Handsome Features of Japanese Village - May 30, 1901 Buffalo Times article describing Fair Japan.
Japanese Wedding on the Midway -
June 12, 1901 Buffalo Evening News article about an upcoming wedding.
Japs Married on the Midway - June 14, 1901 Buffalo Evening News recounting of the wedding of Omoto and Shiari.
In Fair Japan - July 9, 1901 Buffalo Evening News article about the Japanese artisans and their wares.
West Pointers Now Make Dainty Village Their Headquarters on Midway - August 23, 1901 Buffalo Evening News article
Cupid Invades Fair Japan - August 26, 1901 Buffalo Evening News article about another romance
Mr. Kushibiki's Exposition Story - compilation of news articles on his unfortunate injury and recovery - Buffalo Evening News, July - September 1901
Bryn Mawr Girls at Fair Japan - September 30, 1901 Buffalo Evening News article
Edison Movie of Fair Japan Acrobats, July 31, 1901 - link to Libary of Congress where video of this movie can be viewed or downloaded. (If this link is not working, go to http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/edhtml/edac.html and scroll down to 'Expositions'; then click on "Japanese Village.")
Wonderful Dwarf Trees - October 9, 1901 Buffalo Evening News article
Attitudes about the Japanese Jinrikisha - November 14, 1902 - from the New York Evening Sun, a viewpoint that the human-powered jinrikisha was shameful and should not be used at fairs as a novelty of transportation.
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