Buffalo Evening News,
September 6, 1901
From the Society Pages
chief function arranged in honor of Mrs. McKinley for yesterday was
a reception and luncheon given by the Board of Women Managers of the
Pan-American. The event was a great disappointment to the women managers
, as well as to the distinguished ladies of the Diplomatic Corps' party,
and of the republic represented at the Exposition -- for Mrs. McKinley
did not attend the reception. Mrs. McKinley was greatly fatigued by
the exertion of the forenoon and she left the stand on the Esplanade
immediately after the President finished his address. It was stated
officially that she would go to the home of Mr. Milburn, which she did,
being Every preparation had been made to make the reception and luncheon in every way delightful and befitting the station and the dignity of the First Lady of the Land. The reception began at 1 o'clock and a half hour later the 65 guests sat down to luncheon which was served in the reception room, the parlor, and the small rooms adjoining. The rooms were charmingly decorated, the mantels, tables and windows being filled with the richest flowers which the Exposition gardens afford, and which the local florists could procure. The decoration was high tribute to the taste, the ability and the artistic knowledge of Supt. Scott of the department of Horticulture. The reception room was a bower of palms, potted plants and baskets filled with roses. In the tea room, where the ladies of Mrs. McKinley's party enjoyed the luncheon, upon the table was a magnificent cluster of white roses and scattered throughout the room were bunches of asters and red roses. In the main dining room palms and white asters were effectively used in decoration, and in the magazine room clusters of beautiful helianthus and salvia, in vases and jardinieres, letn pleasing contrast to the general theme of the decoration. The guests were received by Mrs. John Miller Horton, chairman of the committee on entertainment; Mrs. William Hamlin, president of the Board of Women Managers, and Mrs. William A. Rogers, vice-president of the board, assisted by members of the board generally. The luncheon proved a delightful affair. The menu was as follows: Sweetbreads and mushroom patties Chicken Salad Coffee. Ice Cream. Cake The Misses Barber of the Presidential party were chaperoned by Mrs. Horton who accompanied them from the speaking stand after the President's address, to the review in the Stadium, and also to the reception. Among the ladies who took luncheon with the ladies of Mrs. McKinley's party were Mrs. Leonard Wood, wife of Gen. Wood, the Governor-General of Cuba; Mme. de Wollant, wife of the ambassador from Russia; Senora Don Marcia de Calvo, wife of the Minister from Costa Rica; the Duchess de Arcos, wife of the Spanish Minister; Senora Frederico Alfonso Pezzet, wife of Pan-American Commissioner Pezzet of Peru, and Mme. Sidkey Bey, of Turkey, and the officers of the Women's Board..... A very enjoyable feature of the occasion was the singing of Miss Effie Greenwood of Hornellsville, N.Y., a soprano possessing a beautiful voice of high range. Miss Greenwood was accompanied by her tutor, Mr. LaFrone Merriman, on the violin and Prof. F.W. Riesberg of New York, formerly of this city, on piano. Miss Greenwood is a charming young lady as well as a singer. She sang Dell Acqua's "Ave Maria" and Proch's "Aria, with variations" with excellent effect. The "Ave Maria" especially was admirably sung, being notable for the high range attained by the singer. Mr. Merriman played the Staccato Polka by Mudler charmingly on his violin. The reception ended shortly after 3 o'clock and the ladies in the President's party, with the ladies who were guests at the luncheon, went in carriages to the President's reception at the Government Building, which followed his hurried inspection of the building and its exhibits. The President stood in the central court of the building and the guests were presented by Gen J.H. Brigham, chairman of the Government Board. |
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