This Day in 1901 Archives: December

All stories from the Buffalo Evening News, unless otherwise noted

December 1: Story 1 Pan-American Exposition figures show that the total number of admissions from first to last was 8,120,048. The number of paid admissions was 5,306,859. The number of free admissions was 2,813,189... The foregoing figures are the readings from the turnstiles and include Nov. 1 and 2, the two extra days, and no others of later date.

It will be seen that the proportion of free admissions ran to a little more than one-third of the whole. There were several reasons for this fact. In the first place, the attendance was about two-thirds what it would have been if the weather had been good in May and if the assassination of the President had not occurred...

In a word, the key to the free admissions figures is in the fact of the large Midway, which had a great number of attendants and of performers, and most of them were in the habit of going in and out a great deal of the time. To these inhabitants must be added the exhibitors and their help, made more numerous than ever at this Exposition in proportion to its size. It is said that the workingmen's passes up to the day of the dedication were numerous enough to take in all their households and their cousins and their aunts besides...

Another element of magnitude in the computation of passes is said to be the very large number sent out to the press of the country and good for the season. It was expected that these would be used and carried away but most of them stayed in the city and were transferred to others than the original owners. It is due of the officers and directors to say that their families did not have passes. Director-General Buchanan's family paid every time one of them entered the grounds. The same is true of Secretary Fleming's family and, the NEWS is informed on the best authority, is true of the other officials.

How hard the assassination of the President hit the Exposition from the standpoint of attendance may be judged from the story of the paid admissions now first disclosed. The first week in June had brought no more than 60,000. The next week showed 20,000 more, and then a gain of 23,000 on that until the first week in July showed 168,000 and over. By the first week in August the figure had risen to over 237,000 and the week including three days before the President came to the city, showed an attendance of the paid description of 367,424. In spite of two great days before the calamity befell the Nation, the next week noted a falling off of 50,000 and the next week exhibited a further shrinkage of 90,000 more. Even the great week that included Buffalo Day with its immense attendance could not restore the figures that were common before the fifth day of September. It is plain in the light of these figures that the Exposition would have been a magnificent success in every way but for the crowning sorrow that befell it when its troubles seemed wholly over...

Story 2  Among the best wheat exhibited in the Agriculture Building at the Pan-American was that raised by Mrs. L.P. Ranous, who lives in North Dakota. Twenty-two years ago Mrs. Ranous went West to recoup a fortune that she had lost. She secured free claim and a homestead, and went to work to develop a farm. How well she succeeded is seen in the fact that she recently refused $9000 for the claim, and that her wheat is known to be among the best in the world. Her wheat received a grand World's Fair prize at the Paris Exposition.

December 2:    Ald. Butler submitted a resolution at the meeting of the board yesterday which favored securing the Pan-American grounds as an addition to Buffalo's Park system. The resolution was referred to the Committee on Public Grounds which will hold a hearing on the subject Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. All citizens are urged to be present.

The resolution is as follows:
Whereas, it is the intention of the Pan-American Exposition directors to tear down the various buildings erected on the Exposition grounds, and restore the land occupied by the Exposition to its former condition, and
Whereas, the Exposition has been of great benefit to the city of Buffalo, and incidentally has added largely to the beauty of our park system to such an extent that we believe it should be retained permanently,
Resolved, That His Honor, the Mayor be empowered to appoint a committee of five citizens, who in conjunction with a committee from this Board and the Board of Councilmen, to be appointed by the chairman of each body, shall take the matter up and devise the necessary means for the preservation of the grounds as an addition to the present park system.

December 3:  Story 1 Sheriff Caldwell said this morning an attempt was made yesterday to remove furniture from the Service Building at the Exposition, in spite of the fact that he had levied on the entire building and its contents. The levy was made some time ago to satisfy an execution secured by Timothy McEvoy for more than $7000. McEvoy secured a judgment by default, and this default subsequently was opened, but the levy still stands pending a determination of the suit.

According to the Sheriff, some men went to the Service Building which, together with the Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building and the Machinery Building, was under the Sheriff's levy, and attempted to carry away the contents. William McCarthy, a deputy sheriff, was on guard in the building, and made an ineffectual attempt to prevent them. When McCarthy saw he could do nothing he called the guards from the other two buildings and, when it looked as if a free fight was coming, peaceful counsel prevailed, and the would-be abductors of the furniture departed. The Sheriff thinks the men tried to remove the furniture in the interest of the Exposition Company.

Story 2 The postponed Sheriff's sale of furniture belonging to the Pan-American Exposition Company took place at their rooms in Ellicott Square this morning at 11 o'clock.

Two weeks ago papers were served on the Exposition Company levying on furniture contained in rooms 734, 736, 740 and 742 Ellicott Square, to satisfy judgments in favor of the Buffalo Paragon Wall Plaster Company for $484.23 and James E. Carroll, $109.03.

Most of the furniture was bid in by J.N. Adam. Several filing cabinets and three typewriters were also sold which were not the property of the Exposition Company. The cabinets had been leased from the Wabash Furniture Company, and the typewriters had been loaned by the companies who made them for advertising purposes.

Bidding was quick and the sale occupied about an hour.

December 4:  Story 1 [Editorial from the Worcester Spy]
Some people think the money lost on the Exposition in Buffalo was a foolish expenditure. Is this true? Wasn't the whole Exposition an advertising arrangement. An immense sum of money, about $8,000,000, was expended on buildings which were to last only a few months. Most of the expense was utterly destroyed at the end of the Fair. Half of the income received by the managers of the Fair was from exhibitors, or for “concessions,” and the other half from admissions.

The Fair would not have cost any less to the American people, to the managers, to anybody, had the attendance been double. The burden would simply have been shifted on different shoulders. As a matter of fact, more money would have been spend had the attendance been large enough to have paid for the entire expense of the Fair. The amount of money paid to Exposition managers for admission to the grounds by each visitor was a mere trifle, if compared with the sum he was obliged to expend during his visit, not 10 percent probably, so that if $3,000,000 were received by admissions to the ground, no less than $30,000,000 were spent by visitors in the city of Buffalo and with the various transportation companies entering Buffalo during the season.

The Pan-American Exposition was intended to advertise Pan-America and her resources and her products. It has done so. Buffalo has had the largest share of the advertising. The United States as a whole has been benefited from this advertising, and the whole of North and South America has been benefited.

Those persons who do not understand the art and value of advertising will be perplexed at the enormous expenditure of money called for by this great Exposition. When one thinks of the millions of dollars poured into the city of Buffalo it seems incredible that there should be any wailing and gnashing of teeth over a final deficit in the accounts of the Exposition. Buffalo could afford to spend these millions under the circumstances.

We believe that the Exposition has put Buffalo in a position to take a leading position among American cities, the place to which it aspires, the place to which it is entitled by natural advantages of position and accessibility to a great water power. That Buffalo is destined to rank with Chicago and New York seems certain.

