All stories from the Buffalo Evening News, unless otherwise noted
January 1, 1901 "The Evangelist (New York) opens the new century with a movement to establish religious work at the Pan-American Exposition. The movement is said to have the support of a strong local committee of business men and ministers of Buffalo. This religious work will be entirely undenominational and eminent clergymen of all churches will be heard in The Evangelist tent where services will be held daily."
January 2, 1901 "Many persons took advantage of the fine, bracing winter weather yesterday and visited the Pan-American grounds. Aside from the buildings and grounds there was little for them to see, as most of the workmen had been given the day as a holiday. This morning work was resumed in earnest in all departments. From this time on the sound of hammers and other audible evidences of industry will be heard continually. Director of Works Carlton and other officials who have had to do with the construction, have reason to feel gratified over the splendid results achieved in the year just ended. One may gain a good idea of what has been accomplished by comparing the looks of the grounds a year ago today with its appearance at present. A beautiful city has arisen from the ground as if in response to the tapping of a magician's wand - a city which will delight the senses of millions of visitors next summer, and cause them to sound its praises and the glory of Buffalo far and wide."
January 3, 1901 "Mr. Edward H. Brush of the Bureau of Publicity visited the Alleghany Indian Reservation yesterday. He called on Casler Red Eye, one of the reservation chiefs, and interested him in the proposed Six Nations' exhibit. The old chief promised to collect many valuable relics for the exhibit. Mr. Brush saw John Kill-a-Buck, one of the leading pagan Indians of the reservation. He also talked with William C. Hoag, president of the Seneca Nation, and one of the pillars of the Presbyterian Church on the reservation. He found him anxious to have in connection with the exhibit representation of the work of the Christian Indians."
January 4, 1901 "Mrs. Edyth Tozier Weatherred of Portland, Ore., is a bright, energetic young woman who came to Buffalo today on quite a variety of missions. Mrs. Weatherred is a special writer for the Evening Telegram of Portland and a syndicate of other publications. She has the distinction of being one of the seven Pan-American commissioners for the State of Oregon and is the only woman on board. Oregon will have exhibits in the agricultural, horticultural, forestry, mining, education and manufactures departments and Mrs. Weatherred is here to help select the space for Oregon.
A.P.Tifft, another of the commissioners for Oregon, has been here for two or three days. He was formerly a Buffalonian, but is now a prominent attorney of Portland. Mrs. Weatherred will visit the Pan-American grounds this afternoon. Another mission is to consult with the press department of the Pan-American and find out what date during the Exposition it is desired that the National Editorial Association shall come here. A meeting of the executive committee of the league, of which Mrs. Weatherred is the Oregon member, will be held in Indianapolis on Jan. 15, and Mrs. Weatherred will report what is desired by the Buffalo people.
From Buffalo Mrs. Weatherred goes to New York City to attend the meeting of the executive committee of the International League of Press Clubs. The league will meet in Portland. Ore., next July and the Eastern members will attend the Pan-American Exposition in a body either going out or coming back."
January 5, 1901 "Following the announcement that Capt. Joseph T. Jones of this city had subscribed for $100,000 worth of bonds of the Pan-American Exposition in addition to his $25,000 stock subscription, comes the gratifying news that $60,000 more of bonds have been sold. The purchasers of the additional $60,000 are: Byron D. Hamlin of Smethport, Pa., who takes $50,000 worth; Harry R. Gillette, $5,000; H. Forrest, $5,000. The latter are members of Mr. Hamlin's family. Mr. Hamlin is a very conservative business man of Smethport, and the large subscription indicates his confidence in these securities as an investment.
When a non-resident of Buffalo has such a thorough belief in the success of the Exposition as to invest such large sums in Exposition securities, the Buffalonian will naturally inquire closely into his reasons for this action. One only needs to understand the enthusiasm concerning the Exposition, which is expressed in different parts of the country as well in other countries of the Western continent to be convinced of the magnificent success that is in prospect for the Exposition. The opinion is expressed by many conservative people that the attendance at the Pan-American Exposition will exceed that at the World's Fair, which was 21,000,000. In that event, not only will all bonds be liquidated, but the stockholders will receive several dollars for each dollar's worth of stock they hold."
