Grangers Were on Hand Early

Farmers Took Much Interest in the Exhibits at the Exposition

Buffalo Evening News, August 28, 1901

"I predict that there will be 10,000 Grangers here today," said J.H. Durkee, superintendent of dairy exhibits, to a reporter this morning. "I am beginning to feel at home on the grounds. I have this morning met more people from the smaller places in New York State than I have met on all the other days of the Exposition put together."

The Grange Day ceremonies proper will be held in the Temple of Music this afternoon. There are, however, many smaller affairs to which the members of the Grange have been specially invited. There is going on, all day, an informal reception in the Grange building, at the "sign of the plow," where such State officers as are on the grounds are receiving the members of the Grange from all parts of the State.

The members of the Grange, many of them, this morning accepted an invitation to visit the agricultural machinery exhibit under the Stadium to witness the demonstration from 10 to 12 of the working capabilities of a mowing machine. Demonstrations with other steam and electricity propelled farming implements were on the programme.

The Agricultural building proper, the Dairy building, the Model Dairy, and the Pan-American swine show were all visited by large numbers of Grangers this morning.


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