Story 2 No sooner had Representative Alexander reached Washington than representatives of the press began asking him on what ground Buffalo based its claim for governmental aid in making up the Pan-American deficit. The following interview which appeared in the Washington Post of this morning has been his answer to all such inquiries:

“There would have been no deficit had there been no tragedy. On the 6th day of September the indications showed that the fair would be in every respect a financial success. The attendance was reaching 70,000 or 80,000 a day. Boarding houses, hotels and homes throughout the city were full of visitors. The managers of the fair did not expect the largest attendance till September or October. The closing months of the World's Fair were the great attendance months. The same was true at Omaha, Philadelphia, Atlanta and other fairs.

“The speech of people throughout the country showed that the great majority had delayed going to Buffalo until the cooler months of September and October. The railroad rates, which had been kept stiff during the height of summer travel had been lowered more than 50 percent, in order to reach the people. Everything indicated that the crowds would increase as the close of the fair approached.

“After the morning the President was shot the prospects of the Fair were blasted. Within 24 hours hotels and boarding and lodging houses were stripped of their guests. People who had engaged rooms countermanded their orders. The first indication of returning favor was on Governor's Day, Sept. 27, but the days following the attendance dropped back. People did not want to go and would not go where the awful tragedy had occurred.

“This is the reason why I say that the Pan-American deficit is a part of the great tragedy. Had it not occurred there could have been no deficit. On the 6th of September the prospects could not have been better from every point of view. On the evening of that day the prospects could not have been any worse from any point of view. After that no special attractions, no amount of advertising could bring back the large and happy crowds which had, up to that time, characterized the attendance.”

December 5:  John N. Scatcherd and George Urban, Jr., returned from Washington yesterday, whither they went last week to look over the land and learn what chances there would be for getting an appropriation from Congress for the Pan-American Exposition Company.

Chairman Scatcherd reported that they had a talk with Senator Platt, who will introduce a bill appropriating $1,000,000 for the Exposition's deficiency. Senator Depew was in Charleston.

“Senator Platt was in Washington and we spent an hour with him on Sunday afternoon. We stated to him the desire that the Government should grant an appropriation and asked him what he thought of it, and what should be done. The Senator said that not only was he in favor of it, but was most heartily in favor of it and that he saw no reason why it should not pass. He told us to send along our bill and he not only would support it, but would work earnestly for it. So the bill will be sent. It will be introduced by one of New York's Senators because it is a matter affecting this State rather than any other. Senator Platt was most cordial and encouraging in his talk and we know that he will do all in his power to aid us.

“After seeing Senator Platt we called on Senator Hanna. We had a very pleasant chat with him. Senator Hanna is heartily in favor of the appropriation and we may rely on his friendship and support, for he is with us earnestly and sincerely. We did not go to see the President or any others, as our mission was to see the New York Senators. The bill will not be passed with a rush and all measures carrying appropriations are liable to delays if not defeat, and the Charleston Exposition probably will be over before the Buffalo Exposition measure is out of Congress. “

The reference to Charleston is obvious. That city started into the Exposition business with the certainty of ultimate deficiency. It calculates upon Congress making it good.

President Milburn is planning to go to Washington tomorrow night to take up the work where Messrs. Scatcherd and Urban left off.

December 6:  Story 1 Statuary at the Pan-American grounds is going for a song. Never since the birds in Aristophanes drama entered into a conspiracy to intercept the smoke of the sacrifices ascending to Olympus, compelling Mercury to come down and offer his services as kitchen-scullion, have gods and goddesses been held so cheap.

For $2 one can buy any of the plaster representations of the mythological High-Mightinesses. Two silver “Cart-Wheels” will buy Venus, Pallas Athene, Zeus, Hermens, Satyr and child, Bacchante with tambourine or discus-thrower with a serviceable discus.

Those desirous of purchasing art upon a larger scale can have their pick of any group in the grounds for $5. For five greenbacks one can buy the group of the Fountain of Nature, or the group of the Fountain of Abundance, or Proctor's “Agriculture” or “Manufacturers” or the group of the Fountain of Main in front of the Government Building. A single “V” entitles the would-be purchaser to a choice of the “Age of Enlightenment,” “The Savage Age,” “The Despotic Age,” “Floral Wealth,” “Mineral Wealth,” “Animal Wealth”, or the “Resting Buffalos” in the Fore Court and sunken gardens.

Every bit of sculpture  is for sale except those attached to the building. Five dollars is the highest price asked and $1 the lowest.

The only obstacle to quick sales of Exposition art is the cost of moving it. A New Yorker wanted the figure of Nature on the fountain before the Horticulture Building until he found it would cost $75 to move it. The he didn't care as much for it. The big lions of the Plaza cost only $2, but it costs nearly $50 to land them in cars.

The vases on the grounds are offered at equally low prices, $2 each for the larger and $1 for the smaller, but they are also expensive to send out of town.

Supt. Emerson has accepted the invitation extended to the public schools to help themselves to Exposition statuary and has reserved six Hercules with clubs and the seated Hermes of the sunken gardens, the Discus thrower, Minerva, Apollo Belvedere, the Football Player near the Temple of Ethnology, the Friezes on the Triumphal Bridge, four of the Winged Women from the pillars of the Approach to the Bridge and various others.

The Fine Arts Academy has contented itself with accepting the casts for some of the groups.

All exhibits are moved out except a few pieces of heavy machinery in the Machinery and Electricity buildings and ordnance in the Government building.

The Midway is rapidly becoming as Baalbek. “Darkness and Dawn” is being wrecked by Peter Stover. International Hall is being pulled down by A. R. Barber. McHall & Co. of Kane, Pa., are tearing down Pabst's.

A.R. Downey is wrecking the National Glass Factory, and Phillip Day the Old Plantation. The Beautiful Orient is going down in sections. All that is left of the Scenic Railway is the dark passage called the Sewer Trip. Venice in America, Esau's Mansion, the Temple of Palmistry and the Indian Congress are all in ruins.

Story 2  J.N. Adam and Capt. M.M. Drake were the only speakers who appeared last night when Ald. Butler's resolution in favor of devising means of buying the Pan-American grounds as an additional to the park system was considered by the Committee on Public Grounds. W.W.Saperston, Frank Rumsey and others were present but said nothing.

Mr. Adams did not believe it expedient to buy the entire site but thought sufficient land could be bought to beautify the vicinity of the Historical Society Building and he suggested that a strip from the Triumphal Causeway extending west to the limits of the Pan-American grounds and south to the park lands would be an excellent acquisition. Without, however, making a direct argument in favor of the suggestion he quoted some figures to substantiate his contention that the bonded indebtedness of Buffalo is not the bogie it is credited with being...

In conclusion, Mr. Adam said he thought our parks were too fine. They were rich men's parks rather than playgrounds for the poor people. He thought the expensive botanical gardens in South Park were not as satisfactory as if that park had been left in a more natural condition.

Capt. Drake said Buffalo has sufficient parks for the present, and what Buffalo needs most is a tax rate that will attract factories. “We have every thing except a low tax rate, and money is better spent in improving the harbor and bridges,” he said.