January 6, 1901 "Director of Works Carlton has the building material ready, and the construction of the building, which is to serve as the home of the fine arts exhibit, will begin without delay", said Mr. William A. Coffin, Pan-American director of the fine arts, when see this morning by a representative of the EVENING NEWS in his office on the eighth floor of Ellicott Square. The building is to be erected on a commanding site in Delaware Park. The plans provide for an artistic, commodious structure, fire-proof and very substantial. Its interior will be divided into galleries, as will be that of the Albright building. This will necessitate no change in the plans of those having in hand the collection of the fine arts exhibit. We have been sending circular letters, setting forth the scope of the proposed fine arts exhibit, to well-known American artists and sculptors, and have received encouraging replies.
The prospects for a large and comprehensive exhibit are most excellent. In a communication from Mr. John Flanagan, well-known Parisian sculptor and pupil of St.Gaudens, comes the gratifying information that he has collected a fine assortment of sculpture at the French capital for our exhibit. The United States transport Prairie, which was used to transport from this country to France exhibits sent from the United States to the Paris Exposition, is on its way from France with a cargo of exhibits for the Pan-American. One of these is a heroic statue of Gen. Sherman, for which St. Gaudens received a medal of honor. The entire Paris Exposition exhibit of wood-workers will also be brought to Buffalo.
I have been in correspondence for some time with the leading artists of Canada with the view of ascertaining what could be accomplished in the way of securing a representative exhibit of Canadian art. Very satisfactory results have followed. The Royal Canadian Academy of Fine Arts has designated Mr. Robert Harris of Montreal to assume charge of the work of assembling samples of the work of the most prominent art workers of the Dominion. One of the galleries in the new building will be reserved for this collection. Mr. Harris was a fellow-pupil of mine at the studio of Bonnat at Paris."
January 7, 1901 "Pan-American president Milburn appointed a committee on Federal and State Legislation. This committee will look after questions which may arise at the present sessions of the National and State Legislative bodies in connection with the Exposition."
January 8, 1901 "Concessioner Dundy of the Old Plantation received today a carload of negro cabins from a plantation near Atlanta, Ga. They will be used during the Exposition as homes for the darkies who will be brought here from the South to work at cotton picking, etc. on the Old Plantation and to entertain its visitors."
January 9, 1901 "Hugh Bryan of 114 Grote Street, staff worker on the Temple of Music on the Pan-American grounds, had his skull fractured by a piece of falling staff yesterday afternoon. The hospital surgeons trephined the injury. Bryan was taken home. It is said he will recover."
January 10, 1901 "No more space for amusement concessions is to be had. Concessioners have gobbled it up with the exception of tow or three small allotments which will be reserved for restaurant buildings. The committee on concessions will turn its attention next to the printing privilege. Many applications for the official catalogue are on file. The lucky one to receive it will be notified of his good fortune about Feb 1."
January 11, 1901 "Buffalo is soon to be invaded by an army of tiny skeletons. Mr. J.J. Dunnavant, concessioner for Darkness and Dawn, recently placed an order with a toy manufacturing company in Japan for 10,000 small skeletons. They are on their way to Buffalo. They will be given away as souvenirs."
January 12, 1901 "The power plant on the Exposition grounds will be used to furnish light for the service building and fire houses after Monday" [2 days hence]"
January 13, 1901 "The Pan American delegation in Washington will make an effort to induce the Government to give the Exposition the $500,000 appropriated for the Toledo Exposition, but which has never been used because Toledo citizens failed to qualify by raising the specified amount."
January 14, 1901 "H.E. Van Dieman, assistant superintendent of horticulture, will leave Buffalo this evening on a trip through the Northwest to attend...conventions for the purpose of arousing interest in fruit exhibits at the Pan-American Exposition...Supt. Van Dieman expects to return to this city by the middle of March."
January 15, 1901 "It is to be wondered whether a great exposition project, held in a large city, was ever before subjected to such illiberal, grudging, embarassing treatment as the Pan-American Exposition is receiving from the city of Buffalo. Last Wednesday the Board of Councilmen refused police protection to the Exposition. Yesterday it was made apparent that the city had not lived up to its agreement to furnish a small amount of fire-fighting apparatus for the Exposition grounds."
