting. But he also made another statement, saying he had arrived at this decision several days before it actually occurred. He said the day before the shooting, when he saw the President in the grounds and that no one except himself could receive such privileges and that the people all regarded it as a privilege to stand by, he determined to kill the President. That was what he said in substance, although he used the word 'servants'.

He said he believed in several standard doctrines of anarchy - that he did not believe in the married relation - that he had not been to church in some time. He named several anarchistic papers he had read - gave Polish names I could not remember.

He said before he came to Buffalo he had been influenced by the teachings of Emma Goldman and another woman living near Cleveland whose name I cannot remember. “

“Was this all voluntary or in response to questions?”

“At first it was in response to questions, but later it was largely voluntary...The District Attorney would ask him questions, then he would answer. In no way was he drawn out...”

Story 2 Never did the Exposition look as beautiful as it does now. It has lost its early garish newness and is now suggestive of solidity. The trees have spread out their branches as if they had come to stay, and the grass is thick and green, as if it had been growing in the same spot for years. The flowers are all of the solid fall perennials, spring tulips and crocuses, and summer's roses have given way to autumns asters and dahlias.

Every flower that the grandmothers of the present generation ever knew and delighted in is represented in the rose gardens, in the old-fashioned garden and along the canals and lagoons. The very colors of the buildings, also, look old and well established. Those who saw the Exposition in early spring would hardly know it now.

..A dying glory smiles from the sparkling fountains and the gorgeous palaces that in one month more are to be leveled to the ground. There is something about the pearly haze of autumn weather that is especially in harmony with the color scheme and architectural ensemble of the Rainbow City. The filmy haze half veils but yet suggests the beauty it enfolds like the gossamer that Oriental women use to mask their charms, but really to enhance them. Those who saw the Exposition in summer confess now that the garish sunshine of July and August was too strong to bring out the best effects. The effect of Autumn wealth is almost in the nature of a transfiguration. Anyone living within 500 miles of the Exposition who has seen it earlier would find it worth his while to see it in its last, Autumnal, stage before the axes and the crowbars of the wreckers level it to a mere memory.

September 25:  Story 1 Chronology of the Great Tragedy –
President McKinley was shot Sept. 6
President McKinley died Sept. 14
Leon F. Czolgosz, his assassin, was arrested Sept. 6
Czolgosz was indicted Sept. 16
Czolgosz was placed on trial Sept. 23
Colgosz was convicted Sept. 24
Time actually consumed by the trial - eight hours and twenty-five minutes.
Sentence will be pronounced Sept. 26.

Story 2 Supt. Emerson of the Department of Education announced this forenoon that the regular session of the night schools will begin this year on Nov. 4. This is about a month later that the usual time for opening night schools, but Mr. Emerson says the terms will be the same in length, as schedules will continue later in the winter.

The reason for the delay given by Mr. Emerson is that so many young men and women who would be most likely to take advantage of the schooling opportunities are employed at the Exposition, where they have to work nights, that he deemed it advisable to postpone the sessions until the Exposition is closed and all can attend.

Story 3 President McKinley's position in the Temple of Music when shot by Czolgosz is to be marked by placing a railing about it at once. This is done in order to identify the place to visitors and save much explanation, now become burdensome to the officials stationed in the Temple.

The Temple of Music has become the center of interest since the great tragedy enacted within it and would be carried off piecemeal by the vandals if it were not securely guarded. Proposals without end have been made for the disposition of the Temple when the Exposition is over but nothing has been decided upon except to mark the spot of the shooting and leave further arrangements to a later date. A strong railing will fence in the small spot on which the President stood and that alone will be the evidence of the crime committed there.

September 26: Story 1 Justice White this afternoon sentenced Leon Czolgosz to be executed in the electric chair in the State Prison at Auburn during the week beginning October 28. Sentence was imposed at 2:13 o'clock.

Story 2 Guard Swartz is attached to the Third Precinct at the Exposition, and yesterday afternoon was stationed at the Triumphal Bridge. Shortly after going on duty he discovered an amateur photographer on top of the tower. There are no stairs leading to the tower or within 20 feet of it. How the “snap-shooter” managed to gain such a high position in the world is unexplained. Swartz says he ordered the man down half a dozen times, whereupon he made goo-goo eyes at him and said many unpleasant things.