Another meeting, also public, will be held next Thursday night. Ald. Butler said he desired, if possible, to get the city to buy the entire site, for he thinks it can be had at bargain prices in view of the fact that the owners would have to restore their lands to their original condition before selling while, at present, they are suitable for park purposes. He believes if the Electric Tower and Temple of Music are preserved they will attract visitors to Buffalo.

December 7: Story 1 The transfer of the New York State Building to the custody and uses of the Buffalo Historical Society will be consummated on the 21st of the month. The date was set at the meeting of the board of managers of the New York State exhibits at its meeting in the D.S. Morgan building this noon. There were present Chairman Hon. Daniel N. Lockwood, Hon. Andrew S. Hamersley of New York, Hon. John T. Mott of Oswego, Hon. N.V.V. Franchot of Olean and Postmaster Fred Greiner.

The commissioners passed a resolution designating the day when the board would present to the Historical Society a parchment scroll, forever relinquishing all right, title and interest in the marble palace on the shore of the North Bay.

The commissioners also distributed the $5000 set aside by the board to be divided among the exhibitors of the State who received awards for livestock. In this distribution the lowest award was 63 cents, going to Will T. Reed of Cherry Creek, and the largest was $305.40 to F. C. Stevens of Attica. C.J. and Harry Hamlin received $261.50, and Levi P. Morton $109.75. There were 129 exhibitors among whom the $5000 was divided.

The board will meet once more, probably in January, at Albany, to hear the final report. Its existence ends by act of the Legislature on Feb. 1.

The board has at its disposal about $100,000, being part of its appropriation which has been unexpended. The officials of the Pan-American Exposition have intimated to the commissioners their plain conviction that the money should be turned over to the Exposition instead of being turned back into the State Treasury. Their idea is that the money was appropriated to be spent and that the Exposition is in a position where it could spend it to great advantage.

The board, however, frowned coldly on the proposition today. The members don't believe that the New York board is under any more obligation to turn over its balance to the Exposition than, say, the Michigan Commission, which turned over its balance into the State Treasury.

The New York board paid several bills for the Exposition, namely, bills for advertising, bill-posting and bands for the closing days of the enterprise. The members decided they have done all that they could be expected to do, and more than they were required to do, and concluded to do no more.

Story 2 The doors of the branch department of the customs house at the Pan-American Exposition were closed last night. At that time the last foreign exhibit or decorative material had been disposed of, leaving the work of the department concluded.

The record of clearing all foreign entries within the period of 30 days after the close of the Exposition was never achieved at any previous exposition. It speaks volumes for Bruce Ellis, the former superintendent of freight at the Exposition, that he has been able to accomplish this, and the achievement earned for him a fine congratulatory letter from Collector Brendel.

Ever since the close of the Exposition the hardest work at the grounds was connected with the removal of the foreign exhibits. It will be recollected that all the foreign exhibits were admitted free of duty with the distinct understanding that they must be returned to the original place of shipment after the Exposition. If not so returned, they must either be stored in a warehouse in bond or the equivalent of the duty upon them must be paid in stamps. In the case of the foreign exhibits at the Exposition, a large number were sent to Charleston, some to the Philadelphia Commercial Museum and the rest scattered. Those sent home had to be bonded, those sent to Charleston and Philadelphia had to be re-bonded, and stamps paid for the strayed ones.

The Fine Arts exhibits caused the most work for Bruce Ellis and his staff. Many of the exhibits that came from Paris in a lot were broken up, but at the end of the Exposition they went in a dozen different directions. However, the majority were returned to Paris. The last painting and piece of sculpture were removed from the temporary Fine Arts building at the grounds yesterday.

December 8:  A bronze tablet now marks the spot where the body of William McKinley lay in State in this city in the lower corridor of the City and County Hall. The tablet was put in place Saturday night by its designer, E. L. Pansch of Hartford, Conn., assisted by mechanics from the Crawford Monument Works of this city and witnessed by Henry V. Bisgood, trustee of the City and County Hall, Supt. W.F. Fisher, and John Hottinger of the City Hall force.

The tablet is sunk into the marble floor and takes the place of one of the marble slabs that was removed. It is 24 inches long, 14 inches wide and two inches thick. It weighs 102 1/2 pounds and cost $185. It was made by the Paul Copperette Bronze Company of New York City.

The inscription on it is as follows:
Here Lay In State
The Body of
William McKinley,
President of the
United States,
Sept. 15, 1901.

Forty-five stars form the border of the tablet and the letters are cut into the bronze to the dept of three-eighths of an inch. In this way it was possible to fill in the letters with black enamel, making a striking contrast to the brightly burnished copper. In his statement to the press regarding the tablet, Supt. Fisher makes this request:
“The public is respectfully requested not to walk over the tablet, not that any injury would result, but out of respect for the man whose memory the tablet perpetuates.”

To prevent anyone from doing so today a chair was placed in front of the tablet.

December 9:  Confusion still confounds the financial counsels of the Pan-American Exposition Company. The conveyance of the Exposition buildings to their purchaser, the Chicago House Wrecking Company, still continues blocked by the crowd of creditors struggling to get a slice of the purchase price, $93,000.

The Rumseys want $50,000 of it under the agreement to set aside that amount in lieu of restoring the grounds. The claimants under the liens want $88,000 of it to satisfy their claims. The construction creditors want five times that amount but would like the $93,000 for spending money while waiting for the rest. And now George V. Forman, the trustee of the first mortgage bondholders, steps forward and quietly announces that there is no use of anybody else reaching for it as he intended to take the $93,000 for his clients, the first mortgage bondholders.

He claims that the bondholders' mortgage covers everything connected with the Exposition, gate receipts, receipts from concessions and the very buildings, and not until the $175,000 still due is paid up will there be anything in sight for the other creditors.

The attitude of the first mortgage bondholders excites indignation among the construction creditors. The men who built the Exposition, who gave their time upward of two years, besides drawing upon their capital in the bank to pay their help and for materials, in many instances giving notes in the expectation of receiving their pay from the Exposition, and thereby forcing bankruptcy, believe that no matter what the legal aspects of the case may be, their claims are morally prior to those of men who merely invested money as a speculation. They will resist to the last ditch the proposition to let the bondholders take the last asset in sight, the $93,000, and let the “men behind the guns” wait for the Congressional appropriation.

What steps are being taken to soothe these clashing interests Robert F. Schelling only can tell, but he refuses to talk about it. He regards the financial woes of the Exposition Company as too sacred a subject of discussion in the newspapers.

December 10: 'William McCarthy, assistant emissary of Sheriff Caldwell, was passing the time away in the Service Building of the Exposition at dusk Saturday evening with other representatives of the Sheriff's office to see that those having access to the grounds carry off nothing more than a jaunty air. Those associated with Deputy McCarthy in the watch and ward are W.D. Thayer, who has chief charge, John F. Monner, Walter Dubey, William D. Smith, John N. Ryan, John H. Smith, Edward Baltz, Charles Hehr, Peter Bapst, Lawrence Jamison, John Schwamm and Thomas Chilcott.

