This Day in 1901 Archives: April 1901

All stories from the Buffalo Evening News, unless otherwise noted

April 1: Under bright skies, the Exposition builders entered upon the last lap of the race for completion this morning, spurred by the reflection that Opening Day is only 30 sunrises away. The determination to make good Director-General Buchanan's terse promise, "We will get there on time," was expressed in the enthusiasm that imbued every workman. The uncertainty of the labor situation which overhung the Exposition for the last 15 days is passed, and the men this morning moved about as though they owned the Exposition and had a personal interest at stake upon its being ready on time.

"That is the spirit that wins," said J. H. Murphy, chief of construction, as he moved about the grounds and noted the interest manifest. "All those fellows appreciate good wages. It makes them work like men, not machines. Just watch us from now on and you'll see results."

"Four and twenty hours in each day, ten for work and six for play," was the plan that went into effect at the grounds this morning. Every laborer and artisan is expected to put in ten good hours of daylight. Those working on the roads and pavements will work in three shifts of eight hours each. William Scott, superintendent of floriculture, detailed a gang of men this morning to uncover some of the flower beds. They began upon the roses, tulips and herbaceous plants. All were found to be in good condition, and already sprouting up through the wrinkled and naked earth, responsive to the warmth of the early spring sunshine. The tulips were planted four inches deep, but their tips were already through the ground.

The plasterers were back at work, eager to make up the 15 days they lost by the strike, at $4 a day. The decorations in the interior of the Government building are farther advanced than those upon any other building in the grounds. The walls are being covered with green and maroon burlaps. Miss Thorpe says it will require but a short time to tack the decorations upon the interiors of the buildings under her charge. Three carloads of exhibits for the Electricity building were received this morning.

April 2: Delinquent subscribers to the stock of the Pan-American Exposition will shortly be given their choice between settling up and answering suit. The officials are greatly annoyed by the fact that so much money is still outstanding, and particularly at this time, when every cent is needed. Every resource of the treasurer's office having been brought to bear, recently the list was turned over to the law committee for collection. Secretary Taylor at once sent out letters saying that subscribers would save themselves the annoyance of being sued if they would call and settle at once. Responses to this letter have been various and wrathy, but in the main satisfactory.

But still there are a great number of delinquents, and the committee will be told in this letter that unless they pay by a certain date suit will be brought without further delay. It is not the disposition of the Pan-American to be unreasonable or unnecessarily drastic, and their action will not be so regarded by sensible businessmen. The money is needed. It is long past due and the law committee purposes to do its utmost to collect it.

April 3: The decorating contractor began work this morning upon the interior decorations of the Machinery building. The general color scheme for this structure, as designed by Miss Thorpe is a color scale of yellow, with a harmonious effect in green and red. The materials, chiefly cheesecloth of the colors described, have been sewed together in the flag shop for the last two weeks, after being made fireproof by a certain process in a downtown laundry.

This morning the workmen had the bunting, all festooned together, on the floor of the building. The clusters and festoons are hauled to the ceiling by ropes and fastened there. Then the strips are unfurled and the ends were tacked at the cornices. The effect was magical. As the festoons were unfurled, it was like the breaking of bars of sunlight through the rifted clouds of a cold autumn day. Every nook and niche in the building were illuminated by the gorgeous colors, and in the space of two minutes the interior was transformed from the similitude of the hay loft to a gala hall.

After the cheese cloth is tacked in place the burlaps will be put up next, and then the flag clusters and shields bearing the coats of arms of the various Pan-American states.

April 4: So far as this day's value in advancing the outdoor work of the Pan-American Exposition is concerned, the officials might as well cut it out of their calendar. The wet and slushy snow which has been falling since early (yesterday) morning has almost entirely stopped the work about the grounds. Almost all the laborers were laid off this morning. Landscape Architect Ulrich sent 900 of his men home, leaving only about 100 at work. Carpenters on the colonnades between the Machinery and Graphic Arts buildings were obliged to quit work, and only a few painters, those who found places to work in sheltered spots, are on hand. The paving of the Esplanade and laying of asphalt in other parts of the grounds was suspended this morning. The ground is covered with slush and snow, and the Mall is like the Hamburg Canal at low tide.