January 16, 1901 "President John G. Milburn and Director-General Buchanan received a delegation of prominent Buffalo clergymen yesterday afternoon in the office of the director general, and heard their arguments in favor of closing the gates of the Exposition Sundays....The clergymen...were unanimous in favor of the absolute shutting of the grounds on the Sabbath. Somebody...made the tentative suggestion in the way of compromise, that the grounds be thrown open to the public Sundays for a 25-cent admission, and that there be music on the grounds, but that the exhibits and the Midway be closed. This appeared to strike some of the clergymen as better than to have the whole thing thrown open, but they did not say so in words."
January 17, 1901 "The question of [railroad] rates to the Pan-American Exposition will be discussed at a meeting of the Trunk Lines Association, representing all the railroads between Buffalo and New York, and the Central Passenger Association, representing all the roads between Buffalo, Chicago, and St.Louis, which meeting will be held in New York next week. This will be the first of a number of meetings by the various railroad interests, and upon the action taken at this gathering will depend that of those held later concerning passenger rates during the Exposition season. The Southern railways are reported to be in favor of continuing the regular tourists' rates to the Niagara Frontier during the entire summer, instead of during two or three months, as usual. Many of the roads advocate special low rates."
January 18, 1901 "Results regardless of cost seems to be the maxim of the Exposition Company in the latest development of the plans for the grand fountain and basin and its approaches. This consists of raising the grade of the Plaza and the Court of the Fountains six feet. This is effected by means of a heavy platform of planks resting upon piles. It extends from the Propylaea to the Cascades between the Transportation building and Manufacturers' building. About one square mile is covered with the platform. The planks will be covered with two inches of cement. At the base of the Electric Tower the Grand Basin for the fountains will also be constructed of planks sunk in the platform. The basin will be covered with waterproof canvas, which will in turn be treated with materials to make it still more water-tight. The platform passes over Amherst street at the Court of the Fountains at a height of 8 feet, leaving the future mall a sunken road between the Transportation and Electricity buildings."
January 19, 1901 "It was officially announced [yesterday] that on and after the 1st of February, an admission fee will be charged for entrance to the Pan-American grounds. The rates will be 25 cents for adults and 15 cents for children. Supt. Cash of the Department of Admissions is busy upon a system of gate keepers, ticket sellers and clerks for that department of the Exposition. The details have been worked out and all that remains to be done is to select the persons to fill the various positions."
January 20, 1901 "The registration committee of the [New York] metropolitan Association of the A.A.U. is very busy nowadays registering athletes throughout the State. This increased work of the committee is due to the fact that athletes are beginning to understand that the amateur athletic events given at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo will be decided under the rules of the Amateur Athletic Union. The A.A.U. rules require that each and every athlete in order to be eligible to amateur competition must be registered, and the many events which are scheduled for the Exposition between May and November will necessarily draw entries from all over the State, as well as in the other districts controlled by the various associations of the Amateur Athletic Union."
January 21, 1901 "J.N. Adam, Simon Fleischmann and Director of Concessions F. W. Taylor returned to this city yesterday after a successful trip for the Pan-American Exposition. The three met in Lincoln, Neb., and were introduced to Gov.Dietrich and W.J.Bryan. Both declared they will visit the Exposition. Various horticultural, agricultural and live stock associations also expressed their intention of making exhibits. Members of the Missouri legislature, which has introduced a bill calling for an appropriation of $100,000 for a State building and exhibit, promised to do all in their power to assist the cause. Illinois and Michigan also gave indications of swinging into line. Enthusiasm for the Exposition greeted the members of the delegation wherever they went, and they returned delighted with their trip."
January 22, 1901 "Karl Bitter returned to New York last night to take up the modeling of the equestrian standard bearers for the monumental bridge. The horses and riders will be of heroic size. He has 110 mem employed upon the 500 pieces of statuary needed in the scheme for statuary ornamentation. Over 100 pieces are awaiting shipment to this city. Yesterday Director Bitter supervised the setting out of the figures composing the Lyric Music group upon the Temple of Music, the central figures for the fountains of Ceres and Kronos, several torch-bearers in the Electric Tower and the heroic groups in the Fountain of Man."