These deputies have been detailed by Sheriff Caldwell to protect the interests of Timothy McEvoy & Son and other Exposition creditors who have placed liens upon the buildings and their contents.

Incidentally the deputies are required to look out for fires. Every light is out within the grounds, every policeman is withdrawn, and the only water pipe within the fence that could be tapped could be sucked dry within 10 minutes by one engine. This combination of circumstances is recognized as fraught with the most appalling possibilities, and the deputies are instructed to patrol the grounds by day and night. Each man is supplied with a card showing the location of the nearest fire alarm boxes.

Hereafter nobody will be allowed upon the grounds after 5 o'clock in the evening and before 7:30 o'clock in the morning. Nobody is allowed to enter on Sundays. Six of the deputies are upon duty by day and eight by night to see that these rules are enforced.

Aside from the buildings there is nothing to guard. Only the Brazilian and Chilean exhibits remain to be removed, and the latter will be cleared out by Wednesday. The Brazilian [exhibits] are in the custody of the Sheriff, pending the settlement of certain little carting bills.

Joseph Keener and John Rothballer, two other emissaries of the Sheriff, are in charge of the Infant Incubator.

The Exposition presents the most dismal appearance befitting these lien days. The colors of the buildings are faded and weather beaten until they resemble the estate of a striped stick of candy in a nursery two weeks after Christmas. Ice has formed in the Sunken Gardens of the Esplanade and Ceres and Chronos are doing a cakewalk upon that before the Horticulture Building. Most of the smaller pieces of sculpture have been carried off, and that remaining which survived vandals looks sadly in need of draperies in the wintry air.

A remarkable echo has taken up its abode in the grounds since they have become desolated. It can be heard to best advantage from the Triumphal Bridge. One of the Exposition creditors learned this fact yesterday afternoon. Standing between the pylons and facing the Tower, he shouted, “I want my money.”

In a moment the cry was taken up by every building about the Tower, and “Money! Money! Money! Money!”  came back to the expectant creditor. He listened with grim pleasure and then remarked, “That's the first time money ever came back to a man that quick inside of the grounds.”

Sheriff Caldwell said to a NEWS reporter yesterday: “I am just now on my way out to the Exposition grounds to make my daily visit to the property that has come under my charge. Of course, you understand that when a seizure is made by a sheriff he is held responsible for whatever property he may levy on, and this case is no different from any other. Supt. Bull telephoned me yesterday that he would withdraw all his men from the grounds today, so I have a force of 19 men, all told, at the grounds today, and will maintain a force sufficient to protect the property until such time as the courts set. Not a stick or any other article can be taken away from the grounds until an order is obtained from me personally, and then only at the direction of the court.

“The amount of the various claims cannot be ascertained just now, for the force in my office have not as yet added up the judgments.

“The public is now excluded from the grounds. No visitors whatever are allowed inside the fence. I am visiting the grounds every day, and will continue to do so until I know that everything is settled...”

December 12:   Story 1 The South Park District Taxpayers Association held a meeting last evening at which several subjects were considered. A committee was appointed to inquire into the cost of electricity in other cities, as it is feared that manufacturers are kept away from Buffalo by the charges for light and power in this city.

The proposition to have the city take over part of the Pan-American grounds as an addition to the Park system was denounced. It was held that no more parks should be acquired until the city could properly care for what it has. A discussion was held concerning the removal of the piles under the bridge crossing Cazenovia Creek at South Park avenue. It was said that they caused the water to back up and added to the miseries attendant on floods in that vicinity.

Story 2 At a meeting of the board of directors of the Pan-American Exposition this afternoon the diplomas to which successful exhibitors are entitled were ordered printed. They will cost about $3000, and the directors will pay for them out of their own pockets if necessary.

Secretary Fleming tendered his resignation, but will give the board his services gratuitously as long as the same may be needed. Director of Works Carlton announced his willingness to serve hereafter without pay.

The directors would be pleased if the New York State Commission would hand over to them the surplus it has on hand, which amounts to about $100,000, but the New York State Commission say the money belongs to the State and that if the Exposition directors want it they must apply to the State for it.

December 12:  It is up to the Exposition creditors to fight over the proceeds of the sale of the buildings. The company itself will cheerfully pay the $93,000 into court and let the tribunals of justice say where he money shall go finally.

There are four kinds of claimants: the first mortgage bondholders, the second mortgage bondholders, the Rumseys, who own the land, and the lien holders. The bondholders stand on the proposition that the bonds take precedence over everything, but the lien holders are advised that the bonds cover only gate receipts and are not a lien on the buildings. That is one point of dispute. Again the landowners are reported to insist that their lien precedes the lien of the mortgages and, if that is not true, then their claim is next to the bonds. Still further, the lienors insist that their claims come under the description of operating expenses and thus are preferred to anything else.

The situation, then, is simply that a first-class lawsuit is in sight. It appears that the persons most inclined to fight over the bone are the lienors. The first thing to be done is to get the money for the buildings in hand and deposited somewhere to await the disposition of the conflicting claims. Shire & Jelinek, representing the largest number of lienors, are said to be determined to accept no junior place in the procession, but will go to the courts in an endeavor to stand at the head of the line when the distribution is made.

December 13:   [Editorial] Is Buffalo to do anything to honor the memory of William McKinley?

The question is asked everywhere. Three months have passed since the President died in this city. Nothing has been done to carry into practical effect the impulses of the people among whom he died. A few have contributed a little fund for that purpose, that is all. In the national capital and throughout the country the erection of a great monument is going forward prosperously, but Buffalo, the city in which he was assassinated and which he honored with his last and noblest utterance, is doing nothing.

What is proposed is that the city and the associations directly concerned in the proposal to beautify the city shall join hands and redeem neglected Niagara Square and place in its center a statue of President McKinley. If this matter can be arranged, the NEWS believes contributions will be made which will meet all the expense, except that to be incurred by the park department as custodian of the Square in improving that piece of ground as it has planned to do a score of times in as many years. One Buffalo man authorizes the NEWS to say he will give five hundred dollars to such a work as his check is in hand.

It is thought that most or all of those who sent contributions to the NEWS for a memorial two months ago will approve the proposal to erect a monument in Niagara Square. With that fund and the later contributions as a nucleus no doubt much more could be gathered from the other sources indicated. The Society for Beautifying Buffalo could find no better field for their effort than Niagara Square. The Woman's Union fronting the Square has much at stake in its redemption from bare asphalt and mangy turf. That public spirited body under the wise and energetic leadership of Mrs. George W. Townsend, its president, could greatly promote such an enterprise. The historic site, full of memories of the stirring scenes in the history of Buffalo, the dwelling place of one of Buffalo's Presidents of the United States, whose dwelling is now the picturesque Castle Inn, is worth the effort. Its importance as the central link in the chain of parks is fully appreciated by the Park Department. Its position as the gateway to the most beautiful portion of Buffalo through beautiful Delaware Avenue should strongly interest the local organizations...