Generally speaking, all the activity at the Exposition site this morning is inside the buildings. In the Mines building a number of exhibitors are installing their displays. There are 2,000 exhibits in this small building alone. One display which arrived this morning is of selenite crystals, the largest in the world. They are from the Desert Museum in Salt Lake City, Utah, of which Dr. Talmage of that city is a director.

April 5: All the laborers who were laid off at the Pan-American grounds Wednesday and Thursday on account of the snow and rain returned to their work this morning and the cleaning up, paving and gardening went forward with a rush today.

There is a lumber famine for the inside work. Owing to the mill workers' strike, contractors are unable to get planed and dressed lumber. All that they had on hand has been used up, and they can not get what is in the market on account of the teamsters' strike.

Capt. Lawton returned from the Tonawanda Reservation this morning with another group of Indians, 12 in number, to take the place of the Indians who went on strike and quit work on the Six Nations village. The new men go to work Monday. They are all Pagan Indians from the Tonawanda Reservation.

April 6: The Pan-American officials made the most of today's fair weather by putting on as many men as could be used in the various departments of work. Carpenters, plasterers, laborers, pavers, and electricians are hustling at their utmost, with the activity that Aeneas witnessed at the building of Carthage.

The pavers now work nights as well as days, the workmen being divided into day and night shifts. Light is furnished by the electric lamps in the Court of the Fountains. The quality of the work is so poor that pools of water stand in the hollows on rainy days.

The progress of booth building is hindered by the difficulty of getting lumber. There is enough of it in the market, but the workmen refuse to hand that produced by mills where there is a strike, and that hauled by non-union cartmen.

April 7: An order was today issued by the Postmaster General establishing on May 1 the "Pan-American station" on the grounds of the Pan-American Exposition, to have facilities for the receipt and dispatch of mails, transaction of money order and registry business, sale of postal supplies, etc.

April 8: An estimated 9,000 people visited the Exposition yesterday. This does not imply that nearly 9,000 persons paid 25 cents apiece to get in. Outstanding passes are being hurried in, and if 1,000 paid admissions were registered by the turnstiles the Exposition Company would feel itself in luck.

April 9: The light snow falling at the Pan-American grounds this morning interfered with the carrying out the plan to treble the force of Exposition workers. Still, a large force was at work, and under the directions of the various chiefs, were making good progress. "Field Marshall" Ulrich increased his force of wagons. Cleaning up goes on with a rush. The Mall is no longer a terrifying tide of sticky mud, and it is quite passable for pedestrians. Many teams are busy with the carting of slag and cinders. The pavers are covering the Esplanade and Court of Fountains at a rapid rate.

The decorators have made a good start upon the decorations of the Machinery building. The greater part of the ceiling is hidden by yellow and orange cheese cloth, illuminated in places by bursts of red, green and orange-red. These clusters contain about 400 pounds of cloth each. It requires about 30,000 yards to cover the building. The Electricity and Agriculture buildings will be the next ones decorated. Nine women are employed in the flag shops sewing the cloth.

The era of booth construction and exhibit installation is now in full swing. Booths are springing up like magic in every building. The Manufacturers building has most. Many of them are very graceful, but the majority are merely elaborations of the "cubby house" of childhood.

April 10: Pan-American visitors desiring to secure first class rooms, central location, address Mrs. Magner, 112 Niagara Street.

Furnished room: no Pan-American prices; private family. 325 South Division Street.

I have accommodations for 12 persons; concessionaires preferred; 15 minutes walk from Exposition or 5 minutes ride. Address, K. 17, News office.

WANTED - Pan-American tickets given away; we will give a limited number of Pan-American tickets to enterprising women living outside of Buffalo; we do this for advertising purposes; write for particulars. The A.L. Davis Mfg. Co., 73 White Bldg.

