Thousands of Grangers Are Coming Here.

National Grange Day at the Exposition Will Be Great Event

Buffalo Evening News, September 20, 1901

E.P. Norris of Sodus, N.Y., who in addition to being president of the New York State Grange, is also chairman of the Executive committee of the National Grange, is in Buffalo with Secretary Giles of the State Grange, arranging for National Grange Day which, as has been reported, will be held at the Pan-American Exposition on Oct. 10. Owing to an inability to get the members of the National Grange together before that date, the meeting in the Temple of Music on that day will be made the occasion for the passage of resolutions recording the feelings of the grangers of the United States on the death of the President.

The Grange, which is 500,000 strong in the United States, and Mr. Norris said this morning that he had received information which leads him to believe that an excursion train will come to the Pan-American from every State in the Union loaded with Grangers. From states like Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, where the order is strong there will be two and three trains, and in some instances five and six.

New Hampshire, a state with only two granges within its borders, has notified him that it already has made arrangements to send to Buffalo one grange excursion train which will carry 500 people, and is now at work arranging for a second train. It is likely that more than half the membership from New Hampshire will come. If the proportion is preserved in other states Grange Day will be as big, if not bigger, than New York Day is expected to be.

New York Grangers will be here in large numbers. Many did not attend the New York Grange Day ceremonies at the Temple of Music, preferring to wait for the exercises of the National body. This summer 10 new granges have been organized in New York State alone.


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