Chicago Youths Must Go Back

Their Journey to the Pan-American Rudely Interrupted by the Police

The Buffalo Evening News, April 9, 1901

Harry Trilling, 15 years old, and Meyer Greenburg, 13 years old, both living in Chicago, found a pocketbook containing $30 on a street in Chicago a few days ago. 

They immediately concluded they ought to come to Buffalo and see the Pan-American Exposition. They started and arrived here last night. Patrolman Leaverenz found them wandering around in the Central Station at 3 o'clock this morning and took them in, charging them with being tramps. 

They were arraigned before Judge Van Natter in sunrise court. He turned them over to Supt. of Poor Long to be sent back to their parents.

[ed. note: The Exposition did not officially open until May 1. ]

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