May 12, 1901 Dear "Little Sister," You must excuse the looks of the writing because I am sitting in a rocking chair on the porch with my paper on my knee. It has been the most beautiful morning imaginable but clouded up and rained. Thank you so much for the picture especially the one of yourself and little Alice. It is the cutest picture I have seen in a good while, in fact, if you can spare me another I should like very much to have it. Mother thinks it is great. What were the two pictures of Carol you kept back. I saw all she had, gym suits and all so don't be afraid to send them on if you wish to. And as to having your photo taken - why - don't even stop to think about it but go ahead and have it taken, of course remembering your brother - be good. I'll wager I would know what you meant if you told me what Laura gave you, even if I am "a man." Be sure to remember me to Sister's Sis. You can not realize how I enjoy your nice long letters, they are the most enertaining letters I ever got. I haven't heard from Carol since I wrote her the evening of the day I wrote first to you. Wonder if she is angry about anything. Tell her I told you that she had given me the throw down. This ink is so poor I'm going to use pencil - you don't mind, do you? I have my garden all spaded up and partly planted, how I wish it were all done. I am getting lots of good from my out of doors work and am feeling fine. Work hard all day here at home and then go out in the evening. Have been out in the evening for eight days running and have most of this week's planned for. But none of them can come up to some I had on the porch of Cottage One. Tomorrow is the annual banquet, social and businesss meeting and election of officers for the ensuing year of the [ed. note: CE? symbol of a letter C with an E inside; sounds like a fraternity]. Speaking of [CE] a queer little thing happened yesterday. I was out at the Pan-Am and was passing thro' one of the buildings when a great strapping fellow stepped up to me wiht a How-do-you-do and a hand-shake, saying, "I see you wear the pin." Then I noticed the [CE] pin on the lapel of his coat. As I was saying I went out to the Pan-Am yesterday with my chum, about ten o'clock and go home a little after six, having been walking the whole time, not even sitting down to lunch. Then, after we had supper at his house, as we were feeling pretty good, we put in about six miles more just for exercise. The Expo is far from complete but work is being rushed right
along. I probably shant go again right away. The real R.G.M. and Laura must be having a great old time, what does she think of him? He's quite a boy. So you are going to bear writing, spelling, and punctuation - I see your finish in the glory land. I can't say that I blame you a bit so soaking G.T.M. once in a while - I have two elder brothers and know what it is - of course boy[s] always fight such things out. Never mind - chirrup. What was that joke about .... [unintelligble] Shocking - shocking - engaged - whew!!!!!! Wouldn't that jar a fellow's slats. I'm quite glad you told me - it is so refreshing to learn a little about one's own affairs once in a while. That's just like George - he's a chump. Have you undeceived the people yet? Did Tyler or your Mother hear of it - what was to say - tell me all about it. No, Sis - better not keep it up - I'd hate to get a reputation of being the kind of fellow who would get engaged while he is yet dependent on his mother for his bread and butter. That grape arbor must certainly be a pretty place - just the thing for a hammock on a warm summer evening - a Leisurely Lane evening for instance. No I won't be mad about your treatment of the G.C. picture. It is yours so you have a right to do as you please with it. I don't know what stamp flirtation is - I never did - but as you are so fond of the aforesaid amusement I send you a group of pictures from this morning's Express, which may interest you, also a cutting from the Brown Book which is really clever. This afternoon I called on two sisters, had to stay to tea and of course took one to church this evening. Another fellow came to take the other one out - a fellow I had not met before. He saw my photo on the piano and glancing at it and not noticing who it was said, "That fellow has plenty of brass in his face." I could hardly hold in but I managed to keep a straight face and agreeing with him started to run the face in the photo down he agreeing with my in everything. A little later one of the girls told him the photo was of me. You should have seen the poor fellow - I thought I'd die. He didn't know what to do but finally managed to apologize. I laughed at the joke and that made him all the worse. It was rich. I had the pleasure, today, of listening to two of as fine sermons as I have ever heard, by our old pastor. After meeting I spoke with him and he seemed so glad to see me, urged me to call and so when I do I shall try to spunk up enough nerve to ask him for copies of them. Good morning, I just discovered that it is five minutes of one Monday morning so I must cut it out as I have a hard day before me so Good night Betts, Your brother Jim |
To the June 2, 1901 James Hall Letter