December 14:  [Editorial] “The killing of President McKinley wrecked the Pan-American Exposition financially, says the BUFFALO NEWS, and therefore Congress ought to appropriate $1,000,000 to help meet the deficiency. This is shockingly business-like. Can't the appeal to Congress be based on something more idealistic, such as patriotic spirit?” Albany Argus.

The necessity which prompts the appeal is itself “shockingly businesslike.” The contractors and others to whom the Exposition is indebted need the money and should have it - would have it but for the calamity which all the world deplored for its own sake, thinking of no secondary calamities.

Buffalo does not ask this relief as a matter of business or as a right at all, but as an expression of the patriotic spirit the Argus would have us invoke. The Exposition was in a very important sense a national enterprise. More was put into it for national pride than could possibly come out of it except under most favorable conditions, which no one could guarantee. Every drawback of storms, strikes, bad weather, prejudice roused by reports of high charges here and on the railroads, was patiently endured. The Exposition wore a smiling face and kept all its promises whatever went wrong. The tragedy of September 6 necessarily affected the Exposition more than all its own misfortunes, but Buffalo doesn't tally up that loss and claim Congress must make it good. Our people had praise from one end of the country to the other for their care of their President  and those near to him when he lay dying here. It is ungenerous to hint now that “business-like” view of that painful event was held here. Buffalo loved and mourned the good man and there was no second consciousness in the sorrow manifested when he was brought to death in our city. All we say to Congress now is: a calamity unforeseen and unforeseeable ruined the Exposition. Help us all you can to pay our honest debts, incurred in making an Exposition which the whole country is proud of and with good reason.

December 15:  Mayor Diehl, through the NEWS last Sunday, gave voice to an opinion which is no doubt concurred in by a vast majority of the citizens of Buffalo, and that is that the magnificent Electric Tower, which was the chief glory of the Pan-American Exposition, should be preserved and placed at the Front, not alone as a memorial of Buffalo's greatest fair, but as a never-ending source of delight to all beholders.

But if that is to be accomplished, something must be done and that quickly. The Sheriff's sale of the Exposition buildings is scheduled for next Friday and there is danger that some speculator will bid in and destroy the tower for what steel and other materials there are in it.

When the Mayor's attention was called to this fact today, he said,

“My proposition was that some philanthropist or public spirited citizen should buy the tower and present it to the city, as an attraction both for residents and for visitors. One thing that Buffalo has not and which other cities like New York and Boston which are situated on a waterfront have is a place where they can go during the heated term, take dinner or luncheon and enjoy the cool breezes that come from the water. It the tower were erected at the Front and a restaurant located therein, this advantage would be supplied.”

But if no individual comes forward, would it not be well for the city to bid it in? was asked.

“I don't care how the tower is acquired,” said the Mayor. “It would be a good investment for the future. The tower cost $200,000 and it could no doubt be picked up for a song. The opportunity is one which should not be neglected. “

If it would be a good investment for an individual, would it not be a good one for the city?

“Yes, in my opinion it would, “ said the Mayor. “The restaurant privilege would pay for the interest on the investment and in time would wipe out the cost of the tower.”

What course would be necessary for the city to acquire the Electric Tower?

“An appropriation would have to be made by the Common Council and bonds issued. But there is no time for that now. Some public-spirited citizen should bid on the Tower at the sale and if he could not afford to give it to the city, then let him sell it to the city for what it cost him. I understand that the framework of the Tower is not riveted, but bolted together so that it could easily be taken apart. The material in the structure is worth more than it would cost and the buyer would thus be protected from loss.

“If I had the money,” said the Mayor, “I would like to buy the tower and give it to the city.”

It has also been suggested that it would be a profitable stroke of business for the city to buy the splendid dome of the Government Building. It contains thousands of tons of steel  which would cost but little and which could be put to good use by the city in some of its future public structures.

December 16:  In view of the wide discussion incidental to the question of who should pay the physicians who attended President McKinley, Dr. Matthew D. Mann consented to make a statement to the NEWS today, setting forth the attitude of himself and his associates.

Dr. Mann, in reply to questions by a NEWS reporter, said:

“We feel that we operated on the President of the United States, that we operated for the American people with a view to saving their President for them, that we were called not by the family of President McKinley, but by the authorities, the Cabinet and others, to take charge of the President, and we feel, therefore, that we have a right to look to Congress and the nation for our remuneration.

“We took a tremendous responsibility because we took in our hands the life of the most prominent man in the world, and we feel that in taking such a responsibility we ran a immense risk. Had the autopsy showed that we made any serious mistake, we would have received unlimited condemnation - we might even have been ruined professionally.

“From all these facts we feel that we should not be called upon to render bills to the family. Any bill which we might render to the late President's estate would be larger than the Mrs. McKinley should be called upon to pay. If we should render such a bill as she could properly pay, we should fee that we would be very imperfectly remunerated.

“We feel, therefore, that Congress should take up the matter and make an appropriation such as it may see fit and save us from becoming the objects of criticism by sending a bill. For no matter what bill we might send in, we would receive a certain amount of abuse. We feel also that the dignity of the medical profession demands that Congress should pay this bill, and the services should be handsomely rewarded. The medical profession all over the world is waiting with great interest to see how this affair will turn out, and we do not propose to do anything, if we can avoid it, which will lay us open to criticism. “

December 17:  It is not known what part the Pan-American Exposition officials intend to take in the proposed sale of the Exposition buildings by Sheriff Caldwell on Friday. It is believed that some action will be taken, the precise nature of it being a matter that Robert F. Schelling believes worthy of being kept up his sleeve until he is ready to flash it.

The Board of Directors and Executive Committee have had no consultation in regard to the matter. This is a tribute to Mr. Schelling as indicating their estimate of his ability to manage things. President Milburn is in New York but will return to Buffalo tomorrow. This is regarded as a sign of his intention to have something to say about the sale.

“It is all a game of lawyers, “ said a prominent Exposition official this morning to a NEWS reporter, referring to the existing financial complications connected to the Exposition affairs. “First one side will make a move then the other will make a play, and then a third will come in. It is a long way yet from the end of the game, and none may yet boast himself a winner in it.”

The Sheriff expects to sell the buildings. He believes that a purchaser will be on hand who will buy the pinnacled structures at a bargain, and pay into the hands of the Sheriff cash for the same, which the Sheriff expects to turn into the hands of the judgment creditors and lien holders.

Some lawyers support the Sheriff's attitude. They maintain that the Exposition buildings are more in the nature of personal property  than realty because of their movable character and, as such, are not protected by the mortgage of the bondholders. The mortgage should have included the personal property of the Exposition Company to be impregnable, is their contention.