Swartz started after him, climbing part of the way hand-over-hand, watched by crowds below. When the photographer tried to kick him in the face he decided the job of arresting him was impractical. It was impossible for the officer to bring his prisoner down. It was also a very tiresome task to stand up there and wait until he made up his mind to come down and be arrested. Swartz, after a long wait, decided the only thing for him to do under the circumstances was return to the ground and wait.

The camera man remained on top of the tower for fully an hour after Swartz got down. He didn't stop taking pictures until dusk came upon him. Then he packed up all his traps and came down. After a short conference he agreed to walk to the station house with Swartz. He gave his name as Paul B. Welch of Ohio, and protested he had a perfect right to go anywhere on the grounds as long as he was not stopped beforehand.

September 27:  Story 1 Fair Play for Parker
Letter to the Editor, Buffalo Evening News, September 27, 1901
“The colored citizens of Buffalo were prompted to believe Parker to be the real hero in the sad and deplorable event that recently occurred in our city, from the fact that every paper after the occurrence awarded him that title, and the Negroes would have been recreant to their duty if they had not appreciated the fact that a member of their race was equal to the emergency and prevented, if it be true, the third shot upon the highest chieftain of our country, the President of the United States. They did not print the papers, neither did they give out continued reports that Parker was the real hero, because it has been shown by the evidence that there was but two Negroes present.

"We read the papers where Detective Ireland himself, in his report to the chief of the Secret Service, named Parker as one who assisted in capturing the assassin. We also read a few days later, when it was thought that our President would recover, that Czolgosz would be indicted on four counts, for assaulting the President, Detective Ireland, Foster and Parker. We did not see it in print until after the following Monday that Parker's claims were disputed.

"It is true that Friday night, between 11:30 o'clock and 12 o'clock, I did, in company with two others, go with Mr. Parker to the Review, Express and Courier, thinking they would be pleased to see him and have an interview with him, as I have done with other distinguished colored men, and at two of the offices out of the three that we visited Parker was not asked for a story, from the fact that they had already been given a complete account of the affair. What I did in the premises any loyal American citizen would have been proud to have done for their race, if he stood between the President and an assassin, and I know that if it was true that Parker was within 10 feet of the assassin he should have been summoned as a witness.

"I so expressed this to Mr. Penney, the District Attorney, in company with Mr. Parker's attorney, Mr. Thomas. I also stated, when Parker's claim was disputed, to him (Parker), in front of 20 people, that I thought he should make an affidavit as to the correctness of his statement, but others stated that this was unnecessary. I then insisted that it should be done, and if it was proven that it was incorrect there should be but one alternative and that was to go over Niagara Falls.

"There is not an American Negro whose patriotism can be disputed who would uphold Parker in masquerading the part he played if it were proven to the contrary. I would be one of the first to assist in having him punished for deception and sharp practice. I believe in fair play, no matter the race, creed or condition. My past will bear this up. I am Parker's friend until it is proven beyond a doubt that he has misrepresented the sad affair. He has clippings from various sections showing that he was the man, and here is one sent from the Buffalo Clipping Bureau, 110 Franklin street, from the Times, Brocton, Mass., Sept. 17:
'Bertand B. Keyes of Lynn states that he was attending the Exposition in Buffalo at the time of the assassination of President McKinley and was a witness to the shooting. Mr. Keyes says that the story of Capt. Wisser of the artillery corps that Private O'Brien was the first man to and on the assassin is incorrect; that all credit should go to the colored man, Parker.'

"Others concurring in this statement can be shown, from those who are disinterested parties.
James A. Ross
Buffalo, Sept. 24, 1901"

Story 2 Dr. John A. Miller was one of the examiners yesterday of the mummy in the Chilean building brought to Buffalo recently for exhibition. The examiners found that the figure weighs less than 50 pounds and is a shell, half-dried and half petrified, which are shrunken tissues. Small stones were found embedded in the flesh by pressure and blood, evidently forced from the ears, had matted the hair and kept its color, dark red verging toward black.