January 23, 1901 "Superintendent Cash of the Bureau of Admissions and Collections has made arrangements for installing three turn-stiles at the Country Club [Women's Building] and Amherst street entrances to the Pan-American grounds ready for the paid admission regime to be inaugurated Feb. 1. Supt. Cash does not expect to take in much money at first. The chief advantage from the turnstile system during the first three months will be the practice derived there from for ticket sellers, ticket takers, inspectors and the general machinery of the bureau under charge of Supt. Cash. The force of ticket manipulators and bookkeepers will be put in motion with the opening of the bureau on the 1st of next month, and will be so well drilled by the operation of the three turnstiles that all will be broken in for the rush when the 50 turnstiles are set in motion on the 1st of May by the opening of the Exposition. Supt. Cash has not hired his force yet, but he is receiving applications at the rate of about 50 per day."
January 24, 1901 "President John G. Milburn of the Pan-American Exposition made a flying missionary trip to Albany today in the interest of the Pan-American. He called on Gov. Odell and was closeted with him for an hour or more. When the conference was over Mr. Milburn hurried to the New York Central station, and was soon on his way back to Buffalo. He came to see the Governor, it is understood, with reference to obtaining an additional appropriation for the Pan-American Exposition. The money, if appropriated by the Legislature, is to be used for the benefit of the Exposition in a way yet to be decided upon. It is understood it is not to be used, however, in the creation of the exhibit which the New York State Board of Managers is arranging."
January 25, 1901 "Senor Albino R. Nuncio of the division of patents, trademarks and expositions in the Department of Promotion in the Mexican government, returned to Mexico yesterday. Senor Nuncio does not consider his mission to the Pan-American Exposition entirely successful. He wanted 16,000 feet of space in the various buildings for the Mexican exhibits, but has secured only 6,000. He is enthusiastic of the general scheme of the grounds and buildings. The latter he pronounces far ahead of those at Chicago and Omaha, which he has visited. The coloring and ornamentation he finds far ahead of anything he has seen in a similar line, and he will carry back a glowing report of the Exposition to Mexico."
January 26, 1901 "One hundred thousand of the new bird's-eye views of the Pan-American Exposition, in colors, are ready for distribution among the leading hotels, railway stations and business resorts of the country. Two thousand will be framed for railroad stations, steamboat offices and hotels."
January 27, 1901 "Two hundred of the leading hotels and clubs of the country were recently sounded by the Bureau of Publicity as to whether they would give framed copies of the Spirit of Niagara poster a prominent place in their rooms. Fifty-four have replied that they would be very glad to have them."
January 28, 1901 "The strike of the plasters at the Exposition has been settled on the basis that the carpenters shall nail on the staff ornaments, but that the plasterers shall be their helpers. As the carpenters receive $2.80 a day and the plasterers $4, it is feared that the settlement will not prove very durable."
January 29, 1901 "Workmen will be required to put in nine hours for a day's work hereafter on the Exposition Buildings."
January 30, 1901 "William Highlander, 28 years old, a workman employed on the Government building at the Pan-American grounds, fell from the high roof of the building at 11 o'clock this morning and was instantly killed. Coroner Wilson was notified shortly after the accident and went out to make an investigation. The county undertaker was ordered to remove the body to the Morgue. From the information received by the Coroner, it appears that Highlander was at work on the high roof when he slipped and fell. He rolled to the edge of the roof, wildly clutching at something to stop his fall. There was nothing on the smoothly tiled roof which he could grasp, and in an instant he disapppeared over the edge. He fell about 30 feet to another roof, where his body stopped. It was quickly taken down and to the hospital on the grounds, but he had been killed instantly and nothing could be done for him. It was found that he had sustained a fracture of the skull and internal injuries."
January 31, 1901 "At the request of Director-General Buchanan, the executive committee of the board of women managers at its meeting this morning designated Mrs. William Hamlin, president of the board, to take charge of the furnishing of the women's building, the late Country Club House. Mrs. Hamlin chose Mrs. Charles Cary for her assistant. It was announced on the authority of President Zabriskie of Brooklyn that the New York State Federation of Women's Clubs would meet in this city on the 8th, 9th, and 10th of October. On one of those days the federation will hold a Congress of Women's Clubs to which representatives of all those organizations will be invited to send delegatesss. Miss Marian De Forest, secretary of the board of women manangers, will give a stereopticon talk on the Exposition before the Mozart Club of Jamestown next Tuesday afternoon. The other womens' clubs of Jamestown and two from Pennsylvania will also be present."