Pan-American Midway; for sale, small booths, for all kinds of business. Apply Percival, 523 Mooney Bldg.

Real estate for sale; saloon, one of the finest corners on west side, Pan-American district; sure money maker, as it is the only saloon on sixteen corners, without any possible chance of anyone getting a license; physically incapable to care for season's rush reason for selling. Address B.9, News office.

WANTED - a partner with $500, lady or gentleman, to handle a hardware novelty, needed in every house; have a monopoly; no Pan-American scheme. Address Hardware 9, News office.

Fine house, Richmond Ave., to rent; eight minutes' walk Pan-American gate. Hopkins & Paul Mutual Life Bldg.

$75 per month, for six months, will rent completely furnished modern nine-room house on Dodge St. Wiedrick & McMichael, 390 Main St.

To Let - four to six months, fully furnished house, with stable, 42 Highland Ave. John E. Jewett, 249 Elm St.

Specially desirable furnished houses for rent during the Pan-American. S.S. Kingsley, 49 Niagara St.

For the Pan-American season a number of the choicest residences in this city, furnished, also unfurnished. G. S. Metcalfe, 202 Pearl St.

April 11: Michael Hohenstein, a sub-contractor engaged in putting staff on the Government building at the Pan-American Exposition, fell from the dome of that structure at 8:20 o'clock this morning and was instantly killed.

Four years ago Hohenstein came to this country from Frankfurt, Germany. He was engaged as a staff contractor at the Omaha Exposition and came from there to Buffalo. His brother in New York has been telegraphed and it is expected that he will wire back an answer directing the disposal of the body.

At the Exposition grounds it is said that Hohenstein's death was due to his own carelessness. He had been building a railing about the scaffold at the dome of the Government building, and on finishing, started to descend. He put one foot over the edge of the scaffold and reached for the ladder. His foot touched a piece of timber which turned when he put his weight on it. This caused him to lose his balance, slip through the railing and fall to the dome, from where he bounded to the place where his body was found. The distance he fell was about 160 feet.

Word was immediately sent ot the Exposition hospital and Dr. Allan hurried to the spot. Hohenstein's body was lowered through the interior of the building to the floor by means of ropes, and an examination showed that he had already been dead some minutes. The body was take to the hospital and the Coroner's office was notified.

In his fall Hohenstein struck almost the identical spot where William Highlander was killed. Highlander was the first man who was killed at the Exposition grounds. That accident happened about 2 months ago. [ed. note: see archives January 30, 1901.]

Hohenstein boarded at 394 Pearl street. He was 35 years old, and although little is known about him in Buffalo, it is believed that he was unmarried. He has a brother in New York City. For a number of years he has made it his business to follow the various expositions to superintend the more difficult portions of the staff work, and he was expected to leave Buffalo within a short time to take up similar work in St. Louis at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition.

April 12: The strike of mill workers, which has now been dragging along for nearly two weeks, was partly settled today. Eight mill owners have given in to the strikers and about 500 men returned to work this morning. The men go back with their demands granted for a nine-hour day at a minimum wage of $2, but their victory is not a general one. A dozen or so mills still hold out, and may do so indefinitely. It is reported that the mills that have signed the agreement did so because in most cases they had Pan-American contracts on their hands and would lose large sums in forfeits if they did not get their contracts filled on time.

One mill owner whose men went back this morning said that this forfeit work had been the main cause of the breakdown in the mill owners' stand.

"We had to get this work done, so we signed the agreement," said he. "It is only the mills with Pan-American contracts on their hands that have signed, and the dozen or so more firms that are still holding out can keep up the fight for a long time yet. We were caught between two fires, and rather than pay out some $5000 in forfeits we took the men back,"

The mills where the men returned to work today are as follows: E.M.Hager & Sons, J. Metz & Meyer, Jacob Jacokle, John Feist, J.J.Churchyard, Flierl & Rinemann and William Henrich Son, John Feist & Sons.