One shoulder was crushed and the chest also. The legs were broken. Around the hips was a cloth of a weave common in China today. No attempt was made to dissect the figure.

This interesting specimen of an earlier civilization was discovered by laborers clearing out an old copper mine in southern Peru, in the territory taken from that country by Chile after the late war between the two countries. The mine is at an elevation of 11,000 feet and caved in at some remote period. The woman was probably a worker in the mine, for beside the body were found the instruments used in mining there before the Spanish conquest. The rarified air and the chemical effect of the mineral solutions in the mine are regarded as the cause for the preservation of the victim of the far-off catastrophe.

September 28:   Story 1 Railroad Day at the Pan-American Exposition is a shrieking success. Every event was run on schedule time. Not a single train of thought engineered by the ticket passenger agent was derailed or held up. The weather gave a clear track for a fine run, and the programme made a glorious trip.

And crowds! From 8 o'clock the people fairly poured into the grounds. At 10:30 o'clock, when the great educative and spectacular parade of every style of transportation was held, there was a double hedge of spectators, 10 persons thick, from the East Amherst gate, where the parade started, all along the line of the march, down the Mall, along the Court of Fountains, across the Esplanade, up the west side of the Court of the Fountains, down through the Plaza and along the mile-stretching Lane of Laughter. It was the biggest crowd of the season, apparently, at that hour...

Tonight at the Exposition the fun and excitement will center on the Midway and remain there from the time the sun goes down and the lights are turned on till the minute before midnight when the lights go out. Early in the evening the fireworks and water ballet will undoubtedly draw large crowds to the south end of the Expositions grounds, but from 8:30 o'clock the Midway will hold sway undisputed.

The evening's celebration will begin at 5:30 o'clock with the drill of Co. B, 5th Infantry, Tennessee Volunteers, in the Esplanade. At 6 p.m. musical souvenirs will be given away at the principal entrances as long as the souvenirs last. The United States Marines give a skirmish drill on the Esplanade at 6:30 o'clock, and the lights are turned on at the time. The Rustin fountain in the North Bay will be in play from 6:45 o'clock until 9 o'clock. Beginning at 7 o'clock, Weber's Military Band will play for two hours at the East Esplanade and Brooks' Chicago Marine Band will play for the same period in the Plaza. Tiffany's electric fountain can be seen in the Manufactures Building from 7:30 till 10 o'clock. A free lecture on Hawaii will be given in the Temple of Music at 8 o'clock, illustrated by stereopticon views.

The water ballet begins at 7:30 o'clock and Pain's fireworks at 8. Pain has promised the surprise of the season. Something symbolical of Railroad Day is expected.

At 8:30 the fun will begin to grow fast and furious on the Midway for then, if not before, the bazoo band of 5,000 pieces, maybe more, will begin to play. The bazoo is a wonderful instrument and must be heard to be understood. It combines the qualities of a base drum, a phonograph, a piano and a comb covered with tissue paper. Music is another thing altogether. The Midway bands will furnish music of a questionable quality. The bazoos are expected to make noise.
(note: a bazoo was slang for <i>windy fellow</i>, and used here refers to a kazoo)

Story 2 Wedding in the den of lions - After Senator Depew's address at 3:30 o'clock, the wedding procession started from Lincoln Parkway Gate and marched to the lions' cage, where the ceremony took place at 3:45 o'clock, as had been announced. Harry R. Russell, of Christiana, Norway, a Midway spieler, and Miss Isola Marina Norton Douglas Hamilton, the alleged cousin of the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, were married in the lions' cage.

Russell has been engaged at a concession on the Midway since last June, lecturing to the audiences before which Miss Hamilton posed in tights. He has a flexible voice and an unexcelled nerve. She has an unusually fine figure. Both agree that they will make an extraordinary couple.

Russell modestly calls himself “the boy wonder from the Land of the Midnight Sun.” He says his wife needs no introduction, as her career has been explained in the newspapers. He will undoubtedly make Miss Hamilton a good husband and an unsurpassed press agent.

The wedding in the lion's den capped the climax for the afternoon. It was followed by a free organ recital in the Temple of Music. The crowds, however, went to the Midway...

