guided tour
Choose a Self-Guided Tour From the Packages Below

Click on any quadrant of the map below and that section will be revealed in detail.
Northwest (Midway, Tower Electricity Bldg, Mach & Transp Bldg, Hort, Mines, Graphic Arts Bldgs, etc.)

Northeast (Tower, Stadium, Agriculture, Manuf & Liberal Arts Bldgs, Ethnology, U.S. Gov't Bldgs)
Southwest (Major flower gardens, Women's Bldg, New York Bldg, Temple of Music, electric fountains) Southeast (Bldgs of states and countries, exposition art gallery, life saving exhibit, formal entrance to grounds)


Buildings for Which Tour Packages Are Complete

Acetylene Building
Agriculture Building
Art Building
Baker's Chocolate
Dairy Building
Emergency Hospital
Flower Beds
Forestry Building
Grange Building
Graphics Arts/Graphic Arts Workshop
Lowney's Chocolate
Larkin Soap Company
Life-Saving Exhibit
Miniature Railway
Mission Building
Model Dairy
Service Building
Stadium: Agricultural Implements Exhibit
Temple of Music
Women's Building
U.S. Government Buildings


"Battle of Missionary Ridge" War Cyclorama
Fair Japan
The Infant Incubator
The Pabst Pavilion
The Aeriocycle

State and Foreign Buildings

Alaska Building
Canada Building
Michigan Building
Minnesota Building
Nebraska Sod House
New England Building

Puerto Rico Building