April 13: The band of Indians selected by Capt. Lawton to replace the Indians who struck in the Six Nations Village arrived yesterday and are engaged in putting up the Stockade. Only 15 were needed, but others kept coming from the Cattaraugus, Tonawanda and Alleghany reservations, which were visited by runners with the good tidings that there is $1.40 a day and found [ed. note: food & lodging] for pagans at the Pan-American.

Capt. Lawton also received an official visit from Solon Shank, the marshal of the Senecas. Shank said the tribe sent him to tell Capt. Lawton that it held a council last week at which it denounced the strike of the Indians. The marshal said that the strikers are now jeered at by the squaws and pointed out as "fools all same as white men." It seems the refinement of humor to the aboriginal mind that members of their race should throw up $1.40 a day and found just for the sake of striking.

The Indians are now engaged in sharpening poles for the Stockade by burning one of the ends in a fire. They have built a stone fireplace in which to burn the logs in order to keep within the insurance regulations. The burned ends will be pointed toward the Zenith as in the ancient Indian stockades.

April 14: The strangest race ever run in Buffalo is arranged to take place in the Stadium on the 27th of May, when an Indian runner, bicyclist, automobile, donkey, dromedary and elephant will strive for the mastery. This is only one of many curious and highly exciting events set for that date, all being designed in the way of a gladsome holiday to celebrate the completion of the Stadium and to dedicate it formally to Mercury the god of sports.

This celebration is arranged primarily for the amusement of the workmen employed upon the Stadium, and they are hustling amain [ed. with all their might] to get it ready for that occasion. Other Exposition employees will be allowed to witness the spectacles, also, and the arrangements are being made by a committee consisting of heads of departments and contractors, including Newcomb Carlton, director of works; John H. Murphy, chief of building construction; H. Weatherwax, chief draughtsman; J. R. Broderick, Joseph Eastman, Jr.; W. S. Taylor, Leon J. Armbruster, Fred Clarke, Joseph Cullen, Jr., E. Allen, Otto Carl, A.M.Smith.

Other events in addition to the grand man-bicycle-auto-donkey-camel-elephant hump around the quarter-mile track are a sham battle by the Western Indians, a Mexican bullfight, hula-hula dances by native beauties from Hawaii, Cinglese war dances, athletic contests by the workingmen, etc.

The heads of the departments and contractors will give a hop in the Stadium entrance in the evening, with a supper in the Stadium restaurant.

April 15: The committee of principals and teachers in charge of the exhibit to be made at the Pan-American Exposition showing the work done in the public schools of the city this morning took possession of the large office of the Bureau of Education and began the inspection of the work submitted by students of the various schools.

C.P. Alvod is chairman of the committee and is assisted by Principals Batcheller, Stowitz, Hughey, W.D. Fisher and McGrevy and Miss Swartz, Miss Becker and Miss Donovan.

Out of the great mass of work submitted the best will be selected and placed on exhibition in the five units of space awarded to the department. Preparations will also be made for a much larger and more comprehensive exhibit to be made at the Central High School at the convention of the New York State Teacher's Association in July.

The exhibit will include every kind of work done on paper and a comprehensive display of manual training work. The paper work includes drawings in black and white and colors, maps, compositions and illustrated stories in manuscript with illustrations and especially designed covers and titles.

Much of the work is surprisingly good and would be creditable to much larger pupils than those who submitted it.

April 16: Wonderful progress has been made at the Pan-American Exposition during the last week. In the landscape, particularly, improvement has signalized its advance. In the flower beds along the Court of the Fountains, white, purple, and yellow crocuses are blooming where only a week ago the surface reeked of mud in all stages from the solid to the liquid. The hyacinths are also budding into bloom. In other parts of the grounds the flowerbeds have been prepared for the spring planting of pansies, rhododendrons and other early plants. The rose gardens have been raked off, the borders of the Mirror Lakes and lagoons have been cleared for the springing up of the hardly perennials characteristic of the Northern landscape, and the lily pools relieved of the coverings of leaves. Every lawn, too, is already clothed with tender grass.