Story 3 James B. Parker's colored friends met in the Vine street M.E. Church last night, pursuant to a call to inquire into and commend the part taken by him in the arrest of the assassin of the President. There was a large attendance. After the discussion of the case a committee of five was appointed to draft resolutions which should express the sense of the meeting that Parker played a manly part in the Temple of Music when the President was shot.

While the committee was doing its work, speeches were made in praise of Parker. The committee submitted the following resolutions, which were adopted –

“Whereas, There is a conflict of statements between the Associated Press and the Supreme Court of New York with respect or disrespect to the heroic act of James B. Parker in having thwarted the purpose of Leon Czolgosz in inflicting immediate death upon William McKinley, late President of the United States.
Whereas, We, the colored citizens of Buffalo, were deeply interested in the prolongation of the life of our late President and in the complete development of his administration
Whereas, We, the colored citizens of Buffalo, deeply deplore the tragic assassination of the former head of the Nation and as deeply lament his death now, be it
Resolved, That it is the sense of the colored citizens of Buffalo, N.Y., in mass meeting assembled, that they very much regret the clash of statement in respect to the reported act of heroism on the part of James B. Parker, in that the Associated Press, as a molder of public sentiment and as a herald of accepted facts, on the one hand reported said heroic acts both in American and Europe, and that the Supreme Court, the arbiter of justice, on the other hand, in its production of evidence entirely eliminated said James B. Parker from the part he is reported by the press to have played in the tragedy; be it further
Resolved, That when the American historian shall have written the narrative he may find himself able to so reconcile the conflicting statements as to award honor to whom honor is due.”

Parker came into the meeting and was received with immense applause, but declined to make any statement or to speak. To a NEWS reporter he said that his action in the Temple was precisely what his friends claimed for him, that he sought no reward for he would have done the same to protect any person assaulted in that way, but he did not care to be robbed of credit if there was any credit due for his prompt action.

September 29:  'The railroad man's motto, “There'll be something doing every second,”  was no more strikingly exemplified than when the battle of confetti began on the Midway at 8 o'clock. The great lane of laughter was densely crowded at that hour and all of a sudden showers of bits of fine paper that tickled your neck like Canadian flies began to circulate through the air. Strong-lunged men were retailing the confetti in small bags and it sold faster than the proverbial hot cakes. As soon as the purchasers could get their hands on the bags they began pelting everyone they met with the little paper missiles and in less than an hour the asphalted floor of the Midway was carpeted with the stuff and the gay throng of people had it all over their clothes, in their hair, their ears and down their necks.

Everybody was good-natured. A gay old maid or a married woman would throw confetti with as much enjoyment as a youth of 20. While the railroad bells rang in front of different concessions, fun-loving people walked up and down throwing it into the face of boys and girls, men and women, and not a murmur of protest was heard. It was Railroad Day, everybody was out for a good time and the way to have it was to enter into the spirit of the occasion.

When some elderly people got home last night it reminded them of the day when they were married and picked the rice out of their clothes at the end of a wedding journey. Some young men who did not button up their coats may find the confetti in their vest pockets after the Pan-American is over.

The fall of rain, which began early in the evening, spoiled the battle somewhat. Many visitors did not have umbrellas or mackintoshes and when the raindrops began to patter they hurried for cover and stopped pelting. If the weather had continued fair during the night bits of paper would be as thick as flakes of snow on a country road in winter.

September 30:   Miss Ruth Egbert of 187 West Eighteenth St., Erie, Pa., an attractive young lady of about 20 years, was sent back to her home last night by Erie railroad employees after an unpleasant experience at the Exposition. A purse containing her ticket and all her money except 40 cents was stolen from her at the Exposition Saturday (two days previous).

About 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon she was seen to enter the Erie station and sink into a seat in an obscure corner, where she remained until 9 o'clock. Station attaches had become alarmed at her peculiar conduct and aroused her from the stupor into which she had fallen.

They learned that she was exhausted from lack of food and sleep and a physician was summoned. She was taken into the station restaurant, where she was given all the doctor would allow her to eat. She said that she had had nothing to eat since Saturday noon and had slept in the Central station the night before.

Later she was supplied with a ticket to her home by Officer Dennis Bowman and enough money to provide for her wants until she could reach it.

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