On the other hand, many maintain that the Sheriff will be able to sell only the equity of the McEvoys in the buildings at Friday's sale, and that the best a purchaser can get is a right to share in the proceeds when the buildings are eventually sold by the Exposition Company or by the trustee of the first mortgage bondholders, George V. Forman. Treasurer Harris of the Chicago House Wrecking Company has adopted this view, and state that he will not bid at the Sheriff's sale on the ground that he is more anxious to get rid of equities in the buildings than to acquire more of them. Attorneys for the other creditors take the same view.

December 18:  Robert R. Schelling, attorney for the Pan-American Exposition, states positively that there will be no Sheriff's sale of the Exposition buildings. Moreover, he characterizes the Sheriff's notices of sale as Simon-pure bluff. So lightly does he regard the possibilities in the Sheriff's power that he states the Exposition authorities will not take any part in the proceedings on the score that the Sheriff can't do any harm in his attempt to sell.

A NEWS reporter found Mr. Schelling in his office and asked him to give a concise statement of the Exposition Company's attitude toward the Sheriff and his announced intention to sell the buildings. It is characteristic of Mr. Schelling that he lifts his hat ever time the Exposition is mentioned and expects everybody to do likewise. He believes the maxim, “De mortuis nil nist bonum - Speak nothing but good of the dead” should be applied to Pan-American affairs, and he resents any attempt to enlighten the public about it as inexpedient. Accordingly an interview with him is much like pulling teeth.

“Will the Exposition Company take any steps to prevent the sale tomorrow?”

“There won't be any sale,” was the reply.

“How is that?”

“Because there is nothing to sell. There never has been any talk of selling except in the newspapers.”

“But those Sheriff's notices on the walls and doors of the Exposition and elsewhere? “

“Oh, that is only a bluff.”

“Will you kindly state just what the situation is?”

“No, I decline to be interviewed.”

And with this Mr. Schelling turned to his work with every line of his frame expressing disgust.

“The sale is on unless something happens during the day. The notices are and will be carried out,” said Sheriff Caldwell this noon when he was asked about his plans for tomorrow in regard to selling Exposition buildings under the hammer.

“Do you expect anything in particular to happen today to prevent it?”

“As to that I can't say. In this game anything is liable to happen any minute.”

“What was the subject of your conference with Mr. Schelling yesterday?”

“I can't tell you definitely. He asked me to do something that I couldn't do under my oath of office. I told him to get a court order  and then I could oblige him.”

The Sheriff was urged to be a little more explicit but refused.

“That is all I can tell you now. As to what move the other side will make next I can't divulge what I expect because they might not do it, but I think they will do something.”

Negotiations to stop the sale have been in progress during the day. Robert F. Schelling and Seward A. Simons held a conference with Under-Sheriff Hatch this morning, Sheriff Caldwell being in charge of a jury.

No definite conclusion was reached, and no arrangement made positively, but negotiations were advanced so far that the Under-Sheriff informed Ansley Wilcox that there would probably be no sale tomorrow and that if there were, he would notify him.

“Will you take any action to prevent the sale in behalf of the interests of your clients, Messrs. B.C. and D.P. Rumsey?” Mr. Wilcox was asked.

“It doesn't look now as if there would be any sale, but if there should be an attempt at one, I will be on hand to see that the interest of my clients are protected,” Mr. Wilcox said.

December 19:  “Niagara Square seems to me a fit place for portrait statuary, as the NEWS suggests,” said Charles W. Goodyear, president of the Delaware Avenue Improvement Association, to a NEWS reporter today. “But I am not in accord with the NEWS in its suggestion of having a statue of Mr. McKinley put there. My choice is for Millard Fillmore or Joseph Ellicott. I speak of these by way of example and not as conclusive against all others. What I mean to convey is the idea that Buffalo should honor her own illustrious dead before undertaking to do the honors for the dead of other places, however famous the subject.

“Canton, you will observe, is honoring her own dead and all the rest of the country is paying for it. I do not speak of this in the way of criticism or disparagement. It is proper for Buffalo to subscribe for that purpose, but when you come to putting up monuments to endure endlessly, it seems to me that this city is too rich in men of distinction, and the country on this frontier too highly deserving of the commemoration of its historic figures to have its turn postponed to a later time than is compelled by our own circumstances. I would rather see nothing done to adorn the Square until we can do the right thing, or what I regard as the right thing.

“I am sure that too much pains cannot be taken to educate the young to patriotism, and while I appreciate the value of such a life as that of the late President, I am still of the opinion that history lessons are most effectually taught by showing the significance and importance of the things that our own ancestors and neighbors have done, and how our community is united to the State and Nation, through the valor, or statesmanship, or generosity or public spirit of our own citizens.”

December 20:   Story 1  It was reported at the Park Department this morning that there is good skating at Humboldt Park, also at Delaware Park. Local skaters feared no skating would be permitted this year in Delaware Park, but Secretary Selkirk said this is not so. He says the Park Commissioners are entirely wiling to let people skate there and it is understood the Pan-American officials have no objections and will allow people to enter the grounds which are still enclosed by the Exposition fence.

Story 2 [Letter to the Editor] Will you kindly ask in “Everybody's Column” if someone having kodak pictures of the Pan-American and Buffalo would exchange prints of some for New York, Philadelphia and Atlantic City views?
Mrs. G.E.M.  Buffalo

December 21:  Story 1 Coroner Boiler this morning went out to the Pan-American Exposition grounds to replevin $5000 worth of copper wire which was seized by Sheriff Caldwell of Erie County with other property at the Exposition grounds about a week ago. This wire was used in lighting the buildings and Sheriff Caldwell had allowed it to be removed from the buildings but not taken from the grounds.

The copper wire is owned by the Safety Insulated Wire and Cable Company, and was leased to the Pan-American Exposition Company for the their use. It was not the property of the Exposition Company. The Safety Insulated Wire and Cable Company, through their representative Orlando Monroe, have engaged attorneys Wheeler & Sons to look after their interests.

Story 2   Rogers, Locke & Milburn, as attorneys for the American Bridge Company, have performed the remarkable feat of discovering something at the Pan-American grounds that the Sheriff can't seize or sell and Under-Sheriff hatch admitted the fact this morning when the following self-explanatory notice was served upon him for Sheriff Caldwell:

“In behalf of the American Bridge Company we hereby forbid you from selling or disposing in any way whatsoever of the frame work or roof of two buildings upon the grounds of the Pan-American Exposition Company in the city of Buffalo, known as the Ordnance Buildings, under any attachments or executions which may exist against and other persons or corporations except the said American Bridge Company, the entire frame work and roof of the said two ordnance buildings being the property of the said American Bridge Company.”

“No, we can't seize or sell those buildings,” remarked Mr. Hatch with a rather sad tone in his voice.

December 22:  “Whether the bondholders shall take the proceeds of the sale of the buildings of the Exposition Company, and by that I mean the $93,000 agreed to be paid for them by the Chicago Wrecking Company, depends on how the claimants act,” said Mr. George V. Forman, representing the first mortgage bonds as trustee.