Asphalt pavement has been laid throughout the esplanade, the court of fountains, and the plaza. In other places slag and cinders have been distributed over the clayey surface and rolled with the steam road roller.

The pylons of the monumental causeway spanning the grottoes have been completed and the work of covering them with staff is well advanced. Yesterday Supt. Bell began to put in place the groups of sculpture destined to adorn them. The first group put in place represented "Power". It depicts a male figure in a sitting position, beside him crouches a lion and at his back are trophies of war - armor, flags and warlike implements. Another figure, that of a female, kneels at his side, her head bowed in sorrow.

The work of painting the bridges, balustrades and side of the canals a brown yellow is now well-advanced. The lions of the fore court have been painted an antique bronze.

The basin at the foot of the Electric Tower is covered with water proof canvas, and the pipes for the cascades put into place. The staging is nearly all removed from the Music, Graphic Arts, Horticulture and Mines building. The Goddess of Light has been gilded and will be hoisted into place upon the top of the Electric Tower this week. The domes of the Government building are beginning to be gilded.

Exhibits for the Mines, Horticulture, Manufacturers, Agriculture and Liberal Arts sections are arriving at the rate of about 15 carloads a day. The Mines building is the most nearly ready for opening. Its walls were clothed yesterday with red burlap and immense paintings are beginning to cover the rafters. The Horticulture and Manufacturers buildings are next in line of preparedness. The Graphic Arts building is still bare as a barn.

With two more weeks of such weather as was enjoyed last week the Exposition officials expect to have matters so far advanced that it will be generally admitted to be the most complete and most beautiful Exposition ever beheld upon opening day.

April 17: A party of terrified bicyclists rode to the Thirteenth Precinct Station House last night and told Capt. Burfeind that a dead man was hanging from a tree near the Delaware-Amherst entrance of the Pan-American Exposition. Capt. Burfeind sent a detail of patrolmen to investigate and found the supposed suicide was a dummy. It was placed there in grim humor by some of the Exposition workmen, who some time ago flung another dummy from the top of the Electric Tower.

A number of persons were horrified in both instances before the atrocious hoax was discovered.

April 18: Mayor Diehl will see to it that all the streets and parks of the city are in a clean and presentable condition in time for the opening of the Pan-American. The mayor made the announcement this morning in the presence of Park Commissioner Guenther. 

"The streets of the city should be clean at all times," he said. "We are paying to have that done. I do not know what the conditions are, except as told to me. But you may assure the public that I will do all in my power to have Buffalo dressed in holiday attire for the greatest event in the city's history."

Commissioner Guenther was informed that complaints have been made regarding the condition of the Front, and was asked if the Park Commissioners would do anything to clean up for the Pan-American. 

"I understand there is considerable cleaning to be done at the Front," he said, "but no citizen need be alarmed at the present condition of affairs there. The Park Commissioners planned a long time ago to put the Front in presentable condition and the dumping that has been done there has been done with a view to making these improvements. Large forces of men have been set to work in the parks and they will have everything presentable in ample time for the fair."

Supt. Hillery of the Department of the Streets also promises that he will do everything in his power to get the streets in condition and says he thinks he will be able to accomplish much in time remaining at his disposal. He believes he will have everything cleaned to the satisfaction of all taxpayers who are reasonable.

April 19: Mahoney of the Exposition passenger department received notification this morning of the formation of "The Akron Route", an organization for the purpose of traffic autonomy, composed of all the Pennsylvania lines and the Erie. These lines which are a network of railroads in the Middle West, converging in Akron, O., and proceeding thence to Buffalo.

Two trains of "The Akron Route" will leave Nashville, Tenn., daily for Buffalo Direct. These trains will bear the name of "Pan-American Express". There will be two trains daily leaving the following gateways and intermediate points and converging at Akron en route to the Exposition - St. Louis, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Columbus, Louisville and Dayton.

This is the most important traffic arrangement bearing on Exposition travel that has come to the attention of Mr. Mahoney's department.

April 20: "Worst April Snow Storm on Record, At the Exposition All Outdoor Work Suspended - Contractors Are In Despair" To read the articles, click on the Weather menu.

April 21: "Big Lil," an immense elephant, five sacred donkeys, including "Mrs. Johnson", whom, it is said, Rev. T. De Witt Talmage rode through the Holy Land, and 12 sacred cattle, all part of Bostock's wild animal show, arrived in Buffalo this morning. A trained buffalo died on the way. He will be missed, as careful training had made him worth an immense sum from the showman's viewpoint.

The management of this show is looking about for 100 mules whose owners have no scruples as to what becomes of their animals. The mule flesh, with a mixture of goat and horse meat, will be fed the animals. It is claimed that this combination is very nutritious. It is also cheap. Mr. Bostock says that the work on his buildings is progressing rapidly and the animal show will be opened on May 1.

April 22: Next to the electrical features by themselves, the exhibit which promises most in the progress of invention will undoubtedly be that of automobiles in the department of transportation exhibits. Supt. Thomas M. Moore told a NEWS reporter this morning that this feature had easily surpassed his expectations. Space has been sold to between 25 and 30 different concerns. Mr. Moore estimates that not less than 200 machines will be shown.

It is proposed that Buffalo shall be the hub of automobiles of America this summer, both those who are automobilists for business and for pleasure. The great automobile club run which was planned and talked about as a feature of the big show is now an assured fact, the time of which has been fixed for early September. Automobile clubs all over the country will start for Buffalo on a schedule that will bring them to the Queen City on Sept. 14.

The Automobile Club of America of New York City expects to have 75 starters leaving New York the Monday previous to the 14th. They will make an average of 83 miles a day, which is an easy run, stopping at Albany, Utica, Syracuse and Rochester. The Boston club will start about the same time, the Cleveland Club on Friday, the Chicago Club perhaps the Saturday before, and so on through the list, the time gauged according to the distance and the nature of the country. How many clubs will participate in this run cannot be conjectured even, for new clubs are springing up daily all over the country.

It is the idea of the promoters of this programme to get the automobilists here for the great meet planned for Sept. 16 - 21. For five days the automobilists will hold the center of the Stadium in a series of races and contests of all kinds.

Mr. Moore has reserved until this time any statement about the work of his vast department, which includes graphic arts, machinery, transportation and agricultural implements. All the space has been taken and it has been necessary to turn away many applicants, a fact which shows that this branch of the show will not fall behind the other departments. 

Several of the big railroads of the country are making fine exhibits, and not the least notable will be the largest locomotive in the world, built by the Brooks Locomotive Works of Dunkirk. This huge machine is 67 feet long. It will be shown on a turntable exhibited by the American Bridge Company at the southwest corner of the Railroad Transportation building. Inside the building the Brooks company will show another locomotive, with steam up and operated on rollers. In electric, naptha and steam launches and all kinds of boats, of exhibition sizes, the display will be of splendid scope. These are only a few of the features of these departments. Mr. Moore says the character of the exhibits as a whole are representative and entirely satisfying. 

April 23: Wanted: ten honorably discharged soldiers for six months fatigue duty in the Exposition. Apply through post-office, enclosing copy of discharge certificate and at least two personal references. Non-commissioned officers preferred. No heroes needed. Address Pan-American Exhibitors Fatigue Service. 

Wanted: two pretty girls, brown or dark hair and eyes, for cigar counter at Pan-American. Apply Saturday, 10 to 12, at Room 1, 7 East Swan St.

Wanted: hustling young men to sell the official catalogue and guide of the Exposition. 211 Ellicott St.

Wanted: one hundred men to sell Pan-American souvenirs. 57 Spring St.

