Women's Building Articles

Excerpt from brochure published by the Board of Women's Managers

Women & The Pan American -Harper's Weekly 1901

No ' Women's Department' - Buffalo Evening News, January 18, 1901

Wells College Day - Buffalo Evening News, June 18, 1901

The Women's Building - Rendezvous - Buffalo Express, June 23, 1901

Wellesley Tea - Buffalo Evening News, July 3, 1901

Reception in the Storm - Buffalo Evening News, July 6, 1901

That Women's Building - Buffalo Express, August 8, 1901

Reception for Mrs. Nelson A. Miles - Buffalo Evening News August 27, 1901

Luncheon for Mrs. McKinley President's Day - Buffalo Evening News, September 6, 1901

Letter from a Women's Building Visitor - October 11, 1901 (private collection)

International Council of Women Session - August 22, 1901 (Buffalo Express)

How Feminine Leaders Distinguished Themselves... - Buffalo Courier Express, November 17, 1965



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