“In the first place there is not the slightest doubt that the first mortgage bonds precede every other claim. That is plain as words can make a contract. If, then, the money for the buildings comes quick I may be inclined to be generous to the unprotected lien holders. But if there is a lot of trouble and fighting, injunctions and orders and defenses, it will be a different thing altogether. The talk about there being a tangle in the affairs of the Exposition as far as the claims of creditors go is all nonsense. The newspapers and some interested persons may think so, but there is small foundation for the notion.

“The lien of the mortgage is superior to any and every other. That is the truth of the situation and one can see therefore how simple the case is in fact. All I need say, then, is that I will be generous in the settlement of the business if given half a chance, but if hindrances to a settlement are interposed, I shall be inclined, in the language of certain circles, to take the pot. The business must be settled soon or the prior interest will proceed to finish the affair to its exclusive advantage.”

Secretary Fleming of the Exposition Company was asked by a NEWS reporter this morning if the Chicago Wrecking Company had demanded the return of its certified check for $25,000 put up as a security when the company's buildings were sold to it. He replied that he had heard nothing of any such action, but the attorney of the company, Mr. Robert F. Schelling, would be the only person who would know about it in the first instance if such were the case.

Mr. Schelling was seen this morning and asked the same question. He answered: No demand of any sort has been made on me, and if made on any other director I should hear of it speedily. I do not think the Chicago Company has taken any such step.”

December 23:  According to papers submitted in County Court this morning by Attorney Robert F. Schelling, Sheriff Caldwell's bill for deputies' expenses and salary in guarding the Pan-American property increased from $649 to $800.50 in a single day. And these expenses, it is stated, were incurred partly over a judgment for only $85 secured by James E. Carroll against the Exposition Company.

The situation was somewhat startling and Judge Emery paid close attention to Mr. Schelling's remarks. Today was the return day of an order to show cause by the Carroll judgment should not be dismissed on the ground that payment of the judgment had been offered by the Exposition Company through Mr. Schelling and refused by the Sheriff.

Attorney D. N. McNaughton asked for an adjournment until Thursday afternoon on the ground that neither Attorneys August Becker or Seward A. Simons, two other interested lawyers, could appear today. Mr. Schelling objected to an adjournment on the ground that the bill for Sheriff's expenses was piling up at the rate of $50 a day.

“My moving papers show that is done practically on a judgment for $85 that we are ready to pay,” said Mr. Schelling.

It was shown, however, the Sheriff was unwilling to cancel the judgment until his fees had been paid. Then Mr. Schelling mentioned the startling increase referred to above and said he would consent to an adjournment only on the ground that the judgment be dismissed on payment of the money. This was agreed to by Mr. McNaughton and, consequently, there will be a further hearing on Thursday. The dismissal of the judgment, of course, prevents the sale of any Exposition property so far as this judgment is concerned.

December 24:  Solicitor General Richards, who stands next to Atty-Gen. Knox in the Department of Justice, has no doubt that Congress will pay the expenses of the sickness and death of the late President McKinley.

“President McKinley was assassinated because he was President,” he said, in discussing the subject, “and naturally Congress ought to pay any bills incurred while he held that office.

“Mr. McKinley would, perhaps, never have been shot had he not been the chief executive of the United States Government, and medical attention therefore being an expense attending the proceeding, Congress should pay for it, and I think it will.”

December 25: [no paper published Christmas; story from earlier in the week]

Frederick Thompson and E.S. Dundy, who were among the most prominent of the Pan-American Exposition showmen, will leave the Charleston Exposition out of their plans. They will erect the Trip to the Moon and the Aero-Cycle at Coney Island, the popular resort of New Yorkers. It is also intended to show the former illusion at Earl's Court, London, England. Imre Kiralfy saw the entertainment here and he was so much taken with it that he invited Mr. Thompson to bring it to England. The two partners are also figuring on two new attractions for the St. Louis Exposition. It is stated that Mr. Thompson is also negotiating for the purchase of a theater in New York City.

December 26:  The Chicago House Wrecking Company has become weary with waiting and has abandoned its negotiations with the Pan-American Exposition Company for the buildings which composed the big fair. While various creditors were piling up injunctions, orders, restraints and other legal bric-a-brac to see who should get the $93,000 coming from the House Wrecking Company - behold the $93,000 slips from view. It is the old story of two dogs quarreling over a piece of meat which the cat, in the meantime, made off with.

Frank Harris, the agent of the company who has conducted all the negotiations with the Exposition officials, announced Tuesday that relations between his company and the Exposition Company had been discontinued.

“It's all off,” said he, “and I shall go home tonight.”

What is the cause of your abandoning your bid for the buildings? asked the NEWS reporter.

“Because the Exposition Company can't deliver the goods,” was the reply. “My company has lost heart over this matter. I don't blame the Exposition Company - it is up against a stone wall of litigation, but I have lost eight weeks of time and it is a sickening way of doing business.”

Shall you abandon altogether the idea of obtaining the buildings? was asked.

“Not necessarily,” replied Mr. Harris. “I expect that something will be done within the next week or ten days to clear up the muddle. I expect there will be a resale of the property and if there is we may bid. We have asked for the $25,000 we deposited on our bid and I expect that we shall not have much difficulty in getting it.”

December 27:   Story 1  Arrangements are being made by the Park Commissioners which will result in beautifying many of the schools by the distributions of flowers and plants among them. The scheme has received the hearty endorsement of the School Association and will be a cheerful surprise to the many conscientious teaches who have struggled along so faithfully in their efforts to make a school room something more than a school room to the children by giving it a cheery appearance and making it a delightful place in which to work.

Commissioners Ottomar Reinecke, N. Wolff, James Sweeney and Dr. M.D. Mann, constituting the Botanical Committee, have charge of the plan which has received the approval of the Park Board. It would have been impossible to do this if the Park Board had not authorized Prof. Cowell of the South Park Botanical Gardens to make a visit to the lesser Antilles for the purpose of procuring plants.

To a SUNDAY NEWS man Commssioner Reinecke, in explaining the situation, said:

“The Botanical Committee recently paid a visit to the Botanical Gardens and found the plantation in very good condition. The larger plants, such as the palms and tree ferns, have increased wonderfully in size and numbers, so that the new material from the West Indies, consisting of a large variety of the most beautiful and interesting orchids, palms and tree ferns is lacking for the necessary space for its proper development and the question confronts us how the Botanical Director will find room for them in the near future.

“This will have to be done and we think an excellent way to do it will be to make an offer to all our public schools of as many palms as we can spare...The plants not only will brighten up the school rooms but it is possible they may awaken an interest in botany among some of the pupils.

“You see, we have received a large number of rare plants from the West Indies through the effort of Prof. Cowell and then, too, the foreign exhibitors at the Pan-American have been generous to us. All this has served to increase our stock with valuable specimens that it would be foolish not to make the most of. To get ride of some of our surplus stock by giving them to the public schools seems to me to be most commendable and I am sure, if we could get an expression of opinion from the public on the subject, it would favor the project...”