April 24: The Goddess of Light is now in position at the top of the Howard Electric Tower at the Exposition. As soon as gilders have touched up the joints in the figure, the staging built about the statue will be removed. 

Workmen began tearing down the baseboards of the court of the Service Building at the Exposition this morning preparatory to building additional rooms over the court. This step is necessitated by the demands for increased space.

Gov. David Bartlett of North Dakota was on the grounds this morning, looking after the installation of North Dakota exhibits in the Mines Building. He was completely disgusted with Buffalo weather and said so. 

"Why, more snow fell last Saturday than we have had in North Dakota all this winter," he declared. "Look at the lateness of spring here. When I left North Dakota two weeks ago the farmers were engaged with their spring seeding."

Gov. Bartlett will remain at the Exposition until next November.

April 25: When the band of 250 Indians who are to appear at the Pan-American Exposition arrived at the Louisiana street freight yards this afternoon shortly after 1 o'clock they alighted from their special train in as quiet and orderly a manner as if they were so many school children. No war whoops came from the throats of the painted braves, but the small boys, who had waited more or less patiently for three hours or more for the arrival of the red men, let out some cries of delight that would be considered very good imitations.

Red, black and yellow were the predominating colors in the costumes of the braves and squaws. The papooses didn't count, as they were all strapped to their mothers backs. Some of the chiefs looked very gorgeous, bedecked as they were with feather headdresses, multi-colored blankets, beads and medals. Some of the squaws were rigged out as bravely as their masters, but most of them seemed content with blankets of blue, red and white and beaded moccasins.

The Indians brought with them some 200 mustangs. These were taken from the train and were conveyed direct to the Pan-American grounds. The Indians marched there by way of Seneca street, to Washington, to Exchange, to Main, to Chippewa, to Delaware Avenue, to the grounds. An Indian band led the procession.

April 26: The band of the tenth regiment of Bavarian Infantry of the German Imperial Army which arrived on the liner Columbia en route to the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, expected to be allowed to land at once. They were disappointed however, for the immigration authorities sent word to the dock that they would have to be detained pending investigation under the provisions of the contract labor law. They were taken to Ellis Island this morning and registered after which they were allowed to proceed to Buffalo. 

Besides the band there were on the Columbia ten Bavarian "yodlers" who also are going to Buffalo. They, too, were registered.

April 27: At a meeting of the executive committee of the Pan-American Exposition held on Monday or Tuesday this week the following resolution was passed unanimously:

"Resolved, That it is the sense of the executive committee that the gates of the Exposition should remain open on Sunday."

Members of the committee whose sentiments this resolution is supposed to represent are: John N. Scatcherd, George K. Birge, Conrad Diehl, Robert F.Schelling, Harry Hamlin, Charles R. Huntley and Carleton Sprague.

Other than this resolution, no action has been taken by the committee now... It was intended to hold another meeting today at 1 o'clock, but Mr. Scatcherd was called out of town and the programme was abandoned. Contrary to the statement in a morning paper, neither yesterday's meeting nor the meeting scheduled for today had anything to do with the opening question.

To the great embarrassment of the executive committee, Mayor Diehl took the occasion after the meeting to come out with a statement that reads well, politically speaking, in favor of an open Exposition, taking the stand of Buffalo voters against the world.

"I believe the gates of the Exposition should be opened to the public on Sunday by all means," said the Mayor. "It is the one day of the week when the workingmen can get to see the show without losing a day's pay. And the people want some place to go on Sunday. 

"We have taken their park away from them," the Mayor continued, "and we ought to give them something in return. I am not only in favor of opening the gates on Sunday, but if I can bring it about the price of admission will be reduced to half rate on Sunday."

Mayor Diehl made the statement also that the executive committee voted unanimously for an open Exposition. According to one of the committee the Mayor's language is misleading. It expresses the very thing, in fact, which the language of the resolution was intended to avoid, that of seeming to attempt to influence the board in anticipation of their action.

"Mayor Diehl's statement in regard to our action is unfortunate and embarrassing," said a member of the committee this morning. "All the minutes of the committee go before the directors, which in the course of events brought our resolution to their attention. This vote in short was in the nature of a straw. It was not the committee's idea formally to impose its views on the directors, and embarrass the board. Nor was it the intention that our action should be construed as an attempt to influence the board."

At 2 o'clock the board of directors sent into session to take final action as to Sunday opening. The board is composed of 25 men. As the seven members of the executive committee who voted in favor of the open Exposition resolution are on the board, only six more votes would be needed to constitute a majority in favor of open gates.

April 28: Capt. Joshua Slocum has notified the Pan-American authorities that he is about to start for Buffalo with his famous sloop Spray, in which he sailed 46,000 miles. The Spray will be anchored in the Park Lake during the entire season. 

The Pan-American Venetian exhibit, 24 Venetians, 25 Eskimos and five Arab sheiks arrived in New York yesterday aboard the steamer Leghorn from Genoa and Naples. They will reach Buffalo today or tomorrow. 

At a meeting of the executive committee of the festival committee of the Saengerfest yesterday afternoon, a scheme of prices for the general admission of the public was decided upon. Every shareholder is entitled to two seats and will be given first choice of seats. After the shareholders have been taken care of the charts will be open to the public. For the evening concerts the price will be $3 and $2 a seat, according to location. The price for general admission will be $1. Admission at matinees will be 50 cents and reserved seats will cost $1 and $2.

About 26,000 persons visited the Exposition grounds yesterday.

Dr. Nelson W. Wilson, sanitary officer of the Exposition, made an inspection of the grounds yesterday. After the Exposition is opened he will make an inspection tour daily.

April 29: Thomas McDougall, 17 years old, of 197 Cherry street, died at the General Hospital this morning at 8 o'clock this morning from injuries received in a fall at the Pan-American grounds on April 8. This is the third death among workmen employed at the Exposition grounds.

McDougall was employed as an electrician. He was wiring one of the towers on the triumphal causeway and lost his footing when about to descend. He fell, striking on his head about 30 feet below. He sustained a fractured skull, a broken arm and injuries to the spine. After being treated at the Pan-American Hospital he was removed to the General. The surgeons there gave up hope of saving him at least ten days ago, but he lingered until this morning.

April 30: It is now determined that the Pan-American Exposition will be opened informally tomorrow without any elaborate ceremonial. In the morning a salute of 45 mortars, one for each State in the Union, will be fired. In the afternoon at 2:30 and at 7:30 in the evening the 74th and 65th Regiment Bands will give a joint concert, using the two band stands which have been gotten ready in the Esplanade. At 3 o'clock a flight of 5000 pigeons, arranged by Supt. Converse of the division of agriculture, will be released in the Esplanade, spreading the news of the opening of the Exposition. In the evening there will be a grand illumination of all the buildings. 

Henry Rustin, chief of electrical and mechanical construction, said that all arrangements for President McKinley to touch a button in his private car, and thereby set the pumps in motion, were off. He had held himself in readiness to make the necessary electrical connections at this end of the wire, but had heard nothing more about it lately, and concluded that the plan was abandoned or postponed until Dedication Day on the 20th of May. It would require only an hour to lay the necessary wires, however, he added, in case he were instructed to do so. 

The pumps will not be started at all tomorrow, owing to the unfinished state of the niche in the Electric Tower whence the stream of water is to flow into the basins. This means that the various fountains will be inactive. A group of cupids surrounding a shield with the Pan-American emblem is to be placed in a nice above the cascade and the floor of the first basin in the niche below the waterfall is to be made waterproof before the water can be turned on. Also the basin in the Court of Fountains must be covered with crushed stone, else the fountains will spout mud like geysers. 

The only difference in the grounds tomorrow, it appears, will be that visitors will have to pay 50 cents admission and the 74th and 65th Regiment Bands will play.

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