Armour & Company Souvenir Menus


Dinner Menu

Tomato Soup

Oysters, Deviled

Filet of Beef, Mushroom Sauce,
Egg Plant Farci

Scallop Salad

Maccaroon Souffle




Luncheon Menu


Broiled Oysters, Brown Sauce

Chicken in Scallop Shells

Manhattan Salad

Cheese Crackers

Cafe Parfait


Chafing Dish Supper

Grilled Oysters

Deviled Cheese Crackers

Potato Salad

Pate-de-Fois-Gras Sandwiches



Dinner Menu

Crecy Soup

Lobster Patties

Sweetbread Filets, glazed,
Mushroom Sauce

Roast Duck
Sweet Potato Croquettes
Creamed Spinach

Celery Mayonnaise

Ice Cream   Cakes   Coffee

Crackers and Cheese





Luncheon Menu

Blue Points

Braised Sweetbreads, Madeira Sauce

Roast Quail, Waldorf Salad

Cheese Boulettes

Biscuit Glaces


reverse of the menus


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