Story 2   W.P. Little, the expert accountant who has been acting as auditor of the Exposition Company, resigned yesterday and his duties were assigned to Secretary Fleming. Mr. Little had finished his work, and it is understood that he has many engagements elsewhere which he will now undertake.

The directors of the Exposition Company resolved, in their meeting yesterday, to carry out an agreement made for the transfer of a strip of land to B.C. Rumsey for the purpose of making a street near Delaware Avenue and Amherst Street. The strip in question was agreed to be conveyed to Mr. Rumsey as part of the consideration for the lease of the Rumsey lands for Exposition purposes. The strip is 80 by 400 feet.

It seems to be the consensus of opinion that the State cannot appropriate the surplus money saved by the State Commissioners to the uses of the Exposition Company because of the prohibition of such use of public money as giving it to any private enterprise or person. The express provision of the State constitution forbids doing anything for the company by the State now.

December 28:  The Carroll judgment, on which the Exposition buildings were to be sold, was ordered paid yesterday by the court, without regard to the claim of the Sheriff for $1000 fees for taking care of the property pending sale. In consequence of the order of yesterday the sale of the property is postponed indefinitely. The attorneys on both sides declare that they are winners, and apparently everybody is satisfied with the situation.

The McEvoy case has been ordered to a retrial, but Seward A. Simon, the plaintiff's attorney, is of the opinion that the lien of judgment stands during the new hearing. R.F. Schelling is of the contrary opinion, and is certain that the Exposition Company is free to do business as it sees fit.

December 29:  The official reports of the money received by the concessionaires at the Exposition have been made to the Exposition directors and the figures are now available. Only the gross receipts are to be had for they are the basis on which the percentages to the management are computed. It will be noticed that the restaurants led in the procession though their expenses may have been enough higher than the show places to bring profits down to something like equality. But even among the show places some made a great deal more profit than others by reason of their smaller expenses.

The Electric Tower elevators gathered in $83,212. This fact is not without significance in the discussion over transferring it to the Front and putting it up there for an observation point. Many will see in the returns for the season the evidence of a lasting popularity, as in the instance of the Washington Monument at the Capitol. Where the share of the Exposition Company falls below 25 percent in the table given here it is because of rebates for lack of light and such other things as the concessionaires were entitle to and did not get. The table of the lessees who received more than $50,000 is given below:

[Gross season receipts appear first, Exposition's revenue from it in brackets]
1. Bailey Restaurant  $645,617.13 [$89,549.88]

2. Alt Nurnberg  $419,179.80 [$50,946.04]

3. Pabst's  $207,629.18  [$46,480.44]

4. Beautiful Orient  $170,765.95 [$54,415.24]

5. Bostock's  $165,801.07  [$41,551.30]

6. Johnstown's Flood  $163,820.11  [$41,551.30]

7.   Soft Drinks $135,174.61  [$36,703.50]

8.  Venice in America  $133,727.23  [$39,896.23]

9. Trip to the Moon  $122,703.00  [$27,580.31]

10. McCready American Inn  $117,246.00  [$29,381.67]

11. Scenic Railway  $114,984.96  [$27,984.36]

12. Japanese Village  $111,751.53  [$19,468.70]

13. Indian Congress  $102,147.55  [$16,372.40]

14. Streets of Mexico  $100,520.38  [$19,232.69]

15. Roller Chairs  $86,472.82  [$17,888.25]

16.Krider's Restaurant  $86,371.00  [$22,117.12]

17. Darkness and Dawn  $83,972.45  [$25,160.63]

18. Philippine Village  $81,277.90  [$20.393.94]

19. Offical Badge & Souvenir  $78,750.19  [$17,180.22]

20. Swanz Restaurant  $70,442.60  [$20,707.08]

21. Nebraska Sod House  $69,830.43  [$17,939.11]

22. Michel Roast Beef Sandwiches  $65,751.00  [$16,492.89]

23. Photographic  $63,690.28  [$11,968.11]

24. Glass Works  $59,271.14  [$17,301.57]

25. House Upside Down  $51,659.65  [$14,330.12]'";

December 30:  Capt. Notter of the Black Rock Station was notified this morning that yesterday or the day before somebody entered the Honduras Building at the Exposition grounds, using a duplicate key, and stole a show case, a few wash bowls and nearly all the plumbing in the building.

Several similar thefts have occurred at the grounds recently. The police suspect a gang of men have access to the grounds and are systematically stealing material of this kind that can be easily disposed of.

December 31: The Lawyers' Club banquet, held Saturday night at the Genesee Hotel, was attended by about 50 members of the legal fraternity. After the coffee had been removed, the lawyers settled down to cigars and the election of officers for the ensuing year. The following ticket was presented and elected without opposition: President, Wallace Thayer, secretary and treasurer, Thomas H. Noonan, executive committee, Edward D. Strebel and D. B. Tuttle, membership committee, Hamilton Ward, Thomas F. Lawrence, Martin Clark, John F. Patterson and Fred Haller.

Most of the addresses dealt with the late Midway and the enormous profits of the speakers as stockholders in the different concessions. The retiring president, Charles F. Bullymore, gave some of the inside history of the concession “Around the World.” He said in part:

“Louis Hart was the first man who interested me in the Midway. He told me that he had also interested 23 other lawyers to the tune of $500 each. It seems that he had been interested in the subject by the man who contemplated being the manager of the concession. He had formerly managed a popcorn stand in Omaha, from which it will be seen that he was thoroughly conversant with Midway concessions and how to make them profitable.

So we all put up $500 apiece, giving us a capital of $12,500. The first thing we did was to pay $2500 for the concession and we thought it was cheap at that. Then we went to Brooklyn and hired Mabel Clark of Bergen Street at $1 a day. We Changed her name to Tatoo Tanzanyiki, and her place of residence to New Zealand, but when we came to buy her costume we found there was only $7 left in the treasury, and she had to be fitted out with a bathing suit that belonged to one of the stockholders. The most difficult dancer to get was a Russian. We couldn't find one for the life of us. At last we asked the wife of the manager, Mrs. Barnett, to change her name to Soapy Sobieska, and she had no objections. She made a very excellent Russian.”

Robert L. Cox explained his connection with the Alt Nurnberg concession. He said it had left him so impoverished that he had had to employ a third rate stenographer ever since. He continued, “One day a client came into my office and asked if Mr. Cox was a college graduate, and she replied, ‘I don't know, but I think so. He as some kind of a title, for everything that comes in here lately is marked, Robert L. Cox, C.O.D.’”

Hamilton Ward spoke upon the “Wild Water Sports” concession, and Herbert Bissell related some of the incidents of his service on the board of directors. Thomas A. Sullivan told of the “Experiences of an Irish Bull in the Streets of Mexico.” Mr. Bissell also read Mr. Dooley's sketch on expositions. Francis Rohr entertained with songs and Samuel B. Botsford